Epme Flashcards
Enlisted ratings only open to reservists
Port security and investigator
Uscg roles and missions(capabilities)
- roles- A. Maritime safety-sar, maritime mobility-aids to navigation and ice operations, fisheries, protection of natural resources, marine environmental protection, living marine resources.
B.maritime security-illegal drug interdiction, undocumented migrant interdiction, other law enforcement and ports waterway and coastal security, national defense-defense and readiness
C. maritime stewardship
3 roles
11 missions
Selected reserve(selres)
48 paid inactive duty training drills
12 paid active duty training days
Individual ready reserve
A manpower pool principally consisting of individuals who have had training and have previously served in active forces or in the selective service.
Auxiliarists missions
- surface missions
- Air operations
- Land based operations
- Public education missions
- Environmental
- Coast guard support and boating safety
- Agency support
Coast guard symbols
- National ensign
- Coast guard flag
- Union Jack
- Coast guard seal
- Coast guard ensign
- Coast guard battle streamers
- Commissioning pennant
- Coast guard slash
National ensign
Ensign-on vessel or facility
Colors-carried by foot
Standard-vehicle or aircraft
Coast guard flag
1962 Approved 1/28/64 White, 52x66" National arms in blue Stripes of shield is red Coast guard name above arms and motto/1790 below Trimmed 21/2 golden yellow fringe Staff topped with battle ax finial Battle streamers Without streamers decorated with blue and white tassels
Union Jack
Vessel moored- flag and jack staff 0800-sunset
Vessel underway-not flown
General court martial- displayed at a signal yardarm
Coast guard seal,emblem, and shield
1790 revenue cutter service
Coast guard ensign
Cg vessel's law enforcement authority 1799 Commissioned cutters just below commission pennant 16 vertical red and white stripes-number of states in the union 1910 rev. Cut. Ser. Emblem added 1927 changed to the coast guard 1951 coat of arms changed 1966 motto removed
Coast guard battle streamers
34 authorized battle streamers
Commissioning pennant
Represents vessel is under command of commissioned officer or commissioned warrant
Aft most mast head
Coast guard slash-racing stripe
64 degrees
Red and blue
CG emblem in the center
Motto-semper p
Captain francias saltus van boskerck wrote it in the cutter Yamacraw savannah, ga 1922
When is a vessel considered a cutter
greater than 65ft
Coast Guard armed service
1915 Revenue Cutter Service and US Lifesaving Service are combined
Port state control program
to eliminate substandard from US ports and waterways
Americas recreational boats
17 million
Coast Guard is the captain of port
it uses its authorities and responsibilities to coordinate response effort on waterways after incidents or disasters
Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER)
CG partners with worlds merchant fleet to rescue mariners around the using AMVER.
Coast Guard rights of jurisdiction
CG can board, inspect, search, inquire, and arrest any vessel subject to U.S jurisdiction
Who is lead agency for drug control and interdiction
CG is for maritime drug interdiction under the national drug control strategy and co leading agency for air interdiction operations with US customs and border patrol
CG war involvement
served with navy in quasi war with france in 1798, civil war, world wars, vietnam, persian gulf war, and operation iraqi freedom.
