[Shi, C1] [QCM Copilot; facile] Goldstein & Cacciamani, (2022). Chapitre 1_ Introduction to Perception Flashcards
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Distal and Proximal Stimuli (Steps 1 and 2): Quand se produit la première transformation dans le processus perceptuel ?
A. Lorsque la lumière frappe l’arbre.
B. Lorsque la lumière est réfléchie par l’arbre.
C. Lorsque la lumière entre dans l’œil.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« For example, the first transformation occurs when light hits the tree and is then reflected from the tree to the person’s eyes. The nature of the reflected light depends on properties of the light energy hitting the tree (is it the midday sun, light on an overcast day, or a spotlight illuminating the tree from below?), properties of the tree (its textures, shape, the fraction of light hitting it that it reflects), and properties of the atmosphere through which the light is transmitted (is the air clear, dusty, or foggy?). » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
1.1 Why Read This Book?: Pourquoi étudier la perception peut-il être bénéfique, même si vous ne prévoyez pas de devenir médecin ou concepteur de véhicules autonomes ?
A. Pour comprendre les applications utiles.
B. Pour devenir plus conscient de vos propres expériences perceptuelles.
C. Pour apprécier la complexité et la beauté des mécanismes responsables de vos expériences perceptuelles.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Studying perception can help you become more aware of the nature of your own perceptual experiences… you will come away from reading this book with a heightened appreciation of both the complexity and the beauty of the mechanisms responsible for your perceptual experiences » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 5).
1.1 Why Read This Book?: Quelle question ce livre peut-il vous aider à répondre ?
A. Pourquoi je perds mon sens du goût quand j’ai un rhume ?
B. Comment les artistes créent-ils une impression de profondeur dans une image ?
C. Pourquoi une langue inconnue semble-t-elle être un flux continu de sons ?
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Many of the everyday experiences that you take for granted—such as tasting food, looking at a painting in a museum, or listening to someone talking—can be appreciated at a deeper level by considering questions such as “Why do I lose my sense of taste when I have a cold?” “How do artists create an impression of depth in a picture?” and “Why does an unfamiliar language sound as if it is one continuous stream of sound, without breaks between words?” » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 5).
1.2 Why Is This Book Titled Sensation and Perception?: Pourquoi ce livre est-il intitulé Sensation and Perception ?
A. Parce que les sensations sont historiquement importantes.
B. Parce que les chercheurs utilisent encore le terme sensation.
C. Parce que les sensations sont plus faciles à comprendre.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Sensation was discussed in the early history of perceptual psychology, and courses and textbooks followed suit by including sensation in their titles. But while researchers eventually stopped using the term sensation, the titles of the courses and books remained the same. So sensations are historically important (we will discuss this briefly in Chapter 5), but as far as we are concerned, everything that involves understanding how we experience the world through our senses comes under the heading of perception. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.2 Why Is This Book Titled Sensation and Perception?: Pourquoi ce livre utilise-t-il principalement le terme perception plutôt que sensation ?
A. Parce que perception est plus couramment utilisé dans les recherches modernes.
B. Parce que sensation est un terme obsolète.
C. Parce que perception est plus facile à comprendre.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Perhaps the main reason not to use the term sensation is that, with the exception of papers on the history of perception research (Gilchrist, 2012), the term sensation appears only rarely in modern research papers (mainly in papers on the sense of taste, which refer to taste sensations, and touch which refer to touch sensations), whereas the term perception is extremely common. Despite the fact that introductory psychology books may distinguish between sensation and perception, most perception researchers don’t make this distinction. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.2 Why Is This Book Titled Sensation and Perception?: Pourquoi les titres des cours et des livres ont-ils conservé le terme sensation ?
A. Parce que les chercheurs préfèrent ce terme.
B. Parce que les sensations sont historiquement importantes.
C. Parce que les étudiants comprennent mieux ce terme.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Sensation was discussed in the early history of perceptual psychology, and courses and textbooks followed suit by including sensation in their titles. But while researchers eventually stopped using the term sensation, the titles of the courses and books remained the same. So sensations are historically important (we will discuss this briefly in Chapter 5), but as far as we are concerned, everything that involves understanding how we experience the world through our senses comes under the heading of perception. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.2 Why Is This Book Titled Sensation and Perception?: Qu’est-ce que le processus perceptuel implique ?
A. Il commence par un stimulus dans l’environnement.
B. Il se termine par la perception du stimulus.
C. Il inclut la reconnaissance du stimulus.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« With that bit of terminology out of the way, we are now ready to describe perception as involving a number of steps, which we will call the perceptual process. These steps begin with a stimulus in the environment and end with perceiving the stimulus, recognizing it, and taking action relative to it. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.2 Why Is This Book Titled Sensation and Perception?: Qu’est-ce qui dépend fortement des processus qui se produisent au début d’un système sensoriel ?
A. Les expériences qui dépendent de l’interprétation et des expériences passées.
B. Les expériences qui dépendent des récepteurs sensoriels.
C. Les expériences qui utilisent des informations stockées dans le cerveau.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« As we will see in this book, there are experiences that depend heavily on processes that occur right at the beginning of a sensory system, in the sensory receptors or nearby, and there are other experiences that depend on interpretation and past experiences, using information stored in the brain. But this book takes the position that calling some processes sensation and others perception doesn’t add anything to our understanding of how our sensory experiences are created, so the term perception is used almost exclusively throughout this book. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.2 Why Is This Book Titled Sensation and Perception?: Quelle est la position du livre sur l’utilisation des termes sensation et perception ?
A. Les deux termes sont utilisés de manière interchangeable.
B. Le terme sensation est préféré.
C. Le terme perception est utilisé presque exclusivement.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« As we will see in this book, there are experiences that depend heavily on processes that occur right at the beginning of a sensory system, in the sensory receptors or nearby, and there are other experiences that depend on interpretation and past experiences, using information stored in the brain. But this book takes the position that calling some processes sensation and others perception doesn’t add anything to our understanding of how our sensory experiences are created, so the term perception is used almost exclusively throughout this book. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Comment Dr. P. a-t-il décrit le gant montré par Sacks ?
A. Comme un gant.
B. Comme une surface continue avec cinq excroissances.
C. Comme un objet inconnu.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« He perceived the parts of objects but couldn’t identify the whole object, so when Sacks showed him a glove, as in Figure 1.8, Dr. P. described it as “a continuous surface unfolded on itself. It appears to have five outpouchings, if this is the word.” » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Comment Dr. P. identifiait-il ses étudiants malgré ses problèmes de reconnaissance visuelle ?
A. Par leur apparence.
B. Par le son de leur voix.
C. Par leur odeur.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Dr. P., a well-known musician and music teacher, first noticed a problem when he began having trouble recognizing his students visually, although he could immediately identify them by the sound of their voices. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7):
Considérer ce passage: « For example, the visual and auditory representations of the tree change every time the person moves his body relative to the tree, as the tree might look and sound different from different angles, »
Comment les représentations visuelles et auditives de l’arbre changent-elles ?
A. Elles ne changent pas puisque le cerveau fabrique une image stable provenant de la rétine.
B. Elles changent chaque fois que la personne bouge son corps par rapport à l’arbre.
C. Elles changent chaque fois que la personne ferme les yeux.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« For example, the visual and auditory representations of the tree change every time the person moves his body relative to the tree, as the tree might look and sound different from different angles, and this change creates new representations and a new series of transformations. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Pourquoi certains chercheurs considèrent-ils l’action comme un résultat important du processus perceptuel ?
A. Parce qu’elle est cruciale pour la survie.
B. Parce qu’elle crée une perception consciente.
C. Parce qu’elle est inutile pour la survie.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Some researchers see action as an important outcome of the perceptual process because of its importance for survival. David Milner and Melvyn Goodale (1995) propose that early in the evolution of animals, the major goal of visual processing was not to create a conscious perception or “picture” of the environment but to help the animal control navigation, catch prey, avoid obstacles, and detect predators—all crucial functions for the animal’s survival. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Pourquoi le cas de Dr. P illustre qu’il est important de distinguer entre perception et reconnaissance ?
A. Parce que la perception et la reconnaissance sont la même chose.
B. Parce que la perception et la reconnaissance sont des processus dossiciables.
C. Parce que la perception est plus importante que la reconnaissance.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The normally easy process of object recognition had, for Dr. P., been derailed by his brain tumor. He could perceive the object and recognize parts of it, but he couldn’t perceptually assemble the parts in a way that would enable him to recognize the object as a whole. Cases such as this show that it is important to distinguish between perception and recognition. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Pourquoi la perception est-elle un processus en constante évolution ?
