Levine Et Al✅ Flashcards
What does collective societies mean:
Caring, put needs of family above their own
What does individual societies mean?
Strong feelings towards independence as freedom/ individual rights
What does simpatia societies mean?
Friendly, polite, helpful
How many cities form large countries?
How were pps selected?
Second person to cross an imaginary line
Children and disabled excluded
What type of experiment?
Design/ procedure info:
- all male experimenters
- 2 or more locations in busy cities
- experimenters did not talk to pps
- experimenters we’re trained
Independent variables/ conditions:
- Dropped pen
- Walking with a limp and dropped magazines
- Blind person crossing road
4 characteristics recorded about city and its inhabitants:
- pp size
- economic prosperity
- cultural values
- pace of life
Which country helped the most?
Rio de Janeiro (93% help)
Which country helped the least?
Kuela Lumper and Malaysia (40%)
Investigate difference in non- emergency helping in a range of cultures
How was population size measured?
Taken from United Nations Demographic Yearbook
How was economic prosperity measured?
Taken from the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)- published by world bank
How were cultural values measured?
Psychologists rated countries from 1 (very collective) to 10 (very individualistic)- average ratings used.
Spanish/ Latin American countries= coded simpatia/ non-simpatia
How was pace of life measured?
Average speed to walk 60 feet between two markers
+/- of study:
+ field- natural behaviour
- field- controlling extraneous variables (but researchers were trained to ensure all pps had same experiences)
+quantitative data
-ethics (no consent, deception, withdrawal and debrief)
+good ecological validity
-poor internal reliability (natural setting- pps may not have had same experience)
+large reliable sample
+practical applications to travellers
-very social sensitive as results can be upsetting to some