May 2008 agreement
in may 2008 agreement between secretaries of defense and homeland security formalizes the use of CG competencies and resources in support of national military strategy and to execute essential military operations in peacetime crisis and war
Espionage Act of 1917
CG has been responsible for port and water way security since the act
Magnuson Act of 1950
after WW2 the act renewed mission to safeguard ports, harbors, and vessels from attacks
Security Act of 2002
Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 designated CG as federal maritime security coordinator
Magnuson-Stevens 1976
1976 congress passed magnuson-stevens fishery conservativeand management act. it set up the exclusive economic zone(eez) which extends 200 miles off shore
Oil and Hazmat
CG is the official on-scene coordinator for all oil and hazardous substance incidents
- ready reserve consists of reservists that are available to be immediately recalled to active duty, considered active status
- monthly drills and an annual two week training period for ready reserve
- reservists can attend-recruit training, OCS, specialized training
- ready reserve consists of selective reserve(SELRES), individual ready reserve(IRR)
- made up of prior active duty and recruits and are the #1 contingency plan for recall
- selres is authorized 48 paid inactive duty training drills and at least 12 paid active duty for training per fiscal year
Individual Ready Reserve
- IRR is a man power tool and consists of those completing the remaining portion of their 8 year military service obligation and those that choose to stay in after completion
- IRR not required to meet same training as SELRES
- US coast guard aux created by Act of Congress in 1939
2. AUX supports all missions except military and law enforcement
Department of Homeland Security
Dept. of Homeland Def. was established Nov. 25, 2002 by the Homeland Security Act of 2002
- DHS has 7 statutory missions
- DHS is compromised of 7 major divisions
a. transportation security administration
b. us customs and border protection
c. us citizenship and immigration services
d. us immigration enforcement
e. us secret service
f. federal emergency management agency
g. us coast guard - march 1, 2003 CG transferred from DOT to DHS
Petty Officer History
- 1808- rate of PO became official
- 1841- PO acquire first rating insignia, its a sleeve device with an eagle perched on an anchor
- 1866- specialty or rating marks become official
- 1885 july 1 rating of 3 classes of PO are approved
- 1886 PO wear rate insignias of chevrons with points down under special eagle, eagle faces left
- 1893 chief PO rate is established, PO wear current insignia
Coast Guard and navy rates
1917 during WW1 rates became the same
Article 91
Insubordinate Conduct toward an officer
Article 92
Failure to obey order or regulation
Article 7
Title 14 United States Code
Section 8 gives the coast guard law enforcement authority and who may exercise it
Admiral Russel R. Waesche
he made the coast guard have authorization to enforce all us laws at sea and within territorial waters, over saw the largest CG expansion, increased aids to navigation, maritime safety, and icebreaking
Most senior member of their respective rating
rating force master chief
Workout allotment
CO shall provide active duty with minimum of 1hr work out time 3 times a week.
maximum heart rate is 220
Co’s job to maintain…..
- equal employment opportunity(EOO)/ equal opportunity(EO) and civil rights program. they work with civil rights service providers(CRSP)
Career development Advisor(CDA)
Voting Assistance Officer(VAO)
- members of armed forces and uniformed services
- spouses and dependents of members
- us citizens currently out of the us
20% savings, 10% retirement, 10% extraordinary situations
10% consumer debt
20% mortgage or rent
50% routine living expenses
What are the multiple types of measures in CGBI
people, training, equipment, infastructure
what items are in each measure
People-time in grade, security clearance authorization, dental, medical
Training- status of task or competency, completion as reflected in TMT
ALMIS, or direct access
Equipment- resource hours, availability rates, casualty information
Infrastructure- unit condition index, mission dependency index for items such as piers and shore facilities
Congress determines actual pay and allowance levels each year via what 2 acts
The Military Appropriations Act and The Military Authorization Act
Are members at OCS who came there with no break in service authorized BAS? Members with a break in service or just starting service?
The ________ determines the cost of adequate housing in a military housing area for all members of the uniformed services entitled to BAH by location.
Secretary of Defense
Reservists called or ordered to active duty for ______or fewer days are authorized bah-rc(reserve component). if called or ordered to active duty for a period longer than ____ days, member is authorized bah/oha.