A. Parce que la perception ne change jamais.
B. Parce que la perception conduit souvent à l’action.
C. Parce que la perception est statique.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The fact that perception often leads to action—whether it be an animal’s increasing its vigilance when it hears a twig snap in the forest or a person’s deciding to interact with an object or just look more closely at something that looks interesting—means that perception is a continuously changing process. For example, the visual and auditory representations of the tree change every time the person moves his body relative to the tree, as the tree might look and sound different from different angles, and this change creates new representations and a new series of transformations. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Pourquoi le processus perceptuel est-il décrit comme dynamique et en constante évolution ?
A. Parce qu’il commence avec le stimulus distal et se termine avec la perception.
B. Parce qu’il commence avec la perception et se termine avec le stimulus distal.
C. Parce qu’il ne se réduit pas à une série d’étapes
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Thus, although we can describe the perceptual process as a series of steps that “begins” with the distal stimulus and “ends” with perception, recognition, and action, the overall process is dynamic and continually changing. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Quel était le principal objectif du traitement visuel au début de l’évolution des animaux, selon Milner et Goodale ?
A. Créer une perception consciente.
B. Aider l’animal à contrôler la navigation.
C. Aider l’animal à éviter les obstacles.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
B et C
« David Milner and Melvyn Goodale (1995) propose that early in the evolution of animals, the major goal of visual processing was not to create a conscious perception or “picture” of the environment but to help the animal control navigation, catch prey, avoid obstacles, and detect predators—all crucial functions for the animal’s survival.The fact that perception often leads to action—whether it be an animal’s increasing its vigilance when it hears a twig snap in the forest or a person’s deciding to interact with an object or just look more closely at something that looks interesting—means that perception is a continuously changing process. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Quel problème Dr. P. a-t-il commencé à remarquer en premier ?
A. Il avait du mal à reconnaître ses étudiants visuellement.
B. Il avait du mal à entendre ses étudiants.
C. Il avait du mal à parler à ses étudiants.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Dr. P., a well-known musician and music teacher, first noticed a problem when he began having trouble recognizing his students visually, although he could immediately identify them by the sound of their voices. But when Dr. P. began misperceiving common objects, for example addressing a parking meter as if it were a person or expecting a carved knob on a piece of furniture to engage him in conversation, it became clear that his problem was more serious than just a little forgetfulness. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Quelle est la différence entre perception et reconnaissance ?
A. La perception est la catégorisation de l’objet, tandis que la reconnaissance est la conscience consciente de l’objet.
B. La perception est la conscience consciente de l’objet, tandis que la reconnaissance est la catégorisation de l’objet
C. La perception et la reconnaissance sont la même chose.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« We can distinguish between perception, which is conscious awareness of the tree, and recognition, which is placing an object in a category, such as “tree,” that gives it meaning, by considering the case of Dr. P., a patient described by neurologist Oliver Sacks (1985) in the title story of his book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Quelle est la réponse finale dans le processus perceptuel ?
A. La perception.
B. La reconnaissance.
C. L’action.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The final behavioral response is action (Step 7), which involves motor activities in response to the stimulus. For example, after having perceived and recognized the tree, the person might decide to walk toward the tree, touch the tree, have a picnic under it, or climb it. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Quelle était la condition médicale de Dr. P. ?
A. Agnosie visuelle des formes.
B. Cécité.
C. Surdité.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Dr. P.’s problem was eventually diagnosed as visual form agnosia—an inability to recognize objects—that was caused by a brain tumor. He perceived the parts of objects but couldn’t identify the whole object, so when Sacks showed him a glove, as in Figure 1.8, Dr. P. described it as “a continuous surface unfolded on itself. It appears to have five outpouchings, if this is the word.” » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Quelle hypothèse Dr. P. a-t-il faite sur l’objet montré par Sacks ?
A. Il a supposé que c’était un gant.
B. Il a supposé que c’était un récipient.
C. Il a supposé que c’était un chapeau.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« When Sacks asked him what it was, Dr. P. hypothesized that it was “a container of some sort. It could be a change purse, for example, for coins of five sizes.” » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Behavioral Responses (Steps 5–7): Quelle transformation se produit dans les réponses comportementales ?
A. Les signaux électriques sont transformés en énergie chimique.
B. Les signaux électriques sont transformés en expérience consciente de perception.
C. Les signaux électriques sont transformés en énergie thermique.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Finally, after all of that transformation, transduction, transmission, and processing, we reach the behavioral responses (Figure 1.7). This transformation is perhaps the most miraculous of all, because electrical signals have been transformed into the conscious experience of perception (Step 5), which then leads to recognition (Step 6). » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Comment les étapes du processus perceptuel peuvent-elles se dérouler ?
A. Toujours dans un ordre séquentiel.
B. Parfois en même temps.
C. Toujours en ordre inverse.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Another reason we say that our process is simplified is that steps in the perceptual process do not always unfold in a one-follows-the-other order. For example, research has shown that perception (“I see something”) and recognition (“That’s a tree”) may not always happen one after another, but could happen at the same time, or even in reverse order (Gibson & Peterson, 1994; Peterson, 2019). » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Distal and Proximal Stimuli (Steps 1 and 2): Comment les stimuli de l’environnement atteignent-ils les récepteurs sensoriels ?
A. Par la lumière réfléchie entrant dans l’œil.
B. Par les changements de pression de l’air entrant dans l’oreille.
C. Par la lumière réfléchie et les changements de pression de l’air.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The person’s perception of the tree is based not on the tree getting into his eye or ear (ouch!), but on light reflected from the tree entering the eye and reaching the visual receptors, and the pressure changes in the air caused by the rustling leaves entering the ear and reaching the auditory receptors. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Distal and Proximal Stimuli (Steps 1 and 2): Pourquoi le stimulus distal est-il appelé ainsi ?
A. Parce qu’il est proche des récepteurs.
B. Parce qu’il est distant dans l’environnement.
C. Parce qu’il est interne au corps.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« We begin with the tree that the person is observing, which we call the distal stimulus (Step 1). It is called distal because it is “distant”—out there in the environment. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
Figure 1.4 The perceptual process. These seven steps, plus
“knowledge” inside the person’s brain, summarize the major events
that occur between the time a person looks at the stimulus in the
environment (the tree in this example) and perceives the tree,
recognizes it, and takes action toward it. Information about the
stimulus in the environment (the distal stimulus; Step 1) hits the
receptors, resulting in the proximal stimulus (Step 2), which is a representation of the stimulus on the retina. Receptor processes (Step 3) include transduction and the shaping of perception by the properties of the receptors. Neural processing (Step 4) involves interactions between the electrical signals traveling in networks of neurons. Finally, the behavioral responses—perception, recognition,
and action—are generated (Steps 5–7). (p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Distal and Proximal Stimuli (Steps 1 and 2): Qu’est-ce que le stimulus proximal ?
A. La lumière réfléchie par l’arbre entrant dans l’œil.
B. La pression des feuilles qui bougent.
C. La représentation de l’arbre sur les récepteurs.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« This representation of the tree on the receptors is the proximal stimulus (Step 2), so called because it is “in proximity” to the receptors. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
Figure 1.4 The perceptual process. These seven steps, plus
“knowledge” inside the person’s brain, summarize the major events
that occur between the time a person looks at the stimulus in the
environment (the tree in this example) and perceives the tree,
recognizes it, and takes action toward it. Information about the
stimulus in the environment (the distal stimulus; Step 1) hits the
receptors, resulting in the proximal stimulus (Step 2), which is a representation of the stimulus on the retina. Receptor processes (Step 3) include transduction and the shaping of perception by the properties of the receptors. Neural processing (Step 4) involves interactions between the electrical signals traveling in networks of neurons. Finally, the behavioral responses—perception, recognition,
and action—are generated (Steps 5–7). (p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Distal and Proximal Stimuli (Steps 1 and 2): Que se passe-t-il après la transformation de l’image de l’arbre sur les récepteurs ?
