shock states Flashcards
Name the 4 main types of shock
name three types of distributive shock
Name three examples of obstructive shock
massive PE
tension pneumothorax
cardiac tamponade
low CVP, low wedge, high SVR
hypovolemic shock
What is the mainstay of therapy for hypovolemic shock?
IV fluids
Causes of cardiogenic shock
acute pump failure
acute MI
valvular insufficiency
CVP elevated, wedge elevated, CI/CO low
cardiogenic shock
What is the first line therapy for cardiogenic shock, 2nd line?
1st ensure adequate preload, 2nd vasopressors
What type of obstructive shock would cause high CVP, low wedge, low CI/CO, high SVR?
saddle PE
What is the treatment for obstructive shock?
IV fluid and treat underlying cause
low SVR, low CVP, low CO*
distributive shock
What is the treatment for hives as an allergic reaction?
What is the indication for epi in allergic reaction?
respiratory distress and/or stridor
If a patient has shock with respiratory distress and they feel like their throat is closing off with stridor/wheezing, what do you do FIRST?
intubate FIRST, because you can always take the tube out but you may not be able to get it in
What is your first drug of choice in anaphylactic shock?
IV fluid
According to Barkley, what is the first drug of choice in all types of shock?
IV fluid
What type of distributive shock is associated with bradycardia?
CVP low, wedge low, SVR low, CO/CI high initially
septic shock
What is the first and second line treatment for septic shock?
IV fluid first
treat the underlying cause next (antibiotics)
What is normal CVP?
What is normal PAP?
PA systolic 15-30
PA diastolic 8-15
What is normal wedge pressure?
What is normal CI
What is normal SVR
What is normal PVR?