If a member is called or ordered to active duty status for ___ days or more but not authorized a house hold goods transfer, they receive bah/oha based on the members principal residence(at the time called/ordered to active duty
_____ is authorized when a member is permanently assigned to a ship that is away from its homeport continuously for more than 30 days. dependents are not required to reside in the vicinity of the homeport
____ is authorized when a member is TAD/TDY away from the permanent station, including TAD/TDY aboard ship, cxontinuously for more than 30 days, and the dependents do not reside at or near the tad/tdy location. dependents are not required to reside in the vicinity of the members permanent duty station
Can a member earn family separation housing(FSH) and FSA at the same time or FSA-R and FSA-T at the same time?
a member may qualify for fsh and fsa for the same period. in that case, concurrent payment of both types is authorized. however, a member may not receive more than one fsa payment for the same period even though the member may qualify for fsa-s, fsa-r, and fsa-t. fsh is payable in a monthly amount equal to bah for a member without dependents in the same pay grade
Is cola taxable
Can one receive hardship duty pay assigned to a ship
no, only land units or units on an ice shelf
Career sea pay is a special pay authorized for all members in pay grade___
When is hazardous duty incentive pay authorized
to members who under orders by competent authority participate in regular and frequent aerial flights as crew or noncrew members
How many months prior can bank time help you
How does a member become eligible for SDAP
they must actually be filling the billet.
Supervisors must conduct unscheduled employee reviews when a member….
advances to E-7 or above executes PCS orders changes approving officials is awarded non-judicial punishment is convicted by courts martial
The supervisor shall: Establishing a method for the evaluee to provide input on his or her performances, these bullets should be submitted to the supervisor no later than____ days before the end of the marking period
Routing the completed employee review to the marking official no later than ___ days prior to the period ending date, including suporting comments for any recommended supporting remarks
The marking official shall: Route the completed employee review to the approving official no later than ___ days after the employee review period ending date
The approving official shall be what rank or above
E-7 or above
The approving official shall: ensure the completed employee review, with support remarks are processed in sufficient time to permit them to be reviewed by the evaluee through direct access no later than ____ days following the end of the marking period
The appeal authority is responsible for reviewing and acting on the appeal within ____ calendar days after receiving it
How long does the approving official have to endorse an appeal letter and send to appeal authority
The rules and regulations governing official travel are contained in the
Joint Federal Travel Regulations JFTR
What entitlements are allowed for pcs travel
dislocation allowance-DLA travel time per diem monetary allowance in lieu of transportation-MALT temporary lodging allowance-TLA
When is DLA authorized for members without dependents
only authorized if upon arrival at pds, member is released from government quarters to live on the economy
What is monetary allowance in lieu of travel? MALT
the amount payable to members who drive their own vehicles from their old duty station to their new duty station
MALT is payable per mile on a rate established by the
How long are you required to keep travel claim info
orders, claims, receipts- 6 years 3 months
What will happen if you get over paid for a travel claim
PPC will send an indebtedness letter to the member instructing them on how they can repay the amount
What are the 3 CG roles
maritime safety, security, stewardship
The CG is americas voice in the ____ which promulgates measures to improve shipping safety, pollution prevention, mariner training, and certification standards
International Maritime Organization- IMO
The CG also partners with the worlds merchant fleet to rescue mariners in distress around the globe through the _____ system
Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue- AMVER
The 4 primary missions performed within the realm of maritime security include
illegal drug interdiction,
undocumented migrant interdiction,
defense readiness
ports waterways coastal security
The CG has been responsible for the security of the ports and waterways of the US during times of war since the enactment of
Espionage Act of 1917
What act assigned the CG an ongoing mission to safeguard the US ports, harbors, vessels, and waterfront facilities from accidents, sabotage, or other subversive acts
Magnuson Act of 1950
What act designated the CG Captains of the port as the federal maritime security coordinators
Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002
The CGs role in protecting natural resources dates to the 1820s when congress tasked the revenue marine to protect the federal stocks of
florida live oak trees
The five primary missions performed within the realm of maritime stewardship are…
living marine resources(fisheries law enforcement) marine environmental protection other law enforcement aids to navigation ice operations
What are the 2 primary missions performed within the realm of maritime safety
marine safety
search and rescue
In 1976, congress passed what is now known as the magnuson-stevens fishery conservation and management act. this resulted in the creation of the exclusive economic zone(EEZ) which extends ___ miles out
The ready reserve is divided into two components which include
Selected reserve-selres
individual ready reserve-irr
The US CG aux. is the uniformed volunteer component of the USCG created by an act of congress in
The homeland security act was signed into law on ___ resulting in the establishment of the department of homeland security
NOV 25, 2002
The dhs is comprised of 7 major divisions or directorates and various critical agencies. these are…..