A. La perception devient plus simple.
B. La transformation continue dans les récepteurs.
C. La reconnaissance se produit immédiatement.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« But this transformation from “tree” to “image of the tree on the receptors” is just the first in a series of transformations. We’re only on Step 2 of the perceptual process, and we can already begin to understand the complexity of perception in these transformations! The next transformation occurs within the receptors themselves. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Distal and Proximal Stimuli (Steps 1 and 2): Quel principe central de la perception est introduit par la lumière et les ondes de pression ?
A. Le principe de transformation.
B. Le principe de proximité.
C. Le principe de distalité.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The light and pressure waves that stimulate the receptors introduce one of the central principles of perception, the principle of transformation, which states that stimuli and responses created by stimuli are transformed, or changed, between the distal stimulus and perception. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Distal and Proximal Stimuli (Steps 1 and 2): Quel principe de perception est introduit par l’image de l’arbre focalisée sur les récepteurs ?
A. Le principe de transformation.
B. Le principe de représentation.
C. Le principe de distalité.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The fact that an image of the tree is focused on the receptors introduces another principle of perception, the principle of representation, which states that everything a person perceives is based not on direct contact with stimuli but on representations of stimuli that are formed on the receptors and the resulting activity in the person’s nervous system. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Distal and Proximal Stimuli (Steps 1 and 2): Quelle distinction illustre à la fois la transformation et la représentation ?
A. La distinction entre le stimulus distal et le stimulus proximal.
B. La distinction entre la perception et la reconnaissance.
C. La distinction entre la lumière réfléchie et la lumière incidente.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The distinction between the distal stimulus (Step 1) and the proximal stimulus (Step 2) illustrates both transformation and representation. The distal stimulus (the tree) is transformed into the proximal stimulus, and this image represents the tree in the person’s eyes. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Distal and Proximal Stimuli (Steps 1 and 2): Quelles propriétés influencent la lumière réfléchie par l’arbre ?
A. Les propriétés de l’énergie lumineuse.
B. Les propriétés de l’arbre.
C. Les propriétés de l’atmosphère.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The nature of the reflected light depends on properties of the light energy hitting the tree (is it the midday sun, light on an overcast day, or a spotlight illuminating the tree from below?), properties of the tree (its textures, shape, the fraction of light hitting it that it reflects), and properties of the atmosphere through which the light is transmitted (is the air clear, dusty, or foggy?). As this reflected light enters the eye, it is transformed again as it is focused by the eye’s optical system (discussed further in Chapter 3) onto the retina, a 0.4-mm-thick network of nerve cells which contains the receptors for vision. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Distal and Proximal Stimuli (Steps 1 and 2): Quels types de stimuli produisent des douleurs internes ?
A. Les stimuli externes.
B. Les stimuli internes.
C. Les stimuli distaux.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« There are stimuli within the body that produce internal pain and enable us to sense the positions of our body and limbs. But for the purposes of this discussion, we will focus on stimuli that exist “out there” in the environment, like a tree in the woods that you can see, hear, smell, and feel (and taste, if you wanted to be adventurous). » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Knowledge: Comment l’expérience passée influence-t-elle la perception des scènes du monde réel ?
A. En rendant la perception impossible.
B. En jouant un rôle important dans la détermination de ce que nous percevons.
C. En empêchant la perception.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« However, as stimuli become more complex, the role of top-down processing increases. In fact, a person’s past experience is usually involved in perception of real-world scenes, even though in most cases the person is unaware of this influence. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Knowledge: Comment la connaissance acquise il y a des années influence-t-elle le processus perceptuel ?
A. En permettant de catégoriser les objets.
B. En empêchant de catégoriser les objets.
C. En rendant la perception impossible.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« An example of how knowledge acquired years ago can influence the perceptual process is your ability to categorize—to place objects into categories. This is something you do every time you name an object. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Knowledge: Comment la démonstration du rat-homme montre-t-elle l’influence de la connaissance récente sur la perception ?
A. En montrant que les gens identifient toujours la même figure.
B. En montrant que les gens identifient la figure en fonction de ce qu’ils ont vu précédemment.
C. En montrant que les gens ne peuvent pas identifier la figure.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« This demonstration, which is called the rat–man demonstration, shows how recently acquired knowledge (“that pattern is a rat”) can influence perception. An example of how knowledge acquired years ago can influence the perceptual process is your ability to categorize—to place objects into categories. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Knowledge: Comment la phrase
“M-RY H-D - L-TTL- L-MB”
illustre-t-elle le traitement descendant ?
A. En montrant que les gens ne peuvent pas lire la phrase.
B. En montrant que les gens utilisent leurs connaissances pour compléter les lettres manquantes.
C. En montrant que les gens ne peuvent pas utiliser leurs connaissances.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« To experience top-down processing in action, try reading the following sentence: MRY HD * LTTL L*MB. If you were able to do this, even though all of the vowels have been omitted, you probably used your knowledge of English words, how words are strung together to form sentences, and your familiarity with the nursery rhyme to create the sentence. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Knowledge: Dans quelles situations le traitement descendant peut-il ne pas être impliqué ?
A. Dans des situations impliquant des stimuli très simples.
B. Dans des situations impliquant des stimuli complexes.
C. Dans des situations impliquant des stimuli invisibles.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« There are some situations, typically involving very simple stimuli, in which top-down processing may not be involved. For example, perceiving a single flash of easily visible light is probably not affected by a person’s prior experience. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Knowledge: Le traitement descendant est-il toujours impliqué dans la perception ?
A. Oui, toujours.
B. Non, jamais.
C. Très souvent, mais pas toujours.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Students often ask whether top-down processing is always involved in perception. The answer to this question is that it is “very often” involved. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Knowledge: Pourquoi la femme voit-elle le papillon de nuit sur l’arbre dans la Figure 1.10 ?
A. À cause des processus déclenchés par l’image du papillon de nuit sur ses récepteurs visuels.
B. À cause des processus déclenchés par ses connaissances préalables.
C. À cause des processus déclenchés par ses attentes.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The woman sees the moth on the tree in Figure 1.10 because of processes triggered by the moth’s image on her visual receptors. The image is the “incoming data” that is the basis of bottom-up processing. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Knowledge: Qu’est-ce que la connaissance dans le processus perceptuel ?
A. Toute information que le percevant apporte à une situation.
B. Toute information que le percevant ignore.
C. Toute information que le percevant oublie.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Knowledge is any information that the perceiver brings to a situation, such as prior experience or expectations. Knowledge is placed inside the person’s brain in Figure 1.4 because it can affect a number of the steps in the perceptual process. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Knowledge: Qu’est-ce que le traitement ascendant (bottom-up processing) ?
A. Un traitement basé sur les stimuli atteignant les récepteurs.
B. Un traitement basé sur les connaissances préalables.
C. Un traitement basé sur les attentes.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Bottom-up processing (also called data-based processing) is processing that is based on the stimuli reaching the receptors. These stimuli provide the starting point for perception because, with the exception of unusual situations such as drug-induced perceptions or “seeing stars” from a bump to the head, perception involves activation of the receptors. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Knowledge: Qu’est-ce que le traitement descendant (top-down processing) ?
A. Un traitement basé sur les stimuli atteignant les récepteurs.
B. Un traitement basé sur les connaissances.
C. Un traitement basé sur les attentes.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Top-down processing (also called knowledge-based processing) refers to processing that is based on knowledge. When the woman in Figure 1.10 labels what she is seeing as a “moth” or perhaps a particular kind of moth, she is accessing what she has learned about moths from prior experience. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 10)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Neural Processing (Step 4): Comment les signaux électriques sont-ils modifiés lorsqu’ils voyagent des récepteurs au cerveau ?
A. Ils sont amplifiés.
B. Ils sont réduits.
C. Ils sont amplifiés ou réduits.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« These changes occur because of interactions between neurons as the signals travel from the receptors to the brain. Because of this processing, some signals become reduced or are prevented from getting through, and others are amplified so they arrive at the brain with added strength. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Neural Processing (Step 4): Où les signaux électriques créés par la transduction sont-ils souvent envoyés ?
A. À la moelle épinière.
B. À la zone de réception primaire d’un sens dans le cortex cérébral.
C. À l’hippocampe.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« For instance, the electrical signals created through transduction are often sent to a sense’s primary receiving area in the cerebral cortex of the brain, as shown in Figure 1.6. The cerebral cortex is a 2-mm-thick layer that contains the machinery for creating perceptions, as well as other functions, such as language, memory, emotions, and thinking. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Neural Processing (Step 4): Pourquoi certains signaux sont-ils amplifiés lors du traitement neuronal ?
