Side Control Flashcards
Side Control to full mount to high mount
with your knees spread wide, one by their neck and shoulder and one by their waist and a grip under their far arm and their neck either step your knee up onto their belly or place the arm that is wrapped under their arm pit and place it on their waist and bring your knee on the inside of this arm, this stops them from raising their knee to stop you from getting your knee on their belly. Bring your weight forward and post up on your head and then twist your hips and flip your shin onto the floor and place it on their hip crease then bring the other leg and place it on the other hip crease then pull out the arm on top and place it on the their crown and do the same with other arm then shimmy your hips up high so that youre sitting on their chest
Side control to knee on belly to 90/90 high guard to full mount
From side control release your grip and place your hands on the floor. Next pop up on your knee closest to their head on their belly and the other leg posted out. Next spin your posted leg around behind you and land in the 90/90 position in a high mount then grab the back of their neck and pull their head forward to spot them bucking and bring your legs back into full
mount position or from 90/90 you can attack with an normal armbar, triangle choke, Gordon Ryan armbar
Side Control full mount block to leg lock
When in side control and looking to get knee on belly the opponent might lift their knee closest to you to stop you from getting knee on belly, when this happens bring your knee closest to their raised knee and place it in between their legs and ungrip your arms from crossface. Next put your other leg with your ankle push on their hip crease and grab their leg with your elbow and tuck it in to your side. As you fall back your knee on the inside of their legs and your ankle can sort of cross to lock their leg in and then slide your hand from the arm that trapped their leg under ther Achilles and rest it tight on your chest to lock their ankle in. Next lie back on the elbow of your other arm and walk the elbow back and away from the body to tighten the leg lock, if this isn’t enough fall back onto your shoulder and push your hips as you look back and away as if your were doing a spinning backflip
Side control full mount leg trap to honey hole position
when in side control you place your leg on knee on belly but purposefully place your leg in between their legs to allow them to trap your leg next bring your knee from the trapped leg back towards you and off the opponent side whilst keeping the foot in between their legs this should pull your opponent slightly onto their side or you can pull your opponent onto their side as you pull the knee back. Next back step with your other free leg so it ends up on the outside of his legs. Next as you sit back thread your free leg underneath both his legs and lock your legs together and pull your opponent towards you, this will allow you to then move into a leg lock without exposing your own leg or ankle
Side control to arm triangle
When in side control with crossface grip take your arm under their armpit and slowly walk it up away from their body to cause their arm to raise, once the arm is raised enough grab with the cross face arm behind the tricep then use your to head tuck in next to their arm to trap it. Next grab the underhook and cross face grip again and put your knee on their belly with your other leg posted out then bring your other leg on their belly cross over the knee knee already on their bell and tucked on the outside of their hamstring, next slide the first knee off their belly and post it out to stop the opponent rolling and then Bring the other knee off their bell and tuck it into their side to stop them from moving towards you, you can also do this movement really quickly by sliding your knees on your opponent and swinging them over together to get to the other side of the opponent. Next get your hips closer to the floor to tighen the grip as your push with your head into theirs to get their head closer to the narrower part of your choking arm, the idea is to get your body as perpendicular to theirs as you can to tighten the strangle.
Side control to full mount one arm trap
When in side control with crossface grip take your arm under their armpit and slowly walk it up away from their body to cause their arm to raise, once the arm is raised enough use your head then to trap the arm. Next grab the crossface grip again and put your knee high on their belly whilst keeping your calve close to your hamstring to stop them trapping your leg with their legs then lean forward and post your head on the floor then flip your hips around causing your leg from the knee on belly to reach the ground the other side then tuck both your leg into their hips
Side control to full mount two arm trap
When in side control twist your hips and lift up onto your foot on the leg closest to their head then grab and under hook with the arm you had behind their head and slowly walk both the hand up causing both arms to raise enough so they you can grip them together behind the opponents head. Next put your knee on their belly lean forward and post your head on the floor then flip your hips around causing your leg from the knee on belly to reach the ground the other side then tuck both your leg into their hips and pull up with both your hips to them move into high mount which should be easy as you have both of your opponents arms trapped
Side control to Americana and kimora
When in Side control walk the under hook arm up to cause their arm to raise. Once their arms raised so their hand is above their head use your head to trap the arm to allow you to take out your crossface arm and grab a grip on their wrist, next get your elbow of the arm gripping the wrist to the floor then slide your free arm under their arm and grip your own wrist. Finish this submission by pulling their arm down and raising their below and revving your wrists.
