Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program- SAPR CI1754.10F 4/10/24 Flashcards
An intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent
Sexual Assault
Is an unrestricted report reportable to CGIS
Is a restricted report reportable
No, it is confidential
Report to EAPC/SARC, FAS, VA, or HCP
Who is responsible for preventing sexual assaults
Who investigates an unrestricted report
Formal investigation by trained criminal investigators
Who must the restricted report be reported to
EAPC/SARC, FAS, VA, Coast Guard/DoD HCP, Chaplain
If a civilian friend or family members acts on the victims behalf to one of the approved restricted officials, will it still be restricted
How long shall evidence be retained
12 months
What is the manual number
What is the motto for sexual assault/harrassment
Recognize, Prevent, Respond
Mandated Training
How long do you have to report sexual harassment
45 days from last harassing act
Mandated training
What is the sexual assault report form
Who administers the SAPRR program
Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs)
All new cases must be entered in DSAID within _____ business days of the report
Which report provides leadership support,
the full array of safety and support resources, and the possibility to hold the offender(s)
Which report is confidential
Which report is not
available if the sexual assault has already been disclosed to law enforcement or someone in
the victim’s direct chain of command
Restricted Reporting
Only who can
take a report of sexual assault
SARC, VA, or Coast Guard medical officer
An _____ initiates a criminal investigation and
provides command support for service member victims
Unrestricted Report
Following an _____ Report, a victim may request an expedited transfer to a new
duty station
A _____ Report does not trigger an investigation or command notification
The _____ should refer the victim to a SARC or VA to discuss
reporting options and available services
Victims who initially elect the Restricted Reporting
option may change the report to Unrestricted at any time
Once an Unrestricted Report is elected on
the VRPS, it can never revert to a Restricted Report
Learning how to
survive and ultimately thrive in this _____ is the goal for long-term recovery
“new normal”
How often is sexual assault training
annually, calendar year
responders are composed of personnel in the following disciplines or positions:
VAs, Coast Guard medical officers, Coast Guard security forces, CGIS, judge advocates,
SVCs, and chaplains
Victim advocates must receive a (minimum) _____-hour initial training
SARCs must complete the (minimum) _____-hour initial VA training
40 hour
40 hour
Initial VA and SARC training curricula must be approved by whom
The _____ Program gives people making a
Restricted Report an opportunity to anonymously disclose suspect information to help law
enforcement identify serial offenders
Catch a Serial Offender (CATCH) Program
What means a freely given agreement to the conduct at issue by a competent
What is intentional sexual contact characterized by use of force,
threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent
Sexual assault
Sexual Assault Forensic Examination
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
a person who can provide emotional support to the victim during interviews, medical procedures, and legal proceedings
Trained and professionally credentialed Coast Guard active-duty and/or Reserve volunteers who advocate for the victim; they may also be a prevention resource and assists the SARC and VAPS in prevention-related activities
Volunteer Victim Advocate (VVA)
A-4, A-5
Where would you direct a friend to report sexual assault
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline (
CG SAPR home page
Is confiding in another the same thing as making a Restricted Report
No. Confiding in another is neither a Restricted nor an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault. This policy allows a victim to speak to someone else. It ensures both reporting options are still available to them
Under what circumstances can my Restricted Report be converted to an Unrestricted Report
Circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following:
The victim or other person(s) will otherwise remain in serious or imminent danger if the crime is not reported
Required for fitness for duty or disability determinations
The victim is incapacitated or otherwise unable to make a competent decision.