A. Pour qu’ils arrivent au cerveau avec une force accrue.
B. Pour qu’ils soient réduits.
C. Pour qu’ils soient bloqués.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Because of this processing, some signals become reduced or are prevented from getting through, and others are amplified so they arrive at the brain with added strength. This processing then continues as signals travel to various places in the brain. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Neural Processing (Step 4): Pourquoi les changements dans les signaux électriques sont-ils cruciaux ?
A. Pour atteindre l’étape suivante du processus perceptuel.
B. Pour bloquer les signaux.
C. Pour réduire les signaux.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« It is important to note, however, that although these signals have changed, they still represent the tree. In fact, the changes that occur as the signals are transmitted and processed are crucial for achieving the next step in the perceptual process, the behavioral responses. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Neural Processing (Step 4): Qu’est-ce que le traitement neuronal ?
A. La transmission de signaux électriques.
B. La modification des signaux électriques.
C. La transmission et la modification des signaux électriques.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The changes in these signals that occur as they are transmitted through this maze of neurons is called neural processing. This processing will be discussed in much more detail in later chapters as we describe each sense individually. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Neural Processing (Step 4): Que se passe-t-il une fois que la transduction a lieu ?
A. Le stimulus est transformé en énergie chimique.
B. Le stimulus est représenté par des signaux électriques.
C. Le stimulus est directement perçu par le cerveau.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Once transduction occurs, the tree becomes represented by electrical signals in thousands of sensory receptors (visual receptors if you’re looking at the tree, auditory receptors if you’re hearing the leaves rustling, and so on). But what happens to these signals? As we will see in Chapter 2, they travel through a vast interconnected network of neurons that (1) transmit signals from the receptors to the brain and then within the brain; and (2) change (or process) these signals as they are transmitted. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Neural Processing (Step 4): Que signifie la séquence de transformations entre les récepteurs et le cerveau ?
A. Les signaux électriques restent les mêmes.
B. Les signaux électriques sont modifiés.
C. Les signaux électriques sont bloqués.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The sequence of transformations that occurs between the receptors and the brain, and then within the brain, means that the pattern of electrical signals in the brain is changed compared to the electrical signals that left the receptors. It is important to note, however, that although these signals have changed, they still represent the tree. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8-9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Neural Processing (Step 4): Quel rôle joue le lobe frontal dans la perception ?
A. Il reçoit des signaux de tous les sens.
B. Il coordonne les informations reçues par deux sens ou plus.
C. Il reçoit des signaux de tous les sens et coordonne les informations reçues par deux sens ou plus.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« For example, the frontal lobe receives signals from all of the senses, and it plays an important role in perceptions that involve the coordination of information received through two or more senses. The sequence of transformations that occurs between the receptors and the brain, and then within the brain, means that the pattern of electrical signals in the brain is changed compared to the electrical signals that left the receptors. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8-9)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Neural Processing (Step 4): Quelle zone du cerveau reçoit les signaux pour la vision ?
A. Le lobe temporal.
B. Le lobe pariétal.
C. Le lobe occipital.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The primary receiving area for vision occupies most of the occipital lobe; the area for hearing is located in part of the temporal lobe; and the area for the skin senses—touch, temperature, and pain—is located in an area in the parietal lobe. As we study each sense in detail, we will see that once signals reach the primary receiving areas, they are then transmitted to many other structures in the brain. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Neural Processing (Step 4): Quelles sont les deux fonctions principales du réseau de neurones ?
A. Transmettre des signaux des récepteurs au cerveau.
B. Changer ou traiter les signaux.
C. Transmettre et traiter les signaux.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« As we will see in Chapter 2, they travel through a vast interconnected network of neurons that (1) transmit signals from the receptors to the brain and then within the brain; and (2) change (or process) these signals as they are transmitted. These changes occur because of interactions between neurons as the signals travel from the receptors to the brain. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Pourquoi la Figure 1.4 est-elle considérée comme une version simplifiée du processus perceptuel ?
A. Parce qu’elle ne montre pas toutes les étapes.
B. Parce qu’elle ne concerne que la vision.
C. Parce que de nombreux événements se produisent dans chaque « boîte ».
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Furthermore, because this process is involved in everything we will be describing in this book, it is important to note that Figure 1.4 is a simplified version of what happens. First, many things happen within each “box.” For example, “neural processing” involves understanding not only how cells called neurons work, but how they interact with each other and how they operate within different areas of the brain. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Pourquoi le processus perceptuel est-il considéré comme un « cycle » ?
A. Parce qu’il commence et se termine par le même stimulus.
B. Parce que l’action peut changer la perception.
C. Parce que la perception et la reconnaissance sont bidirectionnelles.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« In addition, there is an arrow from “action” back to the stimulus. This turns the perceptual process into a “cycle” in which taking action—for example, walking toward the tree—changes the observer’s view of the tree. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Que se passe-t-il lorsque la perception ou la reconnaissance mène à une action ?
A. L’action ne change pas la perception.
B. L’action change la perception et la reconnaissance.
C. L’action ne change pas la reconnaissance.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« And when perception or recognition leads to action (“Let’s have a closer look at the tree”), that action could change perception and recognition (“Looking closer shows that what I thought was an oak tree turns out to be a maple tree”). This is why there are bidirectional arrows between perception, recognition, and action. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Quel est le point de départ du processus perceptuel ?
A. La reconnaissance du stimulus.
B. La perception du stimulus.
C. Un stimulus dans l’environnement.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The process begins with a stimulus in the environment (a tree in this example) and ends with the conscious experiences of perceiving the tree, recognizing the tree, and taking action with respect to the tree (like walking up to take a closer look). Although this example of perceiving a tree is from the sense of vision, keep in mind as we go through these steps that the same general process applies to the other senses as well. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 6)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Receptor Processes (Step 3): À quoi les récepteurs sensoriels sont-ils spécialisés à répondre ?
A. À tous les types d’énergie.
B. À l’énergie environnementale.
C. À l’énergie chimique.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Sensory receptors are cells specialized to respond to environmental energy, with each sensory system’s receptors specialized to respond to a specific type of energy. Figure 1.5 shows examples of receptors from each of the senses. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Receptor Processes (Step 3): Comment les récepteurs sensoriels permettent-ils au cerveau de comprendre les informations de l’environnement ?
A. En transformant l’énergie environnementale en énergie chimique.
B. En transformant l’énergie environnementale en énergie électrique.
C. En transformant l’énergie chimique en énergie électrique.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« By transforming environmental energy into electrical energy, your sensory receptors are allowing the information that is “out there,” like the texture of the tree, to be transformed into a form that can be understood by your brain. Transduction by the sensory receptors is, therefore, crucial for perception. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7-8)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Receptor Processes (Step 3): Pourquoi la transduction par les récepteurs sensoriels est-elle cruciale pour la perception ?
A. Parce qu’elle transforme l’énergie chimique en énergie électrique.
B. Parce qu’elle transforme l’énergie environnementale en énergie électrique.
C. Parce qu’elle transforme l’énergie électrique en énergie chimique.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« By transforming environmental energy into electrical energy, your sensory receptors are allowing the information that is “out there,” like the texture of the tree, to be transformed into a form that can be understood by your brain. Transduction by the sensory receptors is, therefore, crucial for perception. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Receptor Processes (Step 3): Que font les récepteurs sensoriels lorsqu’ils reçoivent des informations de l’environnement ?
A. Ils transforment l’énergie environnementale en énergie chimique.
B. Ils transforment l’énergie environnementale en énergie électrique.
C. Ils transforment l’énergie électrique en énergie environnementale.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« When the sensory receptors receive the information from the environment, such as light reflected from the tree, they do two things: (1) They transform environmental energy into electrical energy; and (2) they shape perception by the way they respond to different properties of the stimuli. The transformation of environmental energy (such as light, sound, or thermal energy) to electrical energy is called transduction. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 7)
1.3 The Perceptual Process: Receptor Processes (Step 3): Quelle est une autre façon de penser à la transduction ?
A. Les récepteurs sensoriels sont comme un pont entre le monde sensoriel externe et la représentation interne.
B. Les récepteurs sensoriels sont comme un filtre entre le monde sensoriel externe et la représentation interne.
C. Les récepteurs sensoriels sont comme une barrière entre le monde sensoriel externe et la représentation interne.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Another way to think about transduction is that your sensory receptors are like a bridge between the external sensory world and your internal (neural) representation of that world. In the next step of the perceptual process, further processing of that neural representation takes place. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 8)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: Comment la relation entre physiologie et comportement (flèche C) est-elle étudiée ?
