Bocchiaro Et Al Flashcards
Investigate rates of obedience, disobedience and whistle-blowing where the instructions were visibly unethical
How many pilot studies were involved?
- 8 pilot studies
- 92 pps in total
What was the purpose of the pilot studies?
To see if procedure was believable and ethical
How many pps?
149 pps in main experiment
- 96 women
- 53 men
Mean age of pps:
20.8 years
How were pps recruited?
Flyers in university cafeteria (VU university of Amsterdam)
How many pps were surveyed about how they thought they would respond to this situation?
-given detailed description of situation and asked “what would you do?” And “what would the average student at your uni do?”
What were pps given for participating?
-7 euros or course credits
What did pps think experiment was about?
Sensory deprivation
Which 4 words were pps told to use to encourage other students to take part?
- great
- exciting
- superb
- incredible
What could pps do if they thought study was unethical?
Fill out an ethics committee form and put it in the mail box that was in the same room as them.
How was (dis)obedience measured?
Whether or not pps composed an encouraging statement
How was whistle blowing measured?
Whether or not pps filled out ethics form and mailed it.
How many dispositional measures were then given to pps to measure certain personal attributes?
3- they were given to pps after being in room alone for 7 mins
Where pps debriefed?
Yes- emphasis on how they were deceived
How many people surveyed believed they would (dis)obey?
Obey- 3.6%
Whistle blow- 64.5%
How many actually did obey/disobey/ whistle blow?
Obey- 76.5%
Disobey- 14.1%
Whistleblow- 9.4%
Conclusions: (2)
- people are very obedient and whistle blowing is uncommon
- people underestimate obedience and overestimate whistle blowing
Main + evaluation points (4):
- ecological validity
- good internal reliability (same experience)
- good sample size
- good practical applications as whistleblowing is under-researched
- evaluation points (2):
- sampling method (unrepresentative)
- ethical issues but accepted