In this situation, the SARC, Victim Advocate, or Health Care Provider (HCP) can disclose information to those individuals with an official need to know, or as required by law or regulation, to coordinate direct treatment or services for the victim
Can I tell my spouse if she/he is in my chain of command and still maintain a Restricted Report option
A spouse, who is a member of the same command, but is not senior in the chain of command, will not have a duty to report the assault to the command or CGIS
What is a Third Party Report of sexual assault
A Third Party Report means someone other than the victim, who knows about the sexual assault, makes a report based upon their knowledge of the assault
Why is Unrestricted reporting desired by the Coast Guard
the only option that may lead to offenders being held accountable for their actions
An Unrestricted Report also allows the victim a full range of protections, including but not limited to
Military Protective Order
Immediate transfer or relocation, otherwise known as an “Expedited
Other law enforcement and command protective actions
Who are the “covered entities” that can take a Restricted Report without being mandated to disclose to the command or CGIS
SARCs, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and Department of Defense HCPs, VAs who are trained to take Restricted Reports
Servicing Victim Counsel (SVC) and chaplains are not trained to take reports of sexual assault; however, victim communication with chaplains and SVCs are privileged
If anyone, including the individual whom the victim confided in, discloses the sexual assault information to a Third Party, including the command or CGIS, before the victim speaks with a SARC and signs a Victim Preference Statement, CG-6095, does the victim still have the opportunity to file a Restricted Report
No. If a victim did not make a Restricted Report and did not sign the Victim Preference Statement, CG-6095, before the command or CGIS found out about the assault from the Third Party, then the victim cannot file a Restricted Report. An Unrestricted Report and investigation will be initiated based upon the Third Party report
What are the benefits of the Confiding in Another Person policy
Prevent the victim from being lonely and isolated
Help reduce stress and anxiety
Ensure the victim receives information about support options, including
how to make a report of sexual assault or where to seek medical help
Additionally, the confidant is not required to report the assault
Does the confidant have absolute confidentiality
The confidant may disclose the information, for these reasons or many others:
If questioned during an investigation into the assault
If the confidant believes the victim’s safety is in imminent danger
A person who alleges direct harm resulting from the commission of a sexual assault
Health safety and work life CG-11 page, Sexual Assault Prevention,
Response, & Recovery (SAPRR) Program
A strategy that motivates and mobilizes people to act when they see, hear, or otherwise recognize signs of an inappropriate or unsafe situation, to act and prevent harm
Bystander Intervention
Health safety and work life CG-11 page, Sexual Assault Prevention,
Response, & Recovery (SAPRR) Program
A _____ is a full-time, Coast Guard civilian employee who is trained to ensure appropriate care is coordinated and provided to victims of sexual assault. In addition, they track the services provided to a victim of sexual assault from the initial report through final disposition and resolution. They lead all SAPRR services in their area of responsibility (AOR) such as training and prevention activities
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
Health safety and work life CG-11 page, Sexual Assault Prevention,
Response, & Recovery (SAPRR) Program
A Coast Guard civilian employee who is trained and credentialed to ensure appropriate care is coordinated and provided to victims of sexual assault. They can provide emotional support to the victim during interviews, medical procedures, and legal proceedings. They work in conjunction with the SARC, and receives taskings, mentorship, oversight, guidance, training, and support from the SARC
VAPS Victim Advocate Program Specialist
Health safety and work life CG-11 page, Sexual Assault Prevention,
Response, & Recovery (SAPRR) Program
Conversation that takes place within the context of a protected relationship, such as that between an attorney and client, psychotherapist and patient, clergy/chaplain and penitent/parishioner, or SARC/VA and sexual assault victim.
Privileged Communication
Health safety and work life CG-11 page, Sexual Assault Prevention,
Response, & Recovery (SAPRR) Program
A victim’s disclosure of their sexual assault to anyone currently serving in a criminal or civil investigative role or in the victim’s direct chain of command (to include the OOD, Watch Stander, or other command delegated authority when working in a command capacity), must be reported to the victim’s CO/OINC, CGIS, and SARC. Therefore, those in law enforcement and in the victim’s direct chain of command are considered this.
Mandatory Reporter
Health safety and work life CG-11 page, Sexual Assault Prevention,
Response, & Recovery (SAPRR) Program