Side control to straight arm lock
When attacking with the Americana from side control the opponent will try to escape by punching their arm out straight, you need to keep hold of their wrist at this point and keep the figure four lock. Next use the same revving motion whilst lifting their elbow to finish.
Side control to kimora
When attacking with the Americana from side control the opponent might manage to escape and move their arm down by their side, if they do this remove your Americana grip and grip their wrist with the opposite hand and feed the free arm under their arm and grip your other wrist, next kick your leg through that’s next to their hip through toward their head and side through on your side and step the outside leg over their head and lock it under their neck to make it harder for them to escape. Finish this submission by pull their arm up and revving your wrists whilst lifting their elbow away from the floor.
Side control kimora to triangle choke or arm bar
When stepping your outside leg over for the kimora if the opponents near side arm ends up in on the outside of your leg that you’ve stepped over then slide your other leg under their neck and cross your legs together to for the choke. You can keep hold of the arm from this position and post out with the other arm and pull the opponent onto their side and step over them so you’re sat on their side with them between your legs and grip back with the figure four grip and attack with kimora again, if this isn’t working twist you’re body and fall back into an armbar with one leg behind their back and from here your can step the leg by their head over their armpit and cross it under your other leg which is adjacent to the side of their body and tuck your foot under their hamstring, from here you can finish by pushing your hips making sure their thumb is facing toward the ceiling.
Side Control to near side arm isolation to full mount
When in side control step up off your knees into a tripod position whilst keeping your crossface and under hook. Next pummel your leg closest to their arm on the inside of their arm and side back down onto your knees so that the near arm is isolated and unable to attack. Next sit through with your leg closest to the near arm and side on your side so your facing the opponents feet. Next grab your outside leg that posted out and step it over your opponent and move into full mount.
Side Control Americana using head and cross face arm
When in side control and the opponent uses his forearm against your throat to try and make the position uncomfortable twist your hips so that your facing your opponent and the outside leg is posted out then take the cross face arm out and grab the wrist of the arm that’s on your throat. Use your head to help push the arm down by placing it on top of your hand and once your able to reach with your arm that’s got under hooks and grab your wrist of the arm that has hold of their arm to create a figure four lock then move your legs back into side control position and pull their arm down so there elbow is close to their body and lift up with your elbow to finish
Side Control to kimora through octopus guard
When in side control take out your cross face arm and feed it under the armpit of the opponents far arm causing both of your arm to be in the opponent centre. Next twist your hips towards the opponents feet and post out with the outside leg so that you’re facing the opponents feet. Next step your outside leg over the opponent to move to guard. if the opponent uses his far arm on your knee to stop you from mounting grab his wrist with your outside arm and go under his arm with your inside arm and lock a figure four by grabbing your own wrist. Next lift up and back with your arms and trap the opponents arm onto the floor, we lift up and back in a circular motion to stop the opponent from grabbing their shorts and stopping your going for the submission. Once your opponents arm is on the floor step your outside foot through and twist your hips to the other side so that youre sitting facing the opponent and step your outside leg over the opponents head and pull them up off the floor towards your and pull their arm back as if your trying to get their thumb to their back to finish, if your opponent blocks your leg as you try and step over drop your shin of the leg they’re blocking onto the arm to trap it then take the shin of your other leg and trap the arm with it, this then allows you to step the initial leg over the head without being blocked and isolates their arm further. From this position you can also pull you opponent towards you so they move onto their side and step the leg over their head into their back and sit up on their side to finish the kimora or move into an arm bar
Side control to octopus to full mount to across arm triangle
When in side control take out your cross face arm and feed it under the armpit of the opponents far arm causing both of your arm to be in the opponent centre. Next step your outside leg over your opponent and move into mount but before you do this the arm that is closest to their far side arm swing it around causing their arm to raise and go over their throat then wrap your arm under their their to get the crossface and lock a gable grip with the other arm and squeeze for the choke
Side control to scorpion death lock
When in side control take out your crossface arm and place it over your opponent so that their far side arm is in-between both of your arms, next twist your hips towards your opponents feet and post out on your outside leg causing your to face the opponents feet with the near side arm in front of you. Next with your outside arm tuck the opponents wrist under your armpit and grab a wristwatch grip under the opponents elbow then grab a gable grip with the other hand. Next step the inside leg in-between your opponents leg and grab a hook to stop them rolling away then lean onto your elbow onto the opponent and aim to lift their elbow up and arm back
