Sherif (1935) Flashcards
Sherif researched whether people are influenced by
others when they’re doing ambiguous tasks where the answer isn’t clear
Sherif (1935) name
conformity at the autokinetic
Sherif date
Method: what kind of experiment is it?
a laboratory experiment with a repeated measures design
Method: Sherif used a visual illusion called the
autokinetic effect where a statutory spot of light, viewed in a dark room, appears to move
Method: participants were falsely told that the experimenter
would move the light
Method: they had to estimate how far
the light had moved
Method: in the first phase
individual participants made estimates and then they were put into groups of three
Method: when they were put into groups
they each made an estimate in front of each other
Method: after estimating in a group, they
re estimated individually
Results: when they were alone, participants
developed their own stable estimates which varied widely between participants
Results: once the participants were in a group
the estimates tended to converge and become more alike
Results: when the participants were retested
their answers were more like the groups
Conclusion: participants were influenced by
the estimates of other people and a group norm developed
Conclusion: estimates converged because
participants used each other to get information