transportation security administration US customs and board protection US citizenship and immigration services US immigration enforcement US secret service Federal emergency management agency USCG
Article 7 gives petty officers what authority
apprehension authority
What CG commandant from 1936-1945 oversaw the addition of many responsibilities, the most sweeping of which was congressional authorization for the CG to enforce all US laws at sea and within territorial waters
Admiral Russell R Waesche Sr
IAW 14 USC section 89 petty officers have the authority to
Search the vessel and question personnel on board
Examine The ships documents and papers
Arrest persons violating the law when warranted
Seize contraband if necessary
Inspect to ensure recreational boating safety carriage requirements are
Inquire about compliance prior to boarding
An efficient way to send an email to a group is
distribution or bang list
In closing in an email the word___ should be used by a senior when addressing a member of lower rank, while the words ___ should be used by a junior when addressing a member of higher rank
very respectfully
The use of ___ sayings or quotes at the end of your email which reflect your personal beliefs or opinions, should be omitted when sending official correspondence
Your signature should include the following information
rate/rank job title unit address phone numbers email address
Inadvertent transmission of classified information shall be reported in accordance with
COMDTINST 5510.21 Information security program
You should contact your units ____ if you are not sure of your network or email systems security level
information systems security officer or systems administrator
Email messages containing personnel sensitive, privacy data, source sensitive, and proprietary information, shall be plainly marked as ___ or sensitive to ensure proper handling
A ___ is defined as a statement of intent or desired result in which individual or group effort is directed
An action plan outlines the steps necessary to accomplish a goal. An example of an action plan used within the CG is the
individual development plan (IDP)
The most effective way of formulating your goals is to use the SMART method. SMART is…
specific measurable achievable relevant time bound
communication is generally classified into 3 types which include
The barriers to effective communication generally fall into 3 categories which include
Physical barriers to effective communication include factors such as
Psychological factors generally involve a persons state of mind, and include factors such as
personality conflicts
personal problems
The ability to focus entirely on what the other person is expressing is known as
active listening
A communication model designed to help guide you through the process of active listening is known as
Listen to the message received carefully and attentively
Empathize by acknowledging the emotions that are being expressed
Ask questions in order to get more info and to clarify info you dont no
Paraphrase what the person has said to ensure you understand the info
Summarize by restating the situation with all the facts to clarify the role
problem or behavior
Who is responsible for planning announcing and executing assignments over a period of time referred to as an assignment year-AY
The enlisted personnel management branch (EPM) of the CG Personnel Command
Each year EPM releases an ALCOAST message (AY SITREP 1) which contains the following info
deadline for command concerns
shopping lists release dates
the submission deadlines for electronic resumes
Members communicate with their assignment preferences using the e resume located in
my portal direct
What is the primary need of the CG during transfer season
mission execution
Who establishes assignment priorities based on location and unit type
What are the different priority types
- overseas restricted units, AVDET GTMO and PATFORSWA afloat
- overseas afloat units
- inconus afloat
- overseas ashore
- inconus ashore
Academy grads are required to obligate how many years of active duty
What are the requirements to be eligible for the academy
US citizen
between 17-22 age
unmarried with no dependents
graduated from high school with credits in required subjects
How long is OCS and how many times a year does the OCS board convene
17 weeks and twice
What are the requirements to be eligible for OCS
US citizen
age-21-26 before the published class convening date for each select-
ion period. A. exceptions-served on active duty in any armed forces
branch, B. may exceed maximum age limit by number of months
served(up to 5 years), C. currently serving as a regular CG CWO and
are less than 40
Medical-meet requirement in the medical manual COMDTINST M6000.1, CH. 3
Under what program cancan enlisted member attend 2 years of college to earn a degree and then attend OCS directly afterwards
pre-commissioning program for the enlisted personnel
PPEP applicants must meet the following criteria
US citizen
age-21 and not yet 32 prior to ocs convening date