A. En examinant comment un stimulus conduit à un comportement.
B. En examinant comment un stimulus affecte la physiologie.
C. En examinant comment le déclenchement neuronal conduit à la sensation.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« And still other work addresses the relationship between physiology and behavior (arrow C), such as how neural firing results in the feeling on your shoulder. In the following sections, we use a visual phenomenon called the oblique effect to show how each of these relationships can be studied to understand the perceptual process. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 11)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: Qu’est-ce que l’effet oblique ?
A. Les gens voient mieux les lignes verticales ou horizontales que les lignes obliques.
B. Les gens voient mieux les lignes obliques que les lignes verticales ou horizontales.
C. Les gens ne peuvent pas voir les lignes obliques.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The oblique effect is that people see vertical or horizontal lines better than lines oriented obliquely (at any orientation other than vertical or horizontal). We begin by considering how the oblique effect has been studied in the context of the stimulus–behavior relationship. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 11)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: Que montre la relation entre stimulus et comportement (flèche A) ?
A. Comment un stimulus affecte la physiologie.
B. Comment un stimulus conduit à un comportement.
C. Comment la physiologie affecte le comportement.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« For example, some research studies examine how we get from a stimulus to behavior (arrow A), such as the pressure of someone touching your shoulder (the stimulus) and feeling the touch and reacting to it (the behavior). Other studies have investigated how a given stimulus affects physiology (arrow B), such as how the pressure on your shoulder leads to neural firing. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 11)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: Quel est l’objectif de la recherche perceptuelle ?
A. Comprendre les relations entre stimulus, physiologie et comportement.
B. Comprendre les relations entre stimulus et récepteurs.
C. Comprendre les relations entre perception et reconnaissance.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The goal of perceptual research is to understand the relationships indicated by arrows A, B, and C between these three components. For example, some research studies examine how we get from a stimulus to behavior (arrow A), such as the pressure of someone touching your shoulder (the stimulus) and feeling the touch and reacting to it (the behavior). » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 11)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: Quels sont les trois composants majeurs du processus perceptuel simplifié ?
A. Stimulus, Physiologie, Comportement.
B. Stimulus, Récepteurs, Neurones.
C. Perception, Reconnaissance, Action.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« To better understand how the perceptual process is studied, we can simplify it from seven steps (Figure 1.4) into three major components (Figure 1.11): Stimulus (distal and proximal; Steps 1–2), Physiology (receptors and neural processing; Steps 3–4), Behavior (perception, recognition, action; Steps 5–7). » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 11)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Physiology–Behavior Relationship ©: Comment les mesures comportementales ont-elles été effectuées dans l’expérience de Furmanski et Engel ?
A. En augmentant l’intensité des barres claires et sombres d’une grille.
B. En diminuant l’intensité des barres claires et sombres d’une grille.
C. En maintenant l’intensité des barres claires et sombres d’une grille constante.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The behavioral measurements were made by decreasing the intensity difference between light and dark bars of a grating until the participant could no longer detect the grating’s orientation. Participants were able to detect the horizontal and vertical orientations at smaller light–dark differences than for the oblique orientations. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 13)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Physiology–Behavior Relationship (C): Pourquoi l’expérience de Furmanski et Engel est-elle considérée comme belle comparativement à des expériences précédentes ?
A. Parce que les réponses comportementales et physiologiques ont été mesurées chez des participants différents.
B. Parce que les réponses comportementales et physiologiques ont été mesurées chez les mêmes participants.
C. Parce que les réponses comportementales et physiologiques n’ont pas été mesurées.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The beauty of this experiment is that the behavioral and physiological responses were measured in the same participants, allowing for a more direct assessment of the physiology–behavior relationship than in the previously described experiments. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 13)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Physiology–Behavior Relationship (C): Quelle technique a été utilisée pour mesurer les réponses cérébrales dans l’expérience de Furmanski et Engel ?
A. L’électroencéphalographie (EEG).
B. L’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf).
C. L’imagerie cérébrale optique.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The physiological measurements were made using a technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which we will describe in Chapter 2 (see page 31). These measurements showed larger brain responses to vertical and horizontal gratings than to oblique gratings. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 13)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Physiology–Behavior Relationship (C): Quels résultats ont été trouvés dans l’expérience de Furmanski et Engel concernant les orientations des grilles ?
A. Les orientations horizontales et verticales entraînent des réponses cérébrales plus importantes.
B. Les orientations obliques entraînent des réponses cérébrales plus importantes.
C. Les orientations horizontales et verticales entraînent des réponses cérébrales plus faibles.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« These measurements showed larger brain responses to vertical and horizontal gratings than to oblique gratings (Figure 1.15b). The results of this experiment, therefore, are consistent with the results of the other two oblique effect experiments that we have discussed. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 13)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Stimulus–Behavior Relationship (A): Comment l’effet oblique a-t-il été démontré ?
A. En présentant des stimuli colorés.
B. En présentant des stimuli en noir et blanc appelés grilles.
C. En présentant des stimuli sonores.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The oblique effect has been demonstrated by presenting black and white striped stimuli called gratings, and measuring grating acuity, the smallest width of lines that participants can detect. One way to measure grating acuity is to ask participants to indicate the grating’s orientation and testing with thinner and thinner lines. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 11-12)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Stimulus–Behavior Relationship (A): Pour quelles orientations l’acuité de la grille est-elle la meilleure ?
A. Pour les grilles orientées verticalement ou horizontalement.
B. Pour les grilles orientées obliquement.
C. Pour les grilles orientées en diagonale.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« When grating acuity is assessed at different orientations, the results show that acuity is best for gratings oriented vertically or horizontally, rather than obliquely (Appelle, 1972). This simple psychophysics experiment demonstrates a relation between the stimulus and behavior; in this case, the stimulus is oriented gratings, and the behavioral response is detecting the grating’s orientation. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 12)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Stimulus–Behavior Relationship (A): Qu’est-ce que l’acuité de la grille ?
A. La plus grande largeur de lignes que les participants peuvent détecter.
B. La plus petite largeur de lignes que les participants peuvent détecter.
C. La largeur moyenne de lignes que les participants peuvent détecter.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The oblique effect has been demonstrated by presenting black and white striped stimuli called gratings, and measuring grating acuity, the smallest width of lines that participants can detect. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 11-12)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Stimulus–Behavior Relationship (A): Quelle approche est utilisée pour étudier la relation stimulus-comportement ?
A. La neurophysiologie.
B. La psychophysique.
C. La biologie.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« One way to study the stimulus–behavior relationship is using an approach called psychophysics, which measures the relationships between the physical (the stimulus) and the psychological (the behavioral response). We will discuss various psychophysical methods in more detail later in this chapter. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 11)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Stimulus–Behavior Relationship (A): Quelle relation le stimulus-comportement examine-t-il ?
A. La relation entre les stimuli et les réponses comportementales.
B. La relation entre les stimuli et la physiologie.
C. La relation entre la physiologie et le comportement.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The stimulus–behavior relationship relates stimuli (Steps 1 and 2 in Figure 1.4) to behavioral responses, such as perception, recognition, and action (Steps 5–7). This was the main relationship measured during the first 100 years of the scientific study of perception, before physiological methods became widely available, and it is still being studied today. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 11)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Stimulus–Physiology Relationship (B): Comment David Coppola et ses collègues ont-ils mesuré l’effet oblique physiologiquement ?
A. En présentant des lignes de différentes orientations à des humains.
B. En présentant des lignes de différentes orientations à des furets.
C. En présentant des lignes de différentes orientations à des souris.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« For example, David Coppola and coworkers (1998) measured the oblique effect physiologically by presenting lines with different orientations (Figure 1.14a) to ferrets. When they measured the ferret’s brain activity using a technique called optical brain imaging, they found that horizontal and vertical orientations caused larger brain responses in visual brain areas than oblique orientations. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 12)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Stimulus–Physiology Relationship (B): Que peuvent inférer les chercheurs lorsque les réponses comportementales et physiologiques aux stimuli sont similaires ?
