Simon Chabris✅ Flashcards
To investigate the influence of inattentional blindness
Type of experiment?
Type of design:
Independent measures
How many different conditions?
How many pps and how were they recruited?
Self-selected sampling technique
Most were undergraduate students who were offered a reward of candy or a small fee
How many videos and how long were they?
Lasting 75s
What colours were the team wearing?
Black or white shirts
How were the instructions delivered to pps?
With a standardised script and a written protocol
What were the unexpected events and when did they appear? (Independent variable 1)
A woman holding an umbrella/ a woman wearing a full gorilla costume
After 44-48 seconds
What was independent variable 2?
Whether or not the video appeared as opaque or transparent (then had gorilla and umbrella condition for both transparent and opaque)
What was the third independent variable?
Whether or not pps had to follow white team or black team
What was the fourth independent variable?
Whether or not teams had to keep a silent mental count of passes (easy) or keep a silent mental count of aerial passes and bounce passes (hard)
What were pps asked after watching the videos?
Asked to record their number of counts
Then asked if they saw anything unusual/ surprising? Then asked if they saw gorilla/ umbrella
What happened to pps results if they lost count or admitted they had heard of inattentional blindness?
Results were discarded
192 pps remained
How many conditions?
How many notices the unexpected event?
How many failed to noticed unexpected event?
How many notices the unexpected event in opaque condition compared to transparent?
Opaque- 67%
Transparent- 42%
How many pps noticed the unexpected event is easy compared to hard?
Easy- 64%
Hard- 45%
How many pps noticed the umbrella compared to gorilla?
Umbrella- 65%
Gorilla- 44%
- inattentional blindness depends on difficultly of task- more common is task is difficult
- inattentional blindness is more common in cases of superimposition as opposed to live action