duty status-be CG enlisted member or reserve on active duty, must be
able to complete at least 4 years additional continuous active duty
service following ocs grad
sufficient coursework- complete work within 24 months for a baccalaureate degree, be enrolled or accepted in an accredited 4 year college that is approved by commandant (G-PRJ), you need to maintain a cumulative gpa of 2.5
What are the age requirements for the selective reserve commissioning program
age-21-37 as of sept 30 of the fiscal year in which the selection board convenes
Applicant minimum eligibility requirements for appointment to warrant grade must be completed by ___ of the year in which the chief warrant officer appointment board convenes
Jan 1
What are the requirements to be eligible for the cwo appointment
duty status-cg, cg reserve for at least 8 years total in armed forces last 4 with cg, not scheduled for separation nor applied for retirement
SWE results-have placed in the top 50 percent on eligibility list for advancement to e-7 on may swe prior to jan 1
enlisted rate-be serving in pay grade e-6 or above and have completed at least one year
The ____ is the principal advocate for their specialty and is responsible for the overall health of their rating
rating force master chief-RFMC
BY assignment_____ is the most senior member of their respective rating
What is the ability to influence others to obtain their obedience, respect, confidence, and loyal cooperation
What is the ability to work through others to accomplish a task
effective leadership
The cg’s 28 leadership competencies define the knowledge, skills, and expertise the cg expects of its leaders and are divided into 4 categories which include
leading self
leading others
leading performance and change
leading the cg
Commandant has tasked the ____ with establishing programs to help members develop their leadership skills throughout their career
leadership development center
The ____ is a tool tailored to your specific needs and is designed to assist you in achieving and maintaining the weight and body fat standards required by the cg
personal fitness plan
A personal fitness plan must be updated ____ and submitted to supervisors during performance evaluation periods
Who is responsible for verifying that the member has presented a fitness plan at members performance evaluation and evaluate the members adherence to the fitness plan
Who is responsible for assisting members in development and review of fitness plan, assists overweight or over body fat members by designing exercise programs, and administer mandatory monthly fitness assessments to members on weight probation
_____ shall provide all personnel on active duty, including reservists performing active duty training(adt), a minimum of 1 hour 3 times a week during work hours for voluntary participation in fitness enhancing activities. ensure that all cg military personnel complete a personal fitness plan
commanding officer
A fitness plan should consist of what 5 components
cardio-respiratory endurance-CRE muscular strength muscular endurance flexibility body composition
What is the best way an individual can decrease body fat precentage
through a combination of cardio respiratory training, caloric intake management, and weight resistance training
_____ is a method used to determine the intensity of an exercise. it is subjective measure of how hard we think or feel we are exercising
rated perceived exertion
PFP form number
The fitness plan is divided into __ sections. all cg military personnel shall complete sections 1, 2, 6, and 8. all cg military personnel on weight probation shall complete all sections
CMCs wear a distinguishing ___ insignia to indicate their position
gold badge
Senior enlisted personnel are eligible to be selected by their commanding officer as their unit collateral duty command chief and wear a distinguishing ____ insignia to indicate their position
silver badge
The ____ program serves to ensure the equal and just treatment of all personnel; to identify, correct and eliminate illegal discrimination
EEO/EO and civil rights
There are 6 elements necessary to achieve a model EEO program
demonstrated commitment from agency leadership
integration of eeo obligations into the agencys startegic mission
management and program accountability
proactive prevention
responsiveness and legal compliance
What program promotes policies, programs, and initiatives designed to retain a highly capable flexible and diverse workforce
career development program
The service available through the EAP include
critical incident intervention financial consultation legal consultation resources and referral service short term problem solving supervisor consultation
Units with an established morale fund are required to have a ___
morale committe
Its been estimated that __% of people who commit suicide have communicated their threat to another person
What is the ACE technique
The 7 leading self competencies are
