Site Planning & Design Flashcards
A oermeable straum of soil material that allows the passage of wanter underground ans is the water source for wells
Soil, sand or mud deposited by flowing water
The measurement of how much of the radiant energy that a surface receives is reflected rather than absorbed.
Arterial Roads
Wide, high capacity streets usually connecting to expressways
Auger Boring
Type of soil testing: This method uses an auger drill bit fastened to a rod to bring the soil to the surface. Most efficient in sand or clay because the bit is easily obstructed. It has a limited depth capacity
The most stable soil type
Breast Boards
Horizontal boards, 2 in to 4 in thick placed between soldier beams used to hold soil in place during excavation.
The sloping it recessing of successive courses of stone or masonry to help resist soil thrust and overturning.
A shallow ditch lined with grass or other ground cover. A permanent construction, It is designed to slow storm runoff and remove sediments.
Catch Basin
A reservoir in which debris and sediment from runoff may settle before it enters the storm drain
Fine grained cohesive material, least stable and least predictable, plastic when wet, prone to heaving - #4 drainage / grain size
Compact parking stall dim.
7’-6” to 8’ wide X 16’ to 18’ long
Collector Roads
Connection roads between local and arterial streets
Coarse-Grained Soils
gravels, silty gravels, sands, silty sands
Coefficient of Runoff
A fixed ratio of total rainfall that runs off a surface
Compaction (soil improvement)
Existing soil - Moisture is added and the soil is then compacted
Coniferous Trees
Wind and sun block - leaves all year round.
The transfer of heat by the movement of liquid or gas, such as air
Core Boring
Type of soil testing: An intact cylindercal sample is extracted by drilling through all types of soil including bedrock. Excellent depth capability. This test is very reliable as well as expensive.
Cost for cutting and filling earth on site is calculated with what unit?
Cubic yards [meters]
Type of “deed restriction”. It is a provision in the deed that places limitation on land development by the owner for public interest.
Crime Prevention through environmental design
• architectural design: use if defensible space, natural access control, natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement • electronic methods: locks, alarms, surveillance. • organizational methods: guard, door attendants, etc.
A drain or channel that permits the passage of water below ground. Typ. a lare dia. conc. or metal pipe often used to channel water under a road
Degree Days
The number of degrees that the mean temperature for any day at a particular location is below 65F
Deciduous Trees
Screen out direct sunlight in the summer while allowing it to pass in the winter
Drain Tile
A perforated pipe surrounded by granular fill used to relieve hydrostatic pressure from foundation or retaining walls
Limited access roads with high speed, high volume circulation
Fill (soil improvement)
Poor soil is replaced with the appropriate soil, sand and gravel mix - moisture is added and the soil is then compacted
Densification (soil improvement)
Use of heavy pounding piles, vibration or weights to compact and fill voids
The removal of soil from its natural position to allow for construction below grade
A limited right, whether temporary or permanenet, to use the property of another in a certain way. This may inlcude the right of access to water, light and air, right-of-way, etc.
Extraction / treatment
Most commonly used technology in groundwater remediation projects
Fine-Grained Soils
silts and clays
An elevated artificial channel that carries fast moving water and is used to transport items such as logs or fish, or to divert a stream
Gap-Graded Soils
Consists of both large and small particles but the continuity of gradation is interrupted, typically by the absence of intermediate-size particles. A type of poorly graded soil.
A design where the building line is set back from the frontage line and a wall is placed at the frontage line, creating a semi-private courtyard.
Course granular - #1 drainage / grain size
Gridiron Street System
This urban layout incorporates public parks and open spaces as well as uniform spacing and setbacks.
How to prevent heaving?
Place top of footing at or below frost line.
Soft dark soil containing decomposed organic matter, poor bearing capacity