Shit - Repro Flashcards
FAS mutations
limb dislocation, heart defects (PDA, VSD, ASD), Tetrallogy, heart-lung fistulas, holoprosencephaly.
syncitiotrophoblast role
Secrete bHCG which looks like LH, so corpus luteum is stimulated to keep making progesterone and not regress (sustains pregnancy). Eventually the placenta will take over progesterone (and estrogen) production role.
Syncytiotroph cell marker
NO MHC-I - prevents attack by maternal system
umbilical artery vs vein: carry, #, derived from, problems
Umbilical arteries (2) = deO2 from baby's internal iliac Umbilical vein (1) = O2 blood from placenta to baby liver/ductus venosus.
Derived from allantoid (form yolk sac)
1 artery (2-vessel cord) = congenital/chromosomal abnormalities
from yolk sac from allantois
connects urogenital sinus to yolk sac
Fail to fust: fistula (bellybutton pee), cyst, vesicourachal diverticulum
vitelline duct
= omphalomesenteric duct
connects midgut to yolk sac
Fail to fuse = fistula (bellybutton poo), cyst, or meckel’s diverticulum
MEckel’s sequale
infection. heterotopic gastritis (choristoma) heterotopic pancreatic (choristoma)
Digeorge =
missing 3rd and 4th pouches
3 = thymus + inferior parathyroids
4 = C-cells + superior parathyroids
Parathyroids always from the dorsal wings; other = ventral
Cleft lip = failure of:
1’ palate
maxillary and medial NASAL processes
Cleft palate = failure of:
2’ palate
2 lateral PALATNE processes; or lateral PALATINE process with nasal SEPTUM or medial PALATINE process
congenital torticolis: s/s
neck, dip dysplasia, matatarsal adductus, talipes equinovarus
makes TDF –> grow testes
from sertoli cells, inhibit mullein (paramesonephric) duct system
Testosterone (embyo)
From leydig, makes internal male genetalia (except prostate)
Missing MIF or sertoli
Male from leydig side, but no regression of internal female genetalia
Missing 5-a-reductase
can’t turn testosterone to DHT, so internal male, external ambicuous until puberty, puberty = massive testosterone spike which promotes 2’ male sex characteristics
Uterus malformations: order of severity
septate, bicorunate, didelphys (double everything)
Mullerian agenesis (Maybe-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser)
Mullerian duct does not develop.
Ovaries and short blind vagina present.
1’ amenorrhea, no uterus/tubes
genital tubercle
glans (both), shaft, vestibular bulbs
Malposition = epispadias
urogenital sinus
Senke and bartholin
bulbourethral (cowpers) and prostate
urogenital folds
labia minora and ventral penis
Fait to fuse urethral fods = hypospadias
associations with hypospadias
cryptorchidism and inguinal hernia
associations with epispadias
bladder exstrophy
use of misoprostol (PGE1 analog) with mifepristone
sensitizes myometrium to mifepristone; also causes abdominal cramping/pain
gland penis and clitoris lymph drainage
deep inguinal
broad ligament
connects everything to pelvic SIDE wall
Nerves of boners
Erection = S2-S4 pelvic splanchnics (PSNS to hindgut) Emission = SNS hypogastrics Ejaculation = visceral and somatic nerves (pudendal)
Male cell affected by temperature
Stroll ONLY (so T fine)
enzymes in granulosa vs theca cells
granulosa = aromatase theca = desmolase
- after ovulation, granolas get LH-R; bring in cholesterol to make PROGESTINS
Estrogens from where?
Estradiol = ovary Estrone = fat Estriol = placenta *test of fetal well-being; placenta makes it from fetal adrenal DHEA to liver A/T
Estrogen levels in pregnancy
Estradiol and estrone increase 50x
Estriol increases 1000x
Hormone that increases body temperature
Hormones on gonadotropins
Estrogen inhibits LH
Inhibin inhibits FSH
Progesterone inhibits both LH and FSH
Progesterone on estrogen
down regulated estrogen receptors (prevents unopposed estrogen and thus endometrial hyperplasia/CA)
Basic preeclampsia s/s
HTN, proteinuria, edema
Vaginal agenesis aka mullerian aplasia
mullein failure with short vagina and no or rudimentary uterus and tubes; no uterus = 1’ amenorrhea. Ovaries present, so full female 2’ sexual characteristics.
look female, but male internal structures. So internal testes, and minimal pubic/axillary hair because insensitive to androgens
Kartageners vs CF infertility
Kartgeners = immotile cilia CF = congenital absence of vas def
Turner via:
Loss of paternal X
Poli vs oligo - menorrhagia
oligo = few bleeds .: LONG cycle >35d poly = many bleeds .: SHORT cycle
stage of oocyte and chromosome contents
birth to ovulation = MIPI = 2N4C
ovulation to fertilization = MIIMII = 1N2C
post-fertilization = complete MII = 1N1C
Estrogen positive feedback mechanism
Estrogen induces GnRH receptors on the AP
mid-cycle pain from peritoneal irritation (i.e. follicle swelling, tubal contraction); ddx = appendicitis