History Test2 People Flashcards
Abigail Adams
The Wife of John Adams and his main advisor
Alexander Hamilton
- One of the two main organizers of the constitution
2. Was a Federalists who did not get along with Jefferson
John Jay
Important during the passing of the constitution; created anonymous essays/articles to convince New York to pass the constitution
John Marshal
He was one of the 3 Americans who was sent by John Adams to negotiate with the French, where the XYZ Affair developed
Aaron Burr
- He loses the election for Governor of New York and claims Hamilton for it because he’d been saying spreading rumors about him
- Burr demanded an apology, which he did not get, and challenged Hamilton to a duel
- During the duel, Hamilton intentional misses. but Burr shoots Hamilton and he dies a few days later
- Chief of the Indian tribe Shawnee
- He was against signing treaties with the Americans, and tried to put together an Anti American Tribal confederacy
- William Harrison heard of this and put together 1000 troops to attack the village while Tecumesh was away
- The Shawnees lost and Harrison’s men burned the village down
Lewis and Clarke
- They were sent to discover the Lousiana Territory after the Americains bought it
- They hoped to find a water rout way into the Pacific (dont exist); animals and plants that could enrich the country; and about Indians in that area
- Most Indians were friendly to them, that’s how they met Sacagawea
- He was married to a french man and spoke english
- She explored with Lewis and Clarke helping translate between the Indians because she also knew a lot of native language
Dolly Madison
- James Madison’s Wife - the first “first lady”
- Important for staying and saving the Portrait of George Washington and few other national treasures from the White house when she heard the British were coming
Francis Scott Key
- He was captured and put on a British ship when he witnessed the bombing at Fort McHenry
- He was release the day after in which he wrote the words to “star spangled banner”
Eli Whitney
Creator of the cotton gin in 1792
Robert Fulton
Creator of the Steam Boat in 1820
Henry Clay
- Was part of the Election of 1824 where he lost to Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson
- He was from Kentucky
- He was the speaker for the house of representative, which became the tie breaker vote for Adams and Jackson; and after Quincy Adams win, he appointed him to be “secretary of state” - this resulted in “the corrupt bargain”
George Washington
- First president from New Harbor
- was elected unanimously because the people trust him and felt he could use power responsibly
- He had no children (which was a good thing to the people because he count not pass the thrown to a son)
- invented a lot of tradition - including being sworn in on the federal balcony
- died in 1799 of medical treatment
George Washington’s key issue
- financial policies (wanted to created a national bank)
- formation of parties (he did not like but came about in his cabinet: federalist & democratic-republican)
- whiskey rebellion (tax on whisky let to rebellion)
- jay’s treaty (treaty between US and Britain)
John Adams
- Second president served only 1 term; ran against Jefferson (they were friends at one point)
- XYZ affair
- Quasi-War (his biggest accomplishment, kept Americans from going to war)
- decided to set up a plan for any army just in case and asked Washington to be leader of the army
- Alien and Sedation act
- Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
Thomas Jefferson’s Election
- 3rd president runs 2 term; won against Adams and Burr
- His election was significant because he actually ties with Burr, which goes to the House of Representative (where each state gets 1 vote) and Jefferson gets 8 votes, which was not consider a majority (this continues for 33 more times) then FINALLY in Feb. Jefferson sits down with the federalist leaders and negotiates that he would not abolish the national bank or fire federalist employees (Hamilton finally agrees and convinces his people to vote for him) - a rule to change voting procedures where votes cannot be put together anymore
- Likes to call his election the “Revolution of 1800” because this was the 1st time in history that one party peacefully gave up the reigns of Government from 1 political party to another
- He was the first president inaugurated in Washington
Thomas Jefferson
- He was a philosopher, scientist, writer, politician, architect (built his own house, Monticello), musician (violin), and wrote the Declaration of independence
- Married Martha, when she died he promised not to remarry, but had an affair with Sally (Martha’s half sister, who was also his slave, had 6 children)
- Most known for reducing the military to save Gov. $ and repeals the whiskey tax, but regrets doing so when he discovers that the Federal Gov. have been paying eastern pirates to stay away “War with Tripoli”
- Also known for the Louisiana Purchase in 1802
- His worst accomplishment was “The Embargo of 1097” hurting the economy
- Danbury Baptist responds with a letter quoting “this building a wall of separation between church and state”
Thomas Jefferson After presidency
- becomes founder of the university of Virginia - wanted NO religion taught here and emphasis on science and modern language
- during his retirement he becomes friends with Adams again
- Exactly 50 years after the signing of the declaration of independent both passed on the same day July 4th 1826
- he was buried with specific accomplishments on his grave: declaration, statute of Virginia American Ind., father of Univ. Of Virg.
