Since 1877 Test 2 People Flashcards
Woodrow Wilson
- Wins election of 1912 (democrat) against Roosevelt, Taft, Debs; and wins a 2nd term with the slogan “he kept us out of war” but ends up going to war later WWI
- is the only president to only have a PHD; 1st president from the south since the civil war
- was a professor in Preston, then became president of Preston, then gov. of NJ, then President (was in favor of progression)
- A great speaker, very sure of himself, his downfall, he didn’t like to compromise; he was a “Calvinist” very religious
- Since he was from the south, he was very racist, he segregated black and white workers in the White House (known as the most racist president)
- Federal Reserve 1913: regulate banks & interest rates based on economy
- Underwood Tariff 1913: reduced tariff from 50% to 28%
- Federal Trade Commission 1914: prevent monopoly from ever starting
- Clayton Anti-trust Act 1914: unions not Illegal
- Child Labor Act 1916: after re-election, the Federal Gov. over rulled this
- 8 Hour Work Day (Adamson Act) 1916: only for Rail road workers
- Prohibition 1919: outlawed alcoholic drinks (congress passed during his last months in office) became 18th amendment, only amnd. to get repealed
- Women given right to VOTE 1920: became 19th amendment - Wilson encouraged trade;most of our aids and loaning $ went to allied nations
- During his 2nd term we declare war on Germany
- Nov 11 1918 war ends and Wilson organizes “the Treaty of Versailles” including the 14 Points (basically a new world order); he has to convince the Senate to ok the treaty, but they objected it due to the league of nations
- Wilson has a stroke and never really regains his health; he loses the votes to run for president again for the Democrates
Warren G. Harding
- Won election of 1920, Republican (the first election woman could vote) against Cox, Debs with the slogan “Return to Normalcy”
- He serves until 1923 and dies in office (a little mysteriously); some says it was an Aneurysm but some think it was poison (from his wife)
- Later known as having the most corrupted members (was a very bad judge of character)
- most famous scandal “Tea Pot Dome” was a national oil reserve for emergency Fall (secretary of interior) was selling this oil - became the 1st cabinet member to be arrested and jailed
- Harding was know to buy illegal liquor (for his poker games in the white house) and had multiple affiars
Calvin Coolide
- Becomes president 1923 to 1929 (known as ‘silent cow’ a man of very little words)
- his goal was to do as little as possible
- gets re-elected in 1924 Republican against Davis, La Follette
- he was a Pro business man (very Honest)
- he choose NOT to run for election in 1928
Herbert Hoover
- Wins election of 1928 Republican against Alfred Smith (wins almost all state except for the Deep South) serves 1929 to 1933
- During this election the economy was booming, Oct, 29 (6 months into this term) the stock market crashes, the start of the depression, and people blamed it on him (the market does not recover until 1954
- During the depression (1932) Bonus Army, WWI veterans marched on Washington DC and camped out, formed a Hooverville because they wanted their promised bonus; Hoover ordered military to remove these people & some got carried away using fire and gas on war veterans
- He did create the project of Hoover Dam, but he was against directly helping people, only for business (loans)
Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Wins election of 1932 Republican against Hoover; serves 1933-1945 (gets re-elected 3 more times)
- he had polio, became immobilized from waist down
- Eleanor Roosevelt become one of the most famous and prominent 1st lady; she travel all over the states overseeing
- He immediately takes on the banking crises “Bank Holiday” is declared the day after his inauguration (proves to be successful)
- He does “Fireside Chats” on the radio explaining situations and how/why things wold get resolved
- “New Deal” (some of the more successful acts):
- FDIC: bank $ insured
- AAA:agriculture adjustment act
- CCC: civilian conservation core
- CWA & WPA: civil work association & works progress association
- Social Security: pension for old people
- “Tennessee Valley Authority” building dams creating electrical current for near by towns (farms) - FDR was very pro-union; passes laws to protect union groups
- After his re-election, FDR starts to realize his set backs and limits:
- supreme court packing plan: gov. could not set min. wage (would not pass); FDR wanted to add more people of his choosing to supreme court (from 9 to 15) but congress said NO
- recession of 1937: FDR removes a lot of implemented programs; unemployment went down, high taxes to pay social security
- weakened control of congress: FDR got very involve in the midterm election; he tried to get candidates he preferred which angered conservative democrats - 1940 was re-elected said it was no time to switch president b/c of WWII, need someone w/ experience
- FDR Jan. 1941 “the 4 freedoms” (trying to eliminate war)
- freedom of speech
- freedom to worship
- freedom from want
- freedom from fear - After Pearl Harbor, he issues an executive order authorizing detention of person’s of threat (basically Japanese Americans)
- Dies in 1945 and Harry S. Truman takes his place in office
William Taft
- president 1909 to 1913 (most remembered for being overweight)
- progressive laws:
1. ICC given control over communications
2. 16th amendment establish income tax
3. 17th amendment us senators are elected by popular vote - lost 2nd election to Woodrow Wilson due to Theodore Roosevelt’s progressive party
JJ Blackjack Pershing
- the general in the United States Army who led the American Expeditionary Forces to victory over Germany in World War I
Eugene Debs
- He ran as the Socialist Party’s candidate for the presidency in 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912 lost to Wilson, and 1920 lost to Harding (had not electoral votes, but gained almost 1million in popular votes), the last time from a prison cell
- got arrested for speaking out against the war (WWI) sentenced to 10 years (2nd arrest); President Warren G. Harding commuted his sentence in December 1921.
