Since 1877 Test 3 People Flashcards
Harry S. Truman
- After FDR’s death, Truman becomes president 1945-1953
- he became president towards the end of WWII, he authorized the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki causing VJ Day
- Responsible for the “Truman Doctrine”; the US signed treaty with a lot of countries in fighting communism
- He helped passed the “Marshall Plan” to rebuild Europe
- During the start of the cold war, he authorized the 1948 Berlin Airlift; sent airplanes into W Berlin with food, clothes, survival products (showed that the US was dedicated to E Berlin)
- He was involved in the creation of NATO in 1949 (when north invaded south Korea)
- He was big on civil rights; he signed an executive order desegregating military and federal agencies
- He won re-election in 1948 (even though many thought he would not win)
1. his slogan was “give them hell harry” and “the buck stops here” - he asked the United Nations to approve military and send troops from all representatives to help south Korea
- he fired Douglas McCarther for talking crap about him when he refused to use nuclear weapon on N Korea
Dwight Eisenhower
- the was the “supreme commander” from WWII; very popular b/c of this
- “IKE” was his nickname; he made one of the first ever commercials for his presidential election
- he was a moderate republican who ran against Adlai Stevenson in 1952 & in 1956
- during his election he promised to deal with:
1. communism
2. corruption
3. end the Korea war - he appealed to a lot of black voters
- people were afraid he would repeal social security & min. wage, but he instead expanded it
- Eisenhower came up with the domino theory; Congress agreed to his request in 1955 allowing militarily support in Taiwan and took a position against the People’s Republic of China
- His BIGGEST accomplishment - building a main US highway system in 1930; he convince congress to ok this by saying it was for defense and military reason
- he authorized the establishment of NASA which led to a “space race”
- during the Little Rock Crises, he sent in the national guard to force Orval Faubus to let integration occur
- he authorized planes to spy on the Soviet Union (U2 incident 1960) which resulted badly and was a set back on fixing relationship with them
- before he left office at 70 years old, he warned about the “military-Industrial complex”
John F Kennedy
- in his 1960 election held the first presidential debate (with Nixon)
- he as a catholic (the first & only president to be)
- he had a bad back (due to WWII) and was on medication; he had only 1 rocking chair that he could sit in
- Issues most involved:
1. Bay of Pigs invasion - 1961 a CIA operation to drop soldiers off in Cuba; our men was captured
2. Cuban Missile Crises - b/c of this Cuba asks the soviet union for nuclear missiles to prevent US spies and invasion; our planes catch them setting this up - Kennedy assigns his brother Robert as Attorney General - the result was a navel blockade (not nuclear bombing) that lasted 13 days
3. Russia ultimately pulled their missiles out but in return we promise *not to invade Cuba and * take our missile out of Turkey
4. Nuclear Test Ban Treaty - for the first time Russia & US make an agreement as to how much missile to have; no longer test atomic bomb in space, atmosphere, or in water
5. Peace Corps. he helped established this
6. Project Apollo - he authorized funding for this - NOV. 22, 1963 he is assassinated; a few days later Lee Harvey Oswald was shot - people thought there was a connection and that his assassination was a conspiracy
Lyndon B Johnson
- after JFK’s assassination, LBJ becomes president Nov. 22 1963; he was elected President in his own in 1964 against Barry Goldwater
- he was a democrat from Texas
- he designed the “Great Society” plan (main goal was to eliminate poverty and racial injustice):
1. federal spending on social programs
2. wanted to end poverty - health care (medicare & medicaid/ food stamps/ housing aids)
3. does a lot for school - school lunch programs and “title one” funds for primary and secondary education
4. colleges - federal aid/ grants
5. public funding for radio & TV (PBS & NPR)
6. NIH CDC NEA & NASA funding
7. aid to parents w/ children (AIDC) - Does a lot for civil rights movement:
1. Civil rights bills: signed by Johnson banned racial discrimination in public facilities, interstate commerce, the workplace, and housing
2. The Voting Rights Ac:t banned certain requirements in Southern states used against African Americans
3. the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965: reformed the country’s immigration system - he wanted to be remembered for ending poverty but instead most remember for his involvement in the Vietnam War
1. he escalated American involvement in the Vietnam War; in 1964, Congress passed the “Gulf of Tonkin Resolution”, which granted Johnson the power to use military force in Southeast Asia without having to ask for an official declaration of war
2. the number of US personnel in Vietnam increased from 16,000 advisers in 1963 to 550,000 in early 1968
3. Johnson faced trouble due to the large growing antiwar movement - Mach 1968 he does not try to run for president again (retire in disgrace) he knew he had become so unpopular b/c of the war
- After he left office in 1969, he returned to his Texas where he died of a heart attack
Richard Nixon
- He ran for election in 1960 and lost to John Kennedy; in 1968 he ran again for the president and won
- he said he had a secret plan:
1. more bombing in N. Vietnam
2. Incursions into Loas, Cambodia
3. Vietnamization - his slogan “peach with honor”
- Although he initially escalated the war in Vietnam, he ended the U.S. involvement in 1973, along with the military draft.