Side control to isolate near side arm
When in side control with under hooks and cross face grip take your cross face arm out and grab the elbow of the near side arm and trip their hand under your elbow, next twist your hips and legs towards the opponents and slide your inside knee right into their head past their near side arm then twist your hips back into side Control which should then have their arm trapped then move your arm near their head over their head and trap their neck in between your knee and elbow lifting their head up to make it harder for them to escape
Side control to isolate near side arm to dorsal kimora
Isolated near side arm to sitting on your opponent to kimora
When you’ve isolated your opponents near side arm and are leaning over your opponent and they are pushing their far side arm into your throat grab their tricep and pull your arm tight back into your side and back then post out onto your feet and step around your opponents head and pull your opponent on to their side and sit on them in between your legs them with the arm the on the same side your opponent facing grab their wrist and grab a figure four lock and pull your opponents arm toward their back and lift their elbow to finish the kimora
Dorsal kimora to tarikoplata
When sitting on your opponents side with the kimora if your opponent has locked hands and you can get the kimora slide your leg on the front of their body over their legs and over the opponents side trapping their wrist and taking the place of the arm grabbing their wrist and then grab your thigh with the other arm that’s underneath the arm you’re attacking the lock it in next with your other leg closest to their head post up on your foot and pull the elbow up and twist your hips towards to opponents head to finish. One thing to make sure is that you have the wrist trapped under your leg and that you’re not further up the arm because it will be a lot harder to finish this way at there isn’t as much leverage
Side control to Kesi gatami
When in side control take out the underhook arm out and feed it under the opponents neck and take out your other arm from under the cross face and grab the near side arm by the elbow or tricep, next twist your hips and sit through your knee towards the opponents head so that your facing the opponent and grab your inner thigh with the arm you have under the opponents neck and lean back onto the opponent and post the other leg out for stability.
Kesi gatami to Americana
When in kesi katami grab the opponent near side arm wrist with your free arm and push the arm down and tuck it under the knee crease of the leg on the floor then trap the arm by closing your calve to your thigh, next pull your leg with the trapped arm towards your groin and finish by lifting the opponents elbow with your free arm.
Kesi gatami to straight arm bar
When trying to move into Americana when In kesi katami the opponent may punch their arm out to stop your from trapping their arm under your leg, if they do this step your posted leg over the straight and around their wrist and slide your other leg out from the opponents body so its sat under their elbow then kick out and push down the outside leg to cause the straight arm bar to finish.
Kesi gatami to catch wresting submission
When in kesi katami position take you free arm and wrap it under the opponents near leg and grab inside your thigh so that your have a grip with both hands on both thighs then squeeze the thighs in to cause the choke
Kesi gatami to Ezekiel choke
When in kesi katami position and the arm trapped under your armpit take your free arm and make a fist and push it into the side of the opponents neck where the capilliaries are the take the cross face arm and grab the wrist of the arm with the fist in the side of their neck and and pull down with both arm to cause the choke.
Kesi gatami to reverse triangle choke
When in kesi katami if the opponent is being difficult and is making it had to trap their arm in Americana, take the posted out leg and trap the arm in-between both legs then switch arms that are under the opponents neck and post out with your free arm, next step your leg that’s on top over the opponents head and under their neck, then lock your legs together to lock up the triangle the squeeze and turn your body to finish of attack the isolated arm with a Kimora or americana
Kesi gatami to shin on arm trap
When in kesi katami push the trapped arm to the floor between the head and the knee on the floor next twist your hips and put your poster leg shin onto the opponents arm to trap it to the floor, from here you can grab the opponent arm from
Underneath your leg that trapping it and twist your hips again and ring your other leg through next to the head to trap the arm in between both legs leaving you to attack the far side arm with your free hands or to step over to move to a triangle choke
Side control to near side short arm bar
Once you’ve isolated the near side arm step your knee nearer the opponent hip up onto the opponent and tight into the near side armpit whilst keeping your cross face and underhook grip next with the cross face arm pull your elbow back tight to your lat to trap the opponents near side arm and then step the other knee onto the opponent shoulder so that their near side arm is in-between both of your knees you can then push on your hips and pull your elbow back further to try and finish in this position of sit back into the armbar to finish, you can also step out with the leg above the arm over the opponents head to get a higher percentage finish arm bar.