A. La relation entre les stimuli et les réponses comportementales.
B. La relation entre les stimuli et les réponses physiologiques.
C. La relation entre la physiologie et le comportement.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« When behavioral and physiological responses to stimuli are similar like this, researchers often infer the relationship between physiology and behavior (Arrow C in Figure 1.11), which in this case would be the association between greater physiological responses to horizontals and verticals and better perception of horizontals and verticals. But in some cases, instead of just inferring this association, researchers have measured the physiology–behavior relationship directly. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 12)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Stimulus–Physiology Relationship (B): Quelle technique a été utilisée pour mesurer l’activité cérébrale des furets ?
A. L’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM).
B. L’imagerie cérébrale optique.
C. L’électroencéphalographie (EEG).
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« When they measured the ferret’s brain activity using a technique called optical brain imaging, they found that horizontal and vertical orientations caused larger brain responses in visual brain areas than oblique orientations (Figure 1.14b). This demonstrates how the oblique effect has been studied in the context of the stimulus–physiology relationship. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 12)
1.4 Studying the Perceptual Process: The Stimulus–Physiology Relationship (B): Quels résultats similaires chez les furets (Coppola et al, 1998) et les humains ont été trouvés dans les expériences stimulus-comportement et stimulus-physiologie ?
A. Les orientations horizontales et verticales entraînent une meilleure acuité et une activation cérébrale plus importante.
B. Les orientations obliques entraînent une meilleure acuité et une activation cérébrale plus importante.
C. Les orientations horizontales et verticales entraînent une acuité et une activation cérébrale plus faibles.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Note that even though the stimulus–behavior experiment was carried out on humans and the stimulus–physiology experiment was carried out on ferrets, the results are similar. Horizontal and vertical orientations result in better acuity (behavioral response) and more brain activation (physiological response) than oblique orientations. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 12)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Comment le seuil absolu est-il mesuré dans l’expérience d’acuité de la grille ?
A. En augmentant la largeur des lignes.
B. En diminuant la largeur des lignes.
C. En maintenant la largeur des lignes constante.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The grating acuity experiment described on page 12 (Figure 1.12) measured the absolute threshold for seeing fine lines. In the grating acuity example, this threshold was the smallest line width that can be detected. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 12)
Figure 1.12 Measuring grating acuity. The finest line width at
which a participant can perceive the bars in a black-and-white grating
stimulus is that participant’s grating acuity. Stimuli with different line
widths are presented one at a time, and the participant indicates
the grating’s orientation until the lines are so close together that the
participant can no longer indicate the orientation.
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 1: What Is the Perceptual Magnitude of a Stimulus? Technique: Magnitude Estimation - METHOD: Magnitude Estimation: How does the participant assign numbers to the sounds in a magnitude estimation experiment?
A. Based on the duration of the sound
B. Based on the frequency of the sound
C. Based on the loudness of the original sound
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« The participant then hears sounds of different intensities, and is asked to assign a number to each of these sounds that is proportional to the loudness of the original sound. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 1: What Is the Perceptual Magnitude of a Stimulus? Technique: Magnitude Estimation - METHOD: Magnitude Estimation: What does the number assigned by the participant represent in a magnitude estimation experiment?
A. The frequency of the stimulus
B. The duration of the stimulus
C. The perceived magnitude of the stimulus
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« This number for “loudness” is the perceived magnitude of the stimulus. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 1: What Is the Perceptual Magnitude of a Stimulus? Technique: Magnitude Estimation - METHOD: Magnitude Estimation: What is the first step in a magnitude estimation experiment?
A. The participant assigns a number to each sound
B. The experimenter presents a “standard” stimulus
C. The participant hears sounds of different intensities
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« The experimenter first presents a “standard” stimulus to the participant (let’s say a sound of moderate intensity) and assigns it a value of, say, 10. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 1: What Is the Perceptual Magnitude of a Stimulus? Technique: Magnitude Estimation: What method did modern psychologists use to modify Fechner’s equation?
A. Method of limits
B. Method of constant stimuli
C. Magnitude estimation
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Modern psychologists have modified Fechner’s equation based on a method not available in Fechner’s time called magnitude estimation. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 1: What Is the Perceptual Magnitude of a Stimulus? Technique: Magnitude Estimation: What was Fechner interested in determining besides measuring thresholds?
A. The relationship between physical stimuli and the perception of their magnitude
B. The relationship between physical stimuli and their color
C. The relationship between physical stimuli and their speed
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Fechner was not only interested in measuring thresholds using the classical psychophysical methods; he was also interested in determining the relationship between physical stimuli (like rock music and a whisper) and the perception of their magnitude (like perceiving one to be loud and the other soft). » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 2: What Is the Identity of the Stimulus? Technique: Recognition Testing: How is the recognition ability of people with brain damage tested?
A. By asking them to draw objects
B. By asking them to name objects or pictures of objects
C. By asking them to describe objects
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« The recognition ability of people with brain damage is tested by asking them to name objects or pictures of objects. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 2: What Is the Identity of the Stimulus? Technique: Recognition Testing: What is the process of categorizing called?
A. Perception
B. Recognition
C. Identification
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« The process of categorizing, which is called recognition, is measured in many different types of perceptual experiments. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 2: What Is the Identity of the Stimulus? Technique: Recognition Testing: Which senses can be involved in recognition?
A. Visual
B. Hearing
C. Touch, taste, and smell
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Recognition is not only visual; it can also include hearing (“that’s a car revving its engine”), touch (“that feels like an apple”), taste (“mmm, chocolate”), and smell (“that’s a rose”). » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 3: How Quickly Can I React to It? Technique: Reaction Time: In the reaction time experiment described, where were participants asked to direct their attention?
A. To the center of the display
B. To location A on the left rectangle
C. To location B on the right rectangle
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Because the participant is looking at the + but paying attention to the top of the left rectangle, this task resembles what happens when you are looking in one direction but are paying attention to something off to the side. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 3: How Quickly Can I React to It? Technique: Reaction Time: What did the results of the reaction time experiment indicate?
A. Participants responded more quickly when the target was flashed at B
B. Participants responded more quickly when the target was flashed at A
C. Participants responded equally quickly to targets flashed at A and B
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« The results, shown in Figure 1.20b, indicate that the participant responded more quickly when the target was flashed at A, where he or she was directing attention, compared to B, off to the side. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16-17)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 3: How Quickly Can I React to It? Technique: Reaction Time: What does reaction time measure?
A. The time between presentation of a stimulus and the person’s reaction to it
B. The time between the person’s reaction and the presentation of a stimulus
C. The time it takes for a stimulus to disappear
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« The speed with which we react to something can be determined by measuring reaction time—the time between presentation of a stimulus and the person’s reaction to it. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 4: How Can I Describe What Is Out There? Technique: Phenomenological Report: What can you describe in a phenomenological report?
A. The pattern of lights and darks and colors
B. How things are arranged in space
C. Whether two objects appear to be the same or different sizes or colors
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« You could name the objects you recognize, or you could describe the pattern of lights and darks and colors, or how things are arranged in space, or that two objects appear to be the same or different sizes or colors. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 4: How Can I Describe What Is Out There? Technique: Phenomenological Report: What is the process of describing what you see called?
A. Perception
B. Recognition
C. Phenomenological report
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Describing what is out there is called phenomenological report. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 4: How Can I Describe What Is Out There? Technique: Phenomenological Report: Why are phenomenological reports important?
A. They define the perceptual phenomena we want to explain
B. They are used to study how people perceive objects in front of backgrounds
C. They help in identifying phenomena to study using other methods
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Phenomenological reports are important because they define the perceptual phenomena we want to explain, and once a phenomenon is identified, we can then study it using other methods. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 5: How Can I Interact With It? Technique: Physical Tasks and Judgments: How do people with pain that makes walking difficult estimate objects compared to those without pain?
A. They estimate objects as being closer
B. They estimate objects as being farther away
C. They estimate objects as being the same distance
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« For example, we will see in Chapter 7 that people with pain that makes walking difficult will estimate an object as being farther away than people who aren’t in pain. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
*1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 5: How Can I Interact With It? Technique: Physical Tasks and Judgments: *What is an example of a physical task that involves both perception and action?
