Skeletal System TEST #1 Flashcards
Vinegar Cup
Knob, Knuckle
Crow’s beak
Joint Socket
Thin Plate
Make, Produce
How many bones are found in the humans skeleton?
Why do babies have more bones than adults?
Babies are born with 270 soft bones, many of which fuse together in the late teens.
What are the functions of the skeletal system?
- Supports body (bones of lower limbs, pelvis, and vertebral column support body’s weigh)
- Gives shape to structures such as head, face, and limbs
- Protects organs like the heart and lungs
- Allows movement (serves as points of attachment for muscles)
- Produce blood cells (red, white, platelets)
- Stores inorganic salts (minerals) like calcium and phosphorus which our bodies need for proper maintenance
What two body systems interact to provide movement?
Skeletal system and muscular system
Muscles are connected to bones by ____
Bones are connected to bones by ______
Where two bones meet one another is used called a _____ or _______.
joint or articulation
How do muscles produce movement of a joint?
The muscles must be attached to two different bones involved in the joint. When the muscles contract, they pull the bones together and a bend occurs at the joint; when the muscles relax, the bones straighten out and the joint is no longer bent.
Give an example of the bones and muscles working together to cause bending at a joint, then straightening at the joint.
A contraction of the biceps coupled with a relaxation of the triceps produces a bend at the elbow.A contraction of the triceps coupled with a relaxation of the biceps produces a straight arm.
Where are blood cells produced?
In the red marrow of certain bones
What are two primary mineral salts stored in bone?
Calcium and phosphorus
What results in the release of these two minerals from the bone when blood levels of them drop?
Hormones from the endocrine system
What is Osteoporosis?
Disease of the bone in which the bone mineral density is reduced, bone structure is disrupted, and proteins in bone are altered
How does the axial skeleton differ from the appendicular skeleton?
Axial skeleton: consists of the bones forming the axis of the body: head, neck, and trunk Appendicular skeleton: consists of the appendages and the bones (girdles) which anchor them to the axial skeleton.
Name and locate the major bones of the axial skeleton
- Skull (8 cranial and 14 facial bones)
- Middle ear bones (Malleus, incus, stapes)
- Hyoid bone (Supports tongue, attaches muscles that move tongue)
- Vertebral column bones (surround spinal cavity)
- Thoracic cage bones (surround thoracic cavity and include the ribs and sternum)
Name and locate the major bones of the appendicular skeleton
- Upper extremities (whole arm)
- Pectoral Girdle (clavicle and scapula)
- Lower extremities (whole leg)
- Pelvic girdle (coxal or hip bones made up of ilium, ischium, and pubis)
List the five types of bones and give an example of each
Long bones (femur)
Short bones (tarsal)
Flat bones (parietal bone of head)
Irregular bones (vertebrae)
Sesamoid or round bones (patella)
What are some characteristics of long bones? Where are they found?
Are longer than they are wide; have expanded ends called epiphyses (singular epiphysis); shaft is called the diaphysis
Found in the upper and lower extremities
Describe the epiphysis
Expanded ends of long bone
Articulate with other bones
Covered with hyaline cartilage
Have spongy bone inside so aren’t as stong as the diaphysis or shaft
The epiphysis closest to the trunk is the proximal epiphysis while the epiphysis farthest from the trunk is the distal epiphysis
What are some characteristics of the diaphysis?
Enclosed by membrane called the periosteum
Wall is composed of compact bone which is hard, solid , strong, and resists compressional forces
Centrally-located medullary cavity (hollow chamber) has nerve fibers and blood vessels
Medullary cavity is lined with endosteum which forms bone
Marrow a soft connective tissue can also fill the medullary cavity in some bones
What are some characteristics of short bones? Where are they found?
Are short and cube-shaped so lengths and widths are roughly equal
Include bones found in the wrists and ankles
What are some characteristics of flat bones? Where are they found?
Have broad surfaces for protection of organs and attachment of muscles
Include ribs, cranium, pectoral girdle
What are some characteristics of irregular bones? Where are they found?
All bones not falling into previous categories
Include vertebrae and some skull bones
What are some characteristics of sesamoid or round bones?
Small and nodular, embedded within tendons adjacent to joints
include patella (knee cap)