James Madison
- 4th president serve 2 terms; was good friends with Jefferson and promised to carry on his legacy
- Was married to Dolly Madison
- Known for the WAR of 1812
- “impressment” britian invading our ships and taking people
- “western problems” battle of Tippecanoe
- the burning of Washington DC
- “bombardment of fort McHenry”
- “battle of New Orleans”
- Treaty of Ghent
- Hartford Convention
James Monroe
- 5th president; from virginia and serve 2 terms
- his time of presidency was known as “the era of good feelings” because there was no wars during his time and fewer political parties
- Most remembered for the Monroe Doctrine: statement ensuring Europe kept off our lands
- “The Adams-Onis Treaty” Signed a treaty with Spain giving them a small portion of the Louisiana purchase for Florida (settled our borders)
- Also allowed Adams to negotiate with Great Britain in 1818 to get Oregon Country
- He felt slaves should be sent back to africa (owners should be compensated) afraid of conflicts and riots once freed
John Quincy Adams Election
- 6th president serve 1 term, from Massachusetts (new england), the son of John Adams; very quite did not like crowds, but very experience
- Ran against Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and W.H. Crawford
- there was a tie between Adams and Jackson, went to the house of representative and still could not get a majority
- Henry Clay becomes the tie breaker and becuase he hated Jackson, he convinced his peple to vote for Quincy
- After Quincy wins the election he appoints Clay to be Secretary of State in which Jackson called “The Corrupt Bargain” (not actually proven)
John Quincy Adams
- He didn’t accomplish much during his time of Presidency because he was too ahead of his time
- He proposed roads, university, funding scientific research, building an observatory, which was all voted down
- His main accomplishment was tax on imports known as the “teriff” which goes up to 36% by the end of his presidency; also was a hug contoversary
John Quincy Adams after president
- the only president who becomes a congressman
- he was the leading anti slavery spokes person; made so many speak about anti slavery that “the gage rule” (no speech about slavery) was brought up, of course he overturned it
- US v La Amistad; he represented the slaves and won
- James Smithson (english man) left a lot of money to Congress and wanted the US to build an educational institution, the US argued that they would have ti keep funding it and was against doing it; Quincy argued we should do it “J. Smithsonian Museum
- died in 1848 (rumors that he died in Congress)
Andrew Jackson - before presidency
- 6th president serves 2 terms; wins against John Quincy Adams, wins electoral and popular vote (he was democratic) - first common president
- From Tennessee; as a boy he was messenger during the revolution, he had 2 older brothers who died and his mother died taking care of them; was left as an orphan
- at 12 years old he was asked to shine a british soldier’s shoe and he refused; does not like taking orders, and like fighting because he always won
- He was married to his wife whom he loved very much, but it was a big controversy because she was divorced (technically still married), she died after he won his election, and Jackson blamed it on stress and heart break
Andrew Jackson’s presidency
Founder of the Democratic Party (donkey symbol)
- after his election he held a huge ball at the white house and invited the whole nation - BIG chaos
- also the first president with an attempted assassination
- had 3 main issues during his presidency
- tariff Nullification (Calhoun of South Carolina and the debate of lowing the tariff
- Indian Removal (east Mississippi and trial of tears)
- Bank Wars (Nicholas Biddle and veto of the renewal charter)