accountability and responsibility followership self awareness and learning aligning values health and well being personal conduct technical proficiency
The leading others competencies include
effective communications influencing others respect for others and diversity management team building taking care of people mentoring
Leading performance and change competencies include
conflict management customer focus decision making and problem solving management and process improvement vision development and implemention creativity and innovation
What are 3 approaches to influencing others
What is the process of creating and maintaining a positive environment where the differences of all personnel are recognized understood and valued so that all can reach their full potential and maximize their contributions to the uscg
diversity management
Diversity management has 3 levels of involvement
personal-what is my role
interpersonal-how do i interact with others
organizational-how do i support my organization
_____ is defined as any action prohibited by law, executive order regulation or policy in which members of a category or group of individuals are treated differently from members of another category or group
When it comes to leading and managing teams the three decision making methods commonly used in the cg include
leader-made-one person make all the decisions
leader made with input-input is provided by the team but considered at the discretion of the leader
team made-all team members have a chance to provide input and to have a say in the final decision
The main elements of trust include a belief in a persons ___ and ____
The 4 stages of team development identified by dr. bruce tuckman include
Mentoring can take various forms. the different types of mentoring include
what type of mentoring is a relationship that has an agreed to beginning and end, a method for no fault termination, a formal matching of the mentor and mentee, and agreed upon goals, objectives, and checkpoints
What type of mentoring typically occurs when a mentee seeks out a mentor for career advice? it can also be initiated by the mentor who reaches out to a mentee whom they believe would benefit from advice and experience.
What type of mentoring is the right to help at the right time provided by someone when a mentee needs guidance and advice. it is usually short term
It is expected that all supervisors in the cg will provide what type of mentoring to their subordinates? the individual development plan is a tool that the supervisor can use to help them
The most effective ways to identify a persons needs is by
observing their behavior
What is every persons 5 basic needs according to maslows hierarchy of needs
- survival/physiological-consists of the basics we need to sustain life itself:O2 food water sleep pain relief
- safety/security-need for protection from possible threats such as violence disease poverty. job and money in the bank
- love/social belonging- need to be liked and wanted by family friends coworkers and others with whom we associate
- self-esteem- feelings of importance, 2 places-ourself and others
- self actualization- the full realization of our own potential. we know our limits and try to perform within those limits to our full potential
What are the 5 steps involved with planning a budget
identify goals record your income determine your expenses develop a savings plan use the plan
Credit cards represent a ____ line of credit which means you can make an unlimited number of purchases up to a pre approved dollar limit
What typically plays the largest role in the application process and the terms youll receive
credit score
what are the 3 main goals of the cg substance abuse free environment program
reduce number of sub. abuse incidents
detect and separate members who abuse traffic in or unlawfully posse-
ss drugs
facilitate identification treatment and rehab of members who are found
to be chemically dependent on drugs
SAFE training is provided for the cg members on a reoccurring basis including online mandated training through the CG’s learning portal and face to face unit training how often
Commands will process the member for separation by reason of the UCMJ misconduct under what articles
- A.11
- A.15
- A.21
- B.18
Does a member have to be court martialed or awarded NJP for a conduct to be considered a drug incident with discharge proceedings started
Does an unauthorized drug have to be consumed to be considered a drug incident
Tag-out logs must be maintained and fall under the cognizance of who regardless of which division maintains the log
What inst. do you refer to for tag out procedures
CI 9077.1
Who must designate in writing those officers and petty officers who will serve as authorizing officers for the equipment tagout program
The greatest hazards posed by hand tools result from what
misuse and improper maintenance
What type power tools do not require a 3 pronged plug
double insulated
Before an employee enters any confined space, the internal atmosphere must be tested with a calibrated direct reading instrument by whom
