Skeletal System (Ch. 5) Flashcards
Functions of the skeletal system
- Support
- Protection - ribs, skull, vertebrae
- Leverage - muscles pull on bones
- Blood cell production -bone marrow produces erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets
- Storage of minerals - calcium, phosphate ions
Characteristics of bones
- Bone is a composite material
- Made from 2 classes of material:
(1) Inorganic: 70% calcium phosphate – very strong, inflexible, resist compressive forces
(2) Organic: 30% collagen fibers – tough, flexible, tensile strength, resists stretching forces - Bone remodels under the influence of forces (stress)
- Bone is stronger in one plane, weaker in another
Osteoproginitor cell
-bone stem cell
- differentiate to form new osteoblasts
- heavily involved in the repair of bones after a break
- mature bone cell
- entrapped by body tissue
- lacunae – layers called laminae
- Monitor and maintain protein and mineral content of the matrix
- small channals extending from osteocytes to bone capillaries called canaliculi
Small channels extending from osteocytes to bone capillaries
- provide a route for nutrients and waste products from one osteocyte to another across gap juntions
Small chambers that osteocytes occupy
- connected by canaliculi
- sandwiched between layers of calcified matrix -ie lamellae
layers of calcified matrix sandwiching lacunae
Cuboidal cells
- make new bone cells (osteogenesis)
- produce and secrete osteoid (collagenous material- later mineralize and form matrix)
- differentiate into osteocytes when entrapped
Collagenous material that will later mineralize into the matrix
- secreted by the osteoblasts in osteogenesis
Large, multinucleated - form precursor blood cells
- secretes acids which dissolves bone
- causes the release of stored calcium ions and phosphate ions into the blood
- found where bone is being removed
End of long bones
- consists of red marrow
Shaft of long bone
- medullary cavity consists of yellow marrow
Narrow growth zone between epiphysis and diaphysis
Spongy bone
Open network of struts and plates (trabeculae)
Surrounds medullar cavity – consisted on bone marrow
- supports/protects red marrow in the epiphysis of bone
Compact bone
(dense bone)
- forms the wall of the bone
- consists of osteons -> basic functioning unit of bone
- osteon arrangement is parallel to bone axis = lots of strength
Outer surface of bone
- actively involved in repair and growth
- provides attachment for circulatory and nervous supply
-highly innervated
Inner surface of bone
- actively involved in repair and growth
- lines medullary cavity
- one cell thick and incomplete
- consists of osteoprogenitor cells