Side control to step over triangle choke
when in side control take out your underhook arm and grab the opponents far arm at the wrist, from here you can place the opponents arm on the floor and step over with the leg closet to the hip and step on the foot or you can place the opponents hand on their chest and step over with your other leg over and around their body so that your ankle ends up under the opponents neck, next grab your ankle with the opposite side hand and keep it pulled tight to the opponents head to keep him trapped then roll onto you back so your opponent ends up on top of you whilst keeping hold of your ankle. From here you can put your free leg on the opponent hip and push off to create an angle for you to lock the choke in on you can lock the choke in whilst your in line with your opponent and underhook inside to opponents leg and use the underhook to the create an angle to tighten the choke.
Side control to knee on belly
When in side control take your underhook arm out and place it on the floor tight to the opponents hip and then place your cross face arm on the floor and lean your forearm into the opponents face, next step your knee that’s closest to the opponents hip onto the opponents belly with your ankle hooked tight to their hip and grabbing under the opponents neck and pulling their head forward with your cross face arm to stop them bridging
Side control to t kimora position
When in side control and the opponent has their forearm in your throat take their arm and move to a Kimora, when you’ve got the Kimora grip on their arm fall off to the side over their head so your body creates a kind of t with theirs, next reverse shrimp to bring your hips in under the opponents leg and post out with the outside leg for stability and push your arms straight causing the opponents arm to move onto their belly to make it hard for them to move.
T position kimora to dorsal kimora
When in the t position Kimora slide your leg under the opponent head back toward your head and them post up on your elbow that closest to the opponents hip, at the same time push the opponent forward so they end up on their side then step both your legs tight into your opponents body trapping them between your legs, from here you can finish with the Kimora
T kimora position to arm bar
When in t position Kimora and the opponent start turning on their side towards you take your posted outside leg and step it over your opponents head and pull it back down towards the floor, next slide your other knee through on the inside of the armpit of the arm that you’re attacking and side back into the arm bar, you can switch your grip if you want or finish with the Kimora grip
T kimora position to reverse triangle
When in the t position kimora shrimp your hips so that your groin is on the near side of your opponents neck. Next with the arm under the opponent put it tight to your chest so trap the arm and allow you to free your other arm. Next grab the opponent near arm and pull it towards their head then with your posted out leg step over your opponents head and arm moving into a reverse triangle, next lock the legs together and move into the triangle choke
T kimora position to back take to rear naked choke
When in the t position kimora if your opponent has managed to move towards you and get up onto their side twist your hips and rest your head and shoulder onto the floor, next step your posted out leg over the opponent and get your hook in , next slide your other knee past your elbow and sit up with your opponent and then get the other hook it with your other leg, next slide your arms that’s grabbing your own wrist over the opponents head so you move into a seatbelt grip and then isolate the arm you have your kimora grip on and grab the under the opponents neck with your free arm and move into the rear naked choke
Side control to helicopter to knee bar
When in side control take out the undertook grip and place it by the near side hip of the opponent, then take out the crossface arm and place it adjacent to the opponents side then side the leg closest to the head inside your legs and towards the opponents feet and twist your hips to land in reverse kesi katami with the outside leg posted out, next post out on your far side arm and lift your leg next to the opponents body over the opponents leg and onto the other side of the opponent then sit up on the opponent. Next grab Both the opponents legs and lift them off the floor to stop them bridging then cross your legs together behind the opponents bum. Next choose one leg to attack and lift that leg up straight then fall to the opposite side of the leg you have choosen and place the leg to the side of the head away from the floor and grab a grip on the heel and lean back and extend the hips forward to finish.
Helicopter position knee bar to toe hold
When going for the knee bar from helicopter position if the opponent isn’t tapping take the arm that’s next to the floor and grab a grip on the inside of the toes, next get a kimora grip around the leg and twist the toes clockwise
Bottom side Control to buddy choke
When you’re on bottom in your opponents side Control and you’re opponent hasn’t got the under hook and cross face in take you’re far side arm that’s the opposite side that your opponents side control is on and feed it over their head and feed it under your same side legs knee crease, next lock your a gable grip with both hands and then cross your free leg over the top of your other leg and lock them up then pull in with your arms and leg to finish, this works similar to a triangle choke using their own shoulder and your lat and armpit to cause the strangulation.