Maguire (2000)✅ Flashcards
What is the hippocampus?
Part of the brain that is involved with navigation and memory
In the shape of a seahorse
What animals are known for having a large hippocampus?
Squirrels- burying and finding nuts
Racing/ homing pigeons- sending messages
Investigate whether or not there was a difference in the volume of an individual’s hippocampus who did/ didn’t have navigation experience
Taxi driver/ non taxi driver
Volume of hippocampus
16 right handed taxi driver
Mean age: 44 years
All healthy
Licensed taxi driver for at least 1.5 years
How many in control group?
50 right handed males
Aged: 32-62 years
All healthy
Type of design?
Independent measures
What type of scanning was used?
MRI scans
What were the control group used for?
To compare taxi drivers MRI scans to.
Pps we’re matched to control group based on age
How did they ensure no bias was made when measuring hippocampus on scans?
Same scanning unit used for all pps
Person who measured the brain volume was experienced and was unaware who the brain scan belonged to
What two different techniques were used to measure the brains?
Pixel counting
VBM (voxel- based morphometry)
What is meant by pixel counting?
Counted how many pixels were occupied by the hippocampus Brain spilt into slices: Rear hippocampus: 6 slices Body of hip. : 12 slices Front hip. : 6 slices
These were converted into volumes and were then compared to individual’s brain volume.
What is meant by VBM:
Measuring grey matter
Area was measured by a computer programme
Left and right hippocampi had significant differences
Less pixels for control (on every measure/ sliced area)
Right posterior hippocampal and time spent as taxi driver has a significant correlation
Hippocampus stores spatial related info and therefore changes when used more (increases)
As taxi drivers get to know routes better, posterior hippocampus increases
- lab= good control
- replicable (controls)
- high internal validity- IV did affect DV (due to researcher who analysed scan not being aware of who they belonged to)
- quantitative data (easy to compare)
- sample which different ages and lengths of experience
- Only men in London
- lack of ecological validity (however only unrealistic bit was MRI and that wouldn’t have affected volume)
- MRI can be dangerous for people with metal implants and magnetic field is generated
- MRI can be distressing (confined space)