- Nixon’s visit to the People’s Republic of China in 1972 opened diplomatic relations between the two nations
- he initiated” détente” and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with the Soviet Union the same year
- he did enforce desegregation of Southern schools
- he established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) & (ESA) Endangered Species Act
- he was president during the Apollo 11 moon landing (end of the moon race)
- He was reelected in 1972
- The Watergate scandal
1. The scandal escalated, costing Nixon much of his political support, and on August 9, 1974, he resigned before having to face impeachment from congress
2. After his resignation, he was issued a pardon by his Gerald Ford (new president)
Ronald Reagan
- Ran for president in 1980; he promised to:
1. rebuild defense (he did)
2. cut tax (he did)
3. balance budget (couldn’t do this) - he won b/c America was ready for someone strong and confident; he was an actor and a great speaker; was nick named “Teflon president”
- was the oldest and 1st president to be divorced
- during his presidency:
1. federal budget rose for military
2. defense expenditures rose
3. appoints the first female justice Sandra Day O’Connor
4. Dealt with OPEC (organization of petroleum exporting countries) oil scare in US
4. US involvement in the Latin American & Caribbean war of 1954 (we won) - 2 months into his presidency, he was almost assassinated (shot in the chest by a crazy man in love with an actress)
- Runs for president again and wins;
- Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), he suggests this
- Reagan becomes really good friend with Gorbachev
- His second term dealt a lot with foreign matters, such as the ending of the Cold War and the revelation of the Iran–Contra affair
1. He described the Soviet Union as an “evil empire”
2. the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union occurred soon afterward his visit to Berlin in 1987
Joseph McCarthy
- Senator fro WI
- a communist hunter (went over board) known as the McCarthy Witch Hunt (the era McCarthyism)
- he began accusing people who weren’t communist (if they said something negative about the gov. they were a communist)
- the senate finally brings him down, but this wasn’t until Eisenhower’s term (this was during Truman’s presi)
Adlai Stephenson
- He ran for president in the election of 1952 and 1956, both time against Eisenhower as the Democratic party and LOST both times
- he lost the Democratic nomination against Kennedy in 1960; Kennedy appoints him as the Ambassador to the United Nations after his election
Nikita Khrushchev
- he becomes the new Soviet Leader after the death of Stalin
- he led the Soviet Union during part of the Cold War
Neil Armstrong
- the first person to walk on the moon
Fidel Castro
- in 1959 he comes to power in Cuba
- he is a very hated dictator and Cuba tries to overthrow him
- the US debates on whether they should assist; the decision to help comes when Castro starts to take over surrounding land (most belonged to American companies, sugar and fruit factories) and he was leading Cuba towards communism
- Eisenhower ultimately decides to over throw him with the help of the CIA
Milton Berle
- an American comedian and actor
- he was the host of Texaco Star Theater (1948–55)
- he was the first major American television star; was known as “Uncle Miltie” and “Mr. Television” during TV’s golden age
Jackie Robinson
- a famous black baseball player for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947
- his dignity in the face of verbal abuse won him nationwide respect, and his baseball earned him the Rookie of the year award
- his success opened the door to the integration of baseball and led to the discontinuation of the Negro Leagues (to which black players could only play in)
Thurgood Marshal
- He was the chief counsel for the NAACP
- he was a lawyer who argued before the Supreme Court and won victory in Brown v. Board of Education
- he later becomes the first African american as the 96 justice for the supreme court (Johnson appoints him)
Emmett Till
- in 1955 him and his mother visited Mississippi (they were from Chicago); he was 14 years old at the time, his friend dared him to whistle at a white women, he did; later the women’s husband and son found him and beat him with chains - he died and his mother held a open cassette funeral
- The trial attracted a vast amount of press attention
- Bryant and Milam were acquitted of Till’s kidnapping and murder; protected against double jeopardy, Bryant and Milam publicly admitted in an interview with Look magazine that they killed Till
- Till’s murder is noted as a pivotal event motivating the African-American Civil Rights Movement.