A. Reaching for a target
B. Navigating through a maze
C. Driving a car
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Research on perception and action, which we will describe in Chapter 7, has participants carry out tasks that involve both perception and action, such as reaching for a target, navigating through a maze, or driving a car, under different conditions. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Perception Above Threshold: Question 5: How Can I Interact With It? Technique: Physical Tasks and Judgments: What is the primary function of perception according to many perceptual researchers?
A. To marvel at the beauty of objects
B. To enable us to take action within our environment
C. To understand the power of objects
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Many perceptual researchers believe that one of the primary functions of perception is to enable us to take action within our environment. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: Comment Fechner a-t-il proposé d’étudier l’esprit ?
A. En mesurant la relation entre les changements de stimulation physique et l’expérience d’une personne.
B. En mesurant la relation entre les pensées et les émotions.
C. En mesurant la relation entre les rêves et la réalité.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Most important, Fechner proposed that the mind could be studied by measuring the relationship between changes in physical stimulation (the body part of the relationship) and a person’s experience (the mind part). This proposal was based on the observation that as physical stimulation is increased—for example, by increasing the intensity of a light—the person’s perception of the brightness of the light also increases. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: Comment les méthodes psychophysiques classiques ont-elles contribué à la psychologie scientifique ?
A. En fournissant des méthodes pour mesurer les seuils de perception des stimuli sensoriels.
B. En fournissant des méthodes pour mesurer les pensées et les émotions.
C. En fournissant des méthodes pour mesurer les rêves et la réalité.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Taken together, these methods, which are called the classical psychophysical methods, opened the way for the founding of scientific psychology by providing methods to measure thresholds for perceiving sensory stimuli. As we will now see, the importance of being able to accurately measure thresholds was recognized very early in the history of the scientific study of the senses. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: METHOD: Determining the Threshold: Fechner’s classical psychophysical methods for determining the absolute threshold of a stimulus include which of the following?
A. Method of limits
B. Method of constant stimuli
C. Method of adjustment
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Fechner’s classical psychophysical methods for determining the absolute threshold of a stimulus are the method of limits, constant stimuli, and adjustment. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: METHOD: Determining the Threshold: How is the threshold defined in the method of constant stimuli?
A. The intensity that results in detection on 75 percent of trials
B. The intensity that results in detection on 25 percent of trials
C. The intensity that results in detection on 50 percent of trials
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« After presenting each intensity many times, the threshold is usually defined as the intensity that results in detection on 50 percent of trials. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: METHOD: Determining the Threshold: In the method of adjustment, who adjusts the stimulus intensity?
A. The experimenter
B. The participant
C. Both the experimenter and the participant
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« The method of adjustment is slightly different in that the participant—rather than the experimenter—adjusts the stimulus intensity continuously until he or she can just barely detect the stimulus. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: METHOD: Determining the Threshold: In the method of limits, how are stimuli presented?
A. In random order
B. In ascending or descending order
C. In constant order
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« In the method of limits, the experimenter presents stimuli in either ascending order (intensity is increased) or descending order (intensity is decreased). » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: METHOD: Determining the Threshold: What is the crossover point in the method of limits?
A. The point where the participant first hears the stimulus
B. The point where the participant stops hearing the stimulus
C. The mean between the last “yes” and the first “no” responses
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« This change from “yes” to “no,” indicated by the dashed line, is the crossover point, and the threshold for this series is taken as the mean between 99 and 98, or 98.5. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: METHOD: Determining the Threshold: What is the main difference between the method of constant stimuli and the method of limits?
A. The method of constant stimuli uses ascending order
B. The method of constant stimuli uses descending order
C. The method of constant stimuli presents stimuli in random order
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« The difference is that in this method, the stimulus intensities are presented in random order, rather than in descending or ascending order. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: METHOD: Determining the Threshold: Which method is considered the most accurate for determining the threshold?
A. Method of limits
B. Method of constant stimuli
C. Method of adjustment
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« The method of constant stimuli is the most accurate method because it involves many observations and stimuli are presented in random order, which minimizes how presentation on one trial can affect the participant’s judgment of the stimuli presented on the next trial. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: Quel livre Fechner a-t-il publié en 1860 ?
A. Elements of Psychology.
B. Elements of Psychophysics.
C. Principles of Psychology.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Ten years after having his insight about the mind, Fechner (1860/1966) published his masterpiece, Elements of Psychophysics, in which he proposed a number of methods for measuring stimulus–behavior relationships using psychophysics. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: Quelle était l’idée de Fechner sur la relation entre l’esprit et le corps ?
A. L’esprit et le corps sont totalement séparés.
B. L’esprit et le corps sont deux côtés d’une même réalité.
C. L’esprit ne peut pas être étudié.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« His insight was that the mind and body should not be thought of as totally separate from one another but as two sides of a single reality (Wozniak, 1999). Most important, Fechner proposed that the mind could be studied by measuring the relationship between changes in physical stimulation (the body part of the relationship) and a person’s experience (the mind part). » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: Quelle était la pensée dominante sur l’étude de l’esprit au milieu des années 1800 ?
A. L’esprit et le corps étaient considérés comme totalement séparés.
B. L’esprit et le corps étaient considérés comme identiques.
C. L’esprit pouvait être étudié scientifiquement.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Prevailing thought at that time was that it was impossible to study the mind. The mind and the body were thought to be totally separate from one another. People saw the body as physical and therefore something that could be seen, measured, and studied, whereas the mind was considered not physical and was therefore invisible and something that couldn’t be measured and studied. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: Quelles méthodes Fechner a-t-il proposées pour mesurer le seuil ?
A. La méthode des limites.
B. La méthode des stimuli constants.
C. La méthode d’ajustement.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« One of the major contributions of Elements of Psychophysics was the proposal of three methods for measuring the threshold: the method of limits, the method of constant stimuli, and the method of adjustment. Taken together, these methods, which are called the classical psychophysical methods, opened the way for the founding of scientific psychology by providing methods to measure thresholds for perceiving sensory stimuli. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: Qui a introduit plusieurs méthodes de mesure des seuils ?
A. Wilhelm Wundt.
B. Gustav Fechner.
C. Hermann von Helmholtz.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Gustav Fechner (1801–1887), professor of physics at the University of Leipzig, introduced a number of ways of measuring thresholds. Fechner had wide-ranging interests, having published papers on electricity, mathematics, color perception, aesthetics (the judgment of art and beauty), the mind, the soul, and the nature of consciousness. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: What do we need to measure to understand the richness of perception?
A. Only thresholds
B. Other aspects of sensory experience in addition to thresholds
C. Only the absolute threshold
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« To understand the richness of perception, we need to be able to measure other aspects of sensory experience in addition to thresholds. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: What happens to your vision when you stay in a dark place for a while?
A. It gets worse
B. It stays the same
C. It gets better
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« At first you may not be able to see much, but eventually your vision gets better and you are able to see light and objects that were invisible before. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: What is celebrated on October 22 among psychophysical researchers?
A. Weber Day
B. Fechner Day
C. Psychophysics Day
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Because of the impact of Fechner’s contributions to our understanding of measuring thresholds, October 22, the date Fechner awoke with his insight that led to the founding of psychophysics, is known among psychophysical researchers as “Fechner Day.” » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: What is the dark adaptation curve?
A. The process of vision getting worse in the dark
B. The process of vision staying the same in the dark
C. The process of vision improving in the dark
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« This improved vision occurs because your threshold for seeing light is becoming smaller and smaller as you stay in the dark. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: What is the difference threshold?
A. The smallest difference between two stimuli that enables us to tell the difference between them
B. The smallest intensity of a stimulus that can be detected
C. The average intensity of a stimulus that can be detected
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« In this case, you would be interested in the difference threshold—the smallest difference between two stimuli that enables us to tell the difference between them. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Measuring Thresholds: Who measured the difference threshold for different senses before Fechner’s publication?
A. Gustav Fechner
B. Ernst Weber
C. Hermann von Helmholtz
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Fechner not only proposed his psychophysical methods but also described the work of Ernst Weber (1795–1878), a physiologist who, a few years before the publication of Fechner’s book, measured the difference threshold for different senses. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Pourquoi la mesure précise des seuils est-elle importante dans l’étude scientifique des sens ?