- Debs died in 1926, not long after being admitted to a sanatorium
Charles Lindbergh
- 1927 flew across the Atlantic Ocean alone (was a huge celebrity)
- ruins his reputation in 1930 because he supported Hitler
Babe Ruth
- the 1919 Black Soxs scandal (8 players) intentionally paid to lose a game by organized gamblers/mafia
- babe Ruth saved baseball from people perceiving it as rigged or false
Langston Hughes
- an American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist.
- He was one of the earliest innovators of the then-new literary art form called jazz poetry
- best known as a leader of the Harlem Renaissance
Marcus Garvey
- Universal Negro Improvement Association, a movement for African independence and black self-reliance launched by Garvey, an immigrant from Jamaica
- argued that blacks should enjoy the same internationally recognized identity by other peoples in the aftermath of the war
Alfred Sloan
- car maker; gave choices in color, a different model every year; tapped in with keeping up with the newest things
- General Motors became bigger than Ford because of this and their use of Credit (Ford was cash only)
William Jennings Bryan
- prosecutor for Tennessee during the very public 1925 “Scope Trial” with Clarence Darrow for teaching evolution in a public school
- ran for president 3 times and lost (twice to McKinley and then T. Roosevelt)
Clarence Darrow
- 1925 “the Scope Trial” was prosecuted by the state of Tennessee for teach evolution in a public school (this was the first very public trial)
- was an idea set up to get the media’s attention; Darrow was convicted, but the idea of evolution was widened
Adolf Hitler
- 1931 wants to make Germany strong & during their depression, he took it as his opportunity to step up (he hated communists/socialist/unionist/Jews - vast majority of Germans supported him)
- He was a Fascist who began violating the Treaty of Versailles by building up military and navy forces in 1937
- Contributed to the German Expansion during 1936 to 1939; FINALLY Britain and France threaten to declare war if he tried to take Poland; he does and war is declared, but in only a few weeks Poland was taken
- Next was France, a massive attack was launched and France surrenders in late may
- tries attacking Britain with an Air War bombing London in 1940; Britain wins this battle due to Radar
- his big mistakes was attacking the Soviet Union and declaring war on US
- during WWII responsible for the Holocaust
- ends up committing suicide
Benito Mussolini
- an Italian politician and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 until 1943.
- He was known as Il Duce (“the leader”); he was one of the key figures in the creation of fascism
- he took strong control of the country; encourage women to have lots of babies to revive the Roman Empire
Joseph Stalin
- Dictator of Russia (communist) been in power a long time up to WWII
- becomes Allies with Hitler until he attacks the soviet union in 1941, leaving Stalin almost defeated and then become allies with Britain
Jessie Owens
- a track runner for the US during the 1936 Olympics
- Hitler tries to show off, but failed due to Owens
George Marshall
- known for the Marshall Plan; a commencement address he presented as Secretary of State at Harvard University in June 1947. The speech recommended that the Europeans create a plan for rebuilding after World War II
- Marshall was admired by members of both political parties & received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953 for the plan
George Patton
famous (greatest) WWII general; was actually temporarily removed of duty for slapping a fatigue soldier, eventually is let back in)
Douglas MacArthur
Escaped during the bataan death march; came back towards the end of WWII and led troops though the Philippines during the war with Japan
Harry S. Truman
- president 1945 to 1953 after FDR’s death
- responsible for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; he learned of the Manhattan Project when he became president and when the bombs were ready, he was not hesitant to use them
- US based that 1million casualties would result if Japan was invaded, so they resorted to the bombing
Dwight Eisenhower
was the Allied supreme commander during WWII
Erwin Rommel
largest known German general
- was in a secret mission to kill Hitler, was caught and given the choice to be killed or commit suicide; killed himself
Omar Bradley
famous US general WWII
Chester Nimitz
- a fleet admiral of the United States Navy; played a major role in the naval history of World War II as Commander in Chief