Skill Acquisition - Transfer Of Skill Flashcards
What is proactive transfer?
Th influence of one skill on a skill yet to be performed
What is retroactive transfer?
The influence of one skill on the learning of a skill that has previously been learned
What is positive transfer?
When the learning and performance of one skill helps the learning and performance of another skill
What is negative transfer?
When the learning and performance of one skill hinders the learning and performance of another skill
What is bilateral transfer?
The transfer of learning from one limb to another
What is the identical elements theory?
Positive transfer is more likely to occur when there is more similarity between skills
When is positive transfer more likely to happen?
- if the structure and context of the skills are performed in similar to those used in teaching
- if the information processing requirements in practice are similar to the ones of the actual skill
- the amount of positive transfer depends on how well the skill was previously learned
- if the skill is taught in part each part must be learned thoroughly
How does negative transfer occur?
- associated with the performer misunderstanding the movement
- occurs when a familiar stimulus requires a new response
(Exam question)
What makes negative transfer most likely to occur in sport?
- Performer misunderstanding the movement requirement
- A familiar stimulus requiring a new response
- Different skills seem to be similar
- Conflicting skills are taught close together
- When practice environment is different to competition environment
(Exam question)
Give one way in which a coach in sport can minimise negative transfer occurring
- Draw the performers attention to the differences in the response
- Make sure skills are thoroughly learned before moving on to new ones
- Avoid teaching skills together that are similar
- Make practice session similar to the performance
What are the 2 ways in which bilateral transfer takes place?
- The cognitive aspect: understanding what is required.
- The MP is transferred: the pattern of the movement is learned automatically
Give an example of bilateral transfer
Football player who learns to kick the ball with there dominant foot, and then finds it easier to develop skills with their foot
Give an example of proactive transfer
A tennis player who learns to play squash and finds that existing racket skills help them pick up squash techniques more easily.
Give an example of positive transfer
Basketball player practice dribbling and also finds it easier to control the ball when playing football
Give an example of retroactive
Rugby player who learns new tackling techniques in wrestling
Give an example of negative transfer
Baseball player who takes up gold and struggles because their baseball swinging mechanics interfere with the proper gold swing.
How can positive effects be optimised?
- Make practices true to game related scenarios.
- Highlights similar movements of skills.
- Teach similar skills close together.
- Make sure the previous skill as well learned
- Use positive reinforcement when positive trans occurs.
(Exam question)
Describe proactive transfer and bilateral transfer in sport, using an example for each.
Explain what a physical education teacher could do during a session to help ensure that positive transfer occurs for the peoples learning sports skills.
- (Proactive transfer) - previously learned skill influences a skill currently being learned e.g. throwing a ball will help an over arm volleyball serve
- (Bilateral transfer) - capacity of the performer who may be dominantly right sided to perform the skill with the left side e.g. a footballer shooting with left and right foot
- Learner should be made aware of transferable elements of a previously learn skill.
- Clear and concise demonstrations should be given to ensure that they can transfer elements of demonstration
- The situation needs to be similar to the real situation.
- The closer the practices to the real thing the greater the chance of positive transfer
- Ensure that previously learned skills have been well learned.