A. Parce qu’elle permet de comprendre les capacités maximales des systèmes sensoriels.
B. Parce qu’elle permet de comprendre les limites des systèmes sensoriels.
C. Parce qu’elle permet de comprendre les capacités moyennes des systèmes sensoriels.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« As we will now see, the importance of being able to accurately measure thresholds was recognized very early in the history of the scientific study of the senses. Thresholds have an important place in the history of perceptual psychology, and of psychology in general, so let’s consider them in more detail before describing other ways of measuring perception. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Qu’est-ce que le seuil absolu ?
A. Le plus grand niveau de stimulus qui peut être détecté.
B. Le plus petit niveau de stimulus qui peut être détecté.
C. Le niveau moyen de stimulus qui peut être détecté.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« The absolute threshold is the smallest stimulus level that can just be detected. In the grating acuity example, this threshold was the smallest line width that can be detected. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 13)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Que mesurent les seuils dans les systèmes sensoriels ?
A. Les limites des systèmes sensoriels.
B. Les capacités maximales des systèmes sensoriels.
C. Les capacités moyennes des systèmes sensoriels.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« These examples show that thresholds measure the limits of sensory systems; they are measures of minimums—the smallest line-width that can be detected, the smallest concentration of a chemical we can taste or smell, the smallest amount of sound energy we can hear. Thresholds have an important place in the history of perceptual psychology, and of psychology in general, so let’s consider them in more detail before describing other ways of measuring perception. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 13-14)
1.5 Measuring Perception: Quel est un exemple de seuil absolu pour le sens du goût ?
A. La plus petite quantité de sel nécessaire pour juste pouvoir le goûter.
B. La plus grande quantité de sel nécessaire pour juste pouvoir le goûter.
C. La quantité moyenne de sel nécessaire pour juste pouvoir le goûter.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« For instance, if you’re making a stew and decide that you want to add salt for flavor, the absolute threshold would be the smallest amount of salt that you would need to add in order to just be able to taste it. For the sense of hearing, it might be the intensity of a whisper that you can just barely hear. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 13)
Some Questions We Will Consider: Pourquoi la perception est-elle souvent considérée comme facile ?
A. Parce qu’elle se produit automatiquement.
B. Parce qu’elle est simple.
C. Parce qu’elle est complexe.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Perception seems to “just happen.” We open our eyes and see a landscape, a campus building, or a group of people. But the reality, as you will appreciate after reading this book, is that the mechanisms responsible for perception are extremely complex. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 4)
Some Questions We Will Consider: Pourquoi les premiers informaticiens pensaient-ils pouvoir créer un ordinateur capable de perception humaine en une décennie, alors que cela a pris plus de 60 ans et que nous n’y sommes toujours pas ?
A. Parce que la perception est simple.
B. Parce que les mécanismes de la perception sont complexes.
C. Parce que la perception semble se produire automatiquement.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Perception seems to “just happen.” We open our eyes and see a landscape, a campus building, or a group of people. But the reality, as you will appreciate after reading this book, is that the mechanisms responsible for perception are extremely complex. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 4)
Some Questions We Will Consider: Quelle est la nature de la perception selon le texte ?
A. Un processus simple.
B. Un processus complexe.
C. Un processus automatique.
D. Aucune de ces réponses.
E. Toutes ces réponses.
« Perception seems to “just happen.” We open our eyes and see a landscape, a campus building, or a group of people. But the reality, as you will appreciate after reading this book, is that the mechanisms responsible for perception are extremely complex. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 4)
SOMETHING TO CONSIDER: Why Is the Difference Between Physical and Perceptual Important?: Pourquoi la perception est-elle considérée comme de la psychologie et non de la physique?
A. Parce que les réponses perceptuelles ne sont pas nécessairement les mêmes que les réponses des dispositifs de mesure physique
B. Parce que la perception est plus précise que les mesures physiques
C. Parce que la perception est plus complexe que les mesures physiques
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« But perception is psychology, not physics, and perceptual responses are not necessarily the same as the responses of physical measuring devices. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 19)
SOMETHING TO CONSIDER: Why Is the Difference Between Physical and Perceptual Important?: Que montrent les exemples de la différence entre les mesures physiques et la perception?
A. Que les mesures physiques et la perception sont identiques
B. Que les mesures physiques et la perception sont deux choses différentes
C. Que les mesures physiques sont plus précises que la perception
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« What these examples illustrate is that what physical measuring instruments record and what we perceive are two different things. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 19)
SOMETHING TO CONSIDER: Why Is the Difference Between Physical and Perceptual Important?: Quelle est l’importance de la distinction entre le physique et le perceptuel dans l’étude de la perception?
A. Elle montre que la perception humaine peut être expliquée par la physique
B. Elle montre que la perception humaine est différente des mesures physiques
C. Elle montre que la perception humaine est identique aux mesures physiques
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« What these examples illustrate is that what physical measuring instruments record and what we perceive are two different things. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 19)
SOMETHING TO CONSIDER: Why Is the Difference Between Physical and Perceptual Important?: Selon Ludy Benjamin, que se passerait-il si les changements dans les stimuli physiques entraînaient toujours des changements similaires dans la perception?
A. Il n’y aurait pas besoin de la psychologie
B. La perception humaine pourrait être entièrement expliquée par les lois de la physique
C. La perception humaine serait plus complexe
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
A, B
« If changes in physical stimuli always resulted in similar changes in perception of those stimuli … there would be no need for psychology; human perception could be wholly explained by the laws of the discipline of physics. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 19)
TESTEZ-VOUS 1.2: Décrivez les cinq questions que l’on peut poser sur le monde extérieur et les techniques de mesure utilisées pour y répondre.
A. Quelle est la magnitude perceptuelle d’un stimulus ?
B. Quelle est l’identité du stimulus ?
C. À quelle vitesse puis-je réagir à cela ?
D. Comment puis-je décrire ce qui est là ?
E. Comment puis-je interagir avec cela ?
« Quelle est la magnitude perceptuelle d’un stimulus ? Technique : Estimation de la magnitude. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
« Quelle est l’identité du stimulus ? Technique : Test de reconnaissance. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
« À quelle vitesse puis-je réagir à cela ? Technique : Temps de réaction. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16-17)
« Comment puis-je décrire ce qui est là ? Technique : Rapport phénoménologique. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16)
« Comment puis-je interagir avec cela ? Technique : Tâches physiques et jugements. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 16-17)
TESTEZ-VOUS 1.2: Décrivez les différences entre la méthode des limites, la méthode des stimuli constants et la méthode d’ajustement.
A. La méthode des limites présente des stimuli en ordre ascendant ou descendant
B. La méthode des stimuli constants présente des intensités de stimuli dans un ordre aléatoire
C. La méthode d’ajustement permet au participant d’ajuster l’intensité du stimulus
« Méthode des limites : Le chercheur présente des stimuli en ordre ascendant ou descendant et le participant indique s’il perçoit le stimulus. Le seuil est déterminé par la moyenne des points de croisement. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14)
« Méthode des stimuli constants : Les intensités des stimuli sont présentées dans un ordre aléatoire et le seuil est défini comme l’intensité détectée dans 50 % des essais. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
« Méthode d’ajustement : Le participant ajuste l’intensité du stimulus jusqu’à ce qu’il puisse à peine le détecter. Le seuil est déterminé par la moyenne des réglages. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 15)
TESTEZ-VOUS 1.2: Pourquoi est-il important de distinguer entre le physique et le perceptuel ?
A. Les instruments de mesure physique et ce que nous percevons sont deux choses différentes
B. La perception est une question de psychologie, pas de physique
C. Les réponses perceptuelles ne sont pas nécessairement les mêmes que les réponses des dispositifs de mesure physique
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Il est important de distinguer entre le physique et le perceptuel car les instruments de mesure physique et ce que nous percevons sont deux choses différentes. La perception est une question de psychologie, pas de physique, et les réponses perceptuelles ne sont pas nécessairement les mêmes que les réponses des dispositifs de mesure physique. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 18-19)
TESTEZ-VOUS 1.2: Quelle a été la contribution de Fechner à la psychologie ?
A. Il a développé des méthodes psychophysiques classiques
B. Il a créé une formule mathématique reliant les stimuli physiques et la perception
C. Il a contribué à la compréhension de la mesure des seuils
D. Aucune de ces réponses
E. Toutes ces réponses
« Fechner a contribué à la psychologie en développant des méthodes psychophysiques classiques pour déterminer le seuil absolu d’un stimulus. Il a également créé une formule mathématique reliant les stimuli physiques et la perception. » (Goldstein & Cacciamani, 2022, p. 14-16)