Agency Theory (1973) Flashcards
when people behave on the behalf of an external authority
they’re said to be doing this in an agentic state
people as as someones agent rather then
taking personal responsibility for their actions
the opposite of agentic state is
autonomously - not following orders
Milgram’s agency theory stated that when
we feel as if we’re acting out of the wishes of another person, we feel less responsible for our actions
the effect of agency theory can be found in
Milgram’s studies
in Milgrams shock study, some participants were concerned for the welfare of the learner and
asked who would take responsibility if the learner was harmed
when the examiner took responibility
the participants would usually continue
this agentic state was also encouraged by
the experiments set up
the participants voluntarily entered a
social contract
people can start off acting in an autonomous way
but then become obedient
starting off as autonomous then becoming obedient is known as
agentic shift
in Milgram’s experiment
the participants started out autonomous then became obedient during the experiment
Milgram claimed there were some
binding factors that kept his participants in an agentic state
what were the factors that kept Milgram’s participants in an agentic state?
reluctance to disrupt the experiment
the pressure of the surroundings
the insistence of the authority figure
reluctance to disrupt the experiment
the participants had already been payed so they may have felt obligated to continue
the pressure of the surroundings
because the experiment took place at Yale University, the examiner made it seem legitimate meaning his authority was legitimate
the insistence of the authority figure
if participants hesitated they were told that they had to continue the experiment
before his studies, Milgram believed that people were
autonomous and could choose to resist authority
His agency theory shows Milgram’s findings changed his mind about
much impact authority figures have
there is a lot of
experimental evidence to support agency theory
participants often claimed they
wouldn’t have gone as far themselves but they were just following orders
sometimes people
resist the pressure to obey authority
people can sometimes resist authority if
the situation isn’t right or because of individual differences
agency theory doesn’t explain why some people are
more likely to exhibit independent behavior