Sheep, calves, and goats I Flashcards
4 sheep meat breeds
5 wool sheep breeds
Merino Rambouillet Lincoln Romney Barbados (hair breed
2 sheep dual purpose breeds
6 dairy goat breeds
Alpine Nubian Toggenburg La Mancha Saanen Oberhaslie
2 fiber goat breeds
5 meat goat breeds
Boer Sapel Ma Tou Kambling Pygmy
6 breeds of dairy cattle
Holstein-Fresian Brown-Swiss Jersey Ayrshire Guernsey Milking Shorthorn
2 breeds of meat cattle
Corriedales are models of what?
conjugated hyperbilirubinemia/hepatic organic anion excretory defect (Dubin-Johnson syndrome)
Southdowns are models of what?
unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia/hepatic organic anion uptake defect (Gilbert syndrome)
Dorsets are models of what?
glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase deficiency
Suffolks are models of what?
GM1 gangliosidosis
Many breeds of sheep are models of what?
pulmonary adenocarcinoma (jaagsiekte)
Caprine myotonia congenita (fainting goat) is a model for what disease?
human myotonia congenita (Thomsen’s disease)
Nubians are models for what?
b-mannosidosis and prenatal therapeutic cell transplantation
Tritrichomonas fetus in cattle is a model for what human disease?
Trichomonas vaginalis
Inherited cardiomyopathy is common in which cattle breeds?
Holstein-Fresian, Simmental-Red Holstein, Black Spotted Fresian, and Polled Hereford
Ayrshires and Fresians naturally are models of what?
Shorthorns and Brahmans are natural models of what?
Holsteins are natural models of what?
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency, hereditary zinc deficiency
polled Hereford and polled Shorthorn calves are natural models of what?
Maple Syrup Urine dz
Neonatal Friesan calves are natural models of what?
Do sheep prefer straw bedding to slats?
Cattle prefer grass to straw, T or F?
Main source of energy for ruminants
Neonates absorb immunoglobulin in the intestine via pinocytosis within how many hours after birth?
36 hours
Why can’t BUN be used as a measure of renal function in ruminants?
Rumen microflora break down urea nitrogen
Where does lipogenesis in sheep occur?
Adipose and mammary gland tissues
3 major ovine histocompatibility classes
OVAR class I, II, III
Which goat breeds have fragile RBCs?
Pygmys and Toggenburgs
Do goats like sweet feeds?
No, they don’t like finely ground food
sheep, cattle, goats - which are grazers and which are browsers?
Goats are browsers. The others are grazers
Gestation length of sheep
When to preg check by u/s for sheep
after day 60
Gestation of goats
How do you know when goats are about to give birth?
Does tend to have elevated rectal temp (above 103) for a week prior to parturition
When can you induce goats with PGF2a?
Day 144
Gestation length of cattle
u/s in cattle can detect pregnancy when?
9 days
Palpation preg check in cattle
28-35 days: amniotic vesicle
30-35 days: fetal membrane slip
65 days: fetus
100-110 days: placentomes
Placentation of ruminants
Which animals’ caruncles are concave vs convex
Sheep and goat caruncles are concave
Cow caruncles are convex