Rosa Parsk
- she was arrested for failing to give up her seat in the Bus (it was a city law)
- due to her arrest, blacks began boycotting the bus by not riding it; the states then started arresting people for car pooling (this lasts for almost a year), until the ruling of segregated bus was over turned
Martin Luther King JR
- was an Baptist minister, activist, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement
- He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience
- he helped organized the 1963 March on Washington, where he delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech
- in 1964 received the Nobel Peace Prize
- In the final years of his life, he expanded his focus on poverty and spoke against the Vietnam War
- In 1968 he was assassinated on April 4 in Memphis, Tennessee at the Lorraine Hotel by James Earl Ray
- His death was followed by riots in many U.S. cities
Malcolm X
- he represent a different approach from MLK
he was for violence “by any means necessary” and wanted to have a separate society for blacks (he felt blacks would always be mistreated) - he eventually change his ways after visiting Mecca (where he witnessed harmony among Muslims of all races)
- he ban speaking of the possibility of interracial cooperation for radical change in the US
- members of the Nation of Islam assassinated him in 1965 after he formed his own Organization of Afro-American Unity
Lee Harvey Oswald
- the man who assassinated John Kennedy
- two days later, while being transferred from police headquarters to the county jail, he was shot by Jack Ruby in full view of live television cameras
J. Edgar Hoover
- Director of the FBI who was anti communism
- he got files on thousands of american citizens including political dissenters, homosexulas, and other whom had no connection to commusim
Barry Goldwater
- he ran as the republican party against Lyndon Johnson in 1964
- he argued that the Government had become too big and needed to pull back (gov. was just getting too involved)
- he lost by one of the biggest landslide
Ho Chi Minh
- leader of North Vietnam
- he was the key figure in the foundation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945, as well as the People’s Army of Vietnam and the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War
Robert Kennedy
- he was appointed as attorney general by his brother President John Kennedy who ultimately decided on a navel block aid during the Cuba Missal Crises
- In 1968 he had won the democrat candidate to run for president, he would have won, but he was assassinated on June 6th (Hubert Humphrey becomes the demo candidate and loses b/c he was too closely associated with LBJ)
- His tenure is best known for its advocacy for the African-American Civil Rights Movement, crusade against organized crime and the mafia, and involvement in U.S. foreign policy related to Cuba and Indonesia
Rachel Carson
- she started the environmental movement by bringing to attention pesticide (DBT) that washed off crops going into rivers killing birds and fish
- she argued that if this continued, everything will be gone; up until this point we didn’t know how much we effected the earth
- this in association with the Cuyahoga River catching on fire in 1969, led to Earth Day in 1970
Gerald R Ford
- Steps in as President after Nixon’s resigns
- he becomes the only president that was not elected as vice or president (the original vice president resigned regarding a financial scandal); Nixon had appoint Ford before his decision to resign
- he was an honest and quiet spoken man
- he pardoned Nixon for any of his crimes during president ( a lot of people were unhappy with this) his reason for doing so was “its time to move on”
- inflation begins and he has everyone wear buttons “WIN” in 1974 to remind everyone to conserve
- he trips a lot and is just not taken very seriously
- b/c of this, he loses his election in 1976 against Jimmy Carter
Ayatollah Khomeini
- in 1979 he (an exiled Muslim cleric) led a revolution that overthrew the shah and declared Iran an Islamic republic
- due to Iran being one of our biggest allies since 1950, when the shah runs to the US to seek medical treatment, Carter allowed it
- Iran wanted the shah back for trail, but Carter refused, Khomeini’s followers invade the American embassy and seized 66 hostages (14 were soon released, leaving 52), they did not regain their freedom until 1981
Jimmy Carter
- Wins presidency in 1976 against Ford
- he was known as one of our most honest president (which didn’t make him the most effective president)
- his greater accomplishment was the Peace Deal between Egypt and Israel
- he’s known for signing a treaty giving the Panama Canal back to Panama (many US felt betrayed)
- During the Iran Hostage Crises he stopped imports with Iran causing no or little oil imports; oil prices goes up and gas stations run out of oil; due to this inflation occurs b/c of lack of transportation
- when the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan, Carter stops the export of wheat to Russia (until they get out of Afghanistan); this angers a lot of farmers
- in addition he states that US will not be involve in the 1980 Moscow Olympics;this angered a lot of athletes
- These events made him seem helpless and inept and led to a rapid fall in his popularity causing him to not get re-elected
Sandra Day O’Conner
- the first female justice of the United States Supreme Court (appointed by Ronald Reagan)
Mikhail Gorbachev
He was the eighth and last leader of the Soviet Union; He served as the country’s head of state from 1988 until its dissolution in 1991
Geraldine Ferraro
- She was the first female vice presidential candidate representing a major American political party (during Reagan’s 2nd election)