Skin Care Center Ecology Flashcards
The study of small living organisms called microbes.
One celled organisms also called germs or microbes.
Disease producing bacteria.
Non disease producing bacteria.
Approximately ___% of all bacteria are nonpathogenic, many of which live on the skin and are harmless.
Nonpathogenic bacteria that live on dead matter.
What type of bacteria has health enhancing properties and cashes the decay or refuge?
What type of bacteria live everywhere in the environment and even inside your body? They cause infection and are easily spread.
The study of bacteria.
Spherical or round shaped bacterial cells which appear singularly or on groups.
Pus forming bacterial cells that form grape like bunches or clusters and are present in abscesses, pustules, and boils.
Pus forming bacterial cells which form in long chains and cause septicemia, strep throat, rheumatic fever and other serious infections.
Bacterial cells that grow in pairs and are the cause of certain infections, including pneumonia.
The most common form of bacterial cells. They are bar or rod shaped cells that produces diseases such as tetanus, influenza, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and diphtheria.
Spiraled or coiled, cork screw shaped bacterial cells that cause highly contagious disease like syphillis and cholera.
A _____ occurs when an insufficient number of antibodies are produced by the body’s immune system to fight harmful bacterial cells.
The vegetative stage where bacteria reproduce and grow rapidly.
Active stage
What is the process in which a fully grown cell divides to create 2 cells?
In 12 hours how much offspring can bacteria produce?
16 million
The dormant stage that bacteria enter when the environment names the bacterias survival difficult.
Inactive stage
During the inactive stage how do bacteria protect themselves?
They create spherical spores resistant to disinfectants, cold, and heat.
Bacilli and spirilla are able to move themselves by using hair like projections called ____.
Flagella or cilia
How many bacteria could fit on the head of a pin?
A sub microscopic infectious agent that replicates itself within cells of living hosts is called a _____.
Which is smaller, a bacteria or a virus?
_____ live on their own and require host cells in order to survive.
A highly infectious disease that interferes with the body’s natural immune system.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS.
A highly infectious disease that affects the liver.
How is HIV spread?
Blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk - transfer of fluids
Organisms that grow and feed on other living organisms which are referred to as hosts. They contribute nothing to their host and cause contagious disease.
External parasite
Head lice, itch mites, ringworm, and nail fungus are all examples of?
External parasites
A _________ occurs when disease causing bacteria or viruses enter the body and multiply to the point of interning with the body’s normal state.
An object that contains pathogens is considered _________.
Bacteria or viruses that are transmitted through blood or body fluids and cause infectious diseases.
Blood borne pathogens
Contagious infections or communicable diseases are caused by _________ pathogens.
Air borne
______ disease cause infection and are communicable by casual contact. Not all infectious diseases are contagious because not all of them are spread through casual contact.
What diseases are both infectious and contagious?
Chicken pox, herpes, influenza, measles, and tuberculosis.
A contagious, potential fatal infection caused by air borne bacteria that first affects the lungs.
An infection present in a small, confined area often indicated by a pus filled boil, pimple, or inflammation.
An infection that affects all parts of the body from the circulatory system carrying bacteria and toxins.
General or systemic
What is an asymptomatic carrier?
A person carrying disease producing bacteria or viruses with no recognizable symptoms.
Using consistent infection control procedures for all clients.
Universal precautions
The body’s ability to destroy infectious agents that enter it.
A partially inherited natural resistance to a disease.
Natural immunity
Occurs through vaccinations or the injection of antigens which stimulate the body’s immune response.
Passive (acquired) immunity
The term used to describe efforts to prevent the spread of disease and kill microbes.
Infection control
The ability to produce results or effectiveness.
Infection control procedures are divided into which of the following 3 levels?
Sanitation. Disinfection. Sterilization.
What symptoms could indicate an allergic reaction to latex?
Hives, itching, swelling
The lowest level of infection control that serves as the foundation and is the physical removal of debris.
Products used to arrest or prevent the growth of microorganisms on the skin.
Required labels on all disinfectants that inform the user about what organisms the product is effective against.
Efficacy labels
Washing your hands with a liquid antibacterial soap and water is an example of procedures during?
The second level of infection control that does not eliminate bacterial spores.
Instruments can be pre cleaned using ?
High frequency energy waves
The 2001 OSHA blood borne pathogens standard require the use of?
An EPA registered disinfectant
Objects that may come in contact with mucus membranes or skin that is broken are known as?
Semi critical
Objects that come in contact with intact skin are known as?
Non critical
The regulating agency under the department of labor that enforces safety and health standards in the workplace.
Occupational safety health administration. OSHA
Provides key information on a specific product regarding ingredients, associated hazards, combustion levels, and storage info.
Material safety data sheets MSDS
Approves the efficacy of products used for infection control.
Environmental protection agency EPA
A broad spectrum disinfectant to be used in the skin care center must meet what 2 requirements?
Effective against HIV and human hepatitis b virus or tuberculoidal
Sponges and disposable nail files are porous so they can’t be ______.
The highest level of infection control that destroys all small organisms, including bacterial spores.
What type of container is required for the storage of disinfected implements?
What type of objects require sterilization since they come into contact with sterile tissue or the vascular system?
Critical objects
The process referred to as double bagging occurs when…
A blood spill occurs
To protect your skin when mixing chemical disinfecting agents it is important to…
Wear gloves
Utilizes UV light to kill bacteria in a dry setting.
UV light sterilizer
A pressurized, steam heated vessel that sterilizes objects with high pressure and heat, preventing microorganisms from surviving. It is self locking due to pressurization.
What two items should not be put in an autoclave because they can break?
High frequency or galvanic glass electrodes
Tools and instruments used to puncture or invade the skin must be sterilized or ?
A machine that sterilizes surgical instruments with a high pressure, high temperature water, alcohol, and formaldehyde vapor.
What are the steps for first aid for bleeding wounds?
Cover wound and apply pressure, elevate the limb, apply bandage after bleeding stops. Never apply a tourniquet
To prevent chemical burns from products it is always best to perform a ______ first.
Patch test
What are the steps to caring for a chemical burn?
Remove product with damp cloth, move any contaminated clothing, apply cold compresses, cover burn loosely, refer to a dr.
How do you care for a heat burn?
Immerse in cool water, don’t break blisters, don’t apply ointment, call 911 and cover loosely.
What are the signs of someone choking?
Unable to speak or cough, may be gasping or wheezing
What is the first aid for choking?
Determine if victim can talk or cough, wrap arms around them and make a thumbless fist, perform upward thrusts
What type of burn is usually the result of faulty equipment or improper use of equipment?
Electrical burn
What is the first aid for a fainting victim?
Turn them into back so they can get air, if they vomit roll them onto side, apply cold compesses to the face
What is the first aid for a cut, scratch, or embedded object in the eye?
Place gauze pad over the eyes, do not try to removed the embedded object, go to eye dr
What is the first aid for a chemical injury to the eye?
Hold eyelids apart and flush with lukewarm water, place gauze pad over both eyes, go to eye dr