certified gas free engineer(GFE)
What are the two types of confined spaces
non permit confined space
permit required confined space
A PFD will be worn when working over the side as mandated by what manual
CG Rescue and Survival Systems Manual
COMDINST M10420.10
What law covers all workers who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals on the job
CFR 29 1910.1200
What are the bomb threat conditions
no location no time
location but no time or vice versa
location and time
The occupational safety and health administration-OSHA- began enforcing the hazardous waste operations and emergency response-HAZWOPER- regulations in what year
Training for first responders should be at what levels
awareness level and operations level
Training for first responders at the awareness level should include
recognition of chemical and physical hazards
response issues
functional based electives-1 hour
training for first responders at the operations level should include
hazard risk assessment techniques selection and use of proper PPE basic decontamination defensive isolation and booming strategies functional based electives-2hours
Hearing protection devices shall be worn by all personnel when they enter or work in an area where the operations generate noise levels of
equal to or greater than 85db(a) continuous sound pressure level
140 db peak sound pressure level or greater
A combination of insert type and over ear type hearing protective devices( double protection) shall be worn in all areas where noise levels exceed
104 db(a)
All personnel exposed to hazardous noise shall receive a minimum of one hour initial hearing conservation training and appropriate refresher training ___ thereafter
How often is respirator training required
_____ shall appoint a unit respiratory protection program coordinator (RPC) who will be responsible for coordinating and administering the program
CO and officers in charge
This program is designed to inform cg members and their families how to prepare and cope with natural disasters, fast spreading diseases such as pandemic influenza, and other emergencies
ready coast guard
No matter how minor any security infraction must be reported immediately to your ___ so that the incident may be evaluated and any appropriate action taken
command security officer
The 3 information classification levels are
TOP SECRET-information requiring the highest degree of protection
the unauthorized disclosure of top secret information could reason-
ably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to national
SECRET-info requiring a substantial degree of protection. the unauthorized disclosure of secret info could reasonably be expected
to cause serious damage to the national security.
CONFIDENTIAL-info requiring protection. the unauthorized disclosure
of confidential info could reasonably be expected to cause damage
to national security
How are single and multi page classified documents marked
if the document is only one page then the classification will be marked on the bottom and top of the page. for documents containing more than one page, the classification marking will appear on the top and bottom of the outside cover, the title page and the outside back cover. all other internal pages will be marked with the overall classification or with the marking indicating the highest classification level of the info contained on that page.
How are charts maps and drawing classified
they shall bear the appropriate classification marking under the legend, title block or scale
How are photos classified
negatives and positives shall be marked with appropriate classification markings and kept in a case folder etc. bearing conspicuous classification markings
How are video tapes recordings and micro films classified
VIDEO TAPES-shall be marked at the beginning and end of each reel or
tape by titles bearing the appropriate classification markings. such
markings shall be projected on the screen. the outer case or cover
for reels and tapes shall bear the same classification markings
RECORDINGS-shall contain a beginning and end statement of assigned classification. they shall be kept in containers or on reels that
bear conspicuous classification markings
MICROFILM-classification markings shall be conspicuously marked on
Top secret info shall be stored in a ___ approved security container
One of what 4 additional supplemental controls are required for top secret material storage
continuous guard
inspection of security container once every 2 hours
intrusion detection system that shall be responded to within 15 min
security in depth when the gsa approved container is equipped with
a lock meeting federal specification FFL-2740
How is secret info stored
in the same manner as top secret in a gsa approved security container or vault without supplemental controls
Confidential info shall be stored how
in the same manner prescribed for top secret info except that supplemental controls are not required
The command security officer shall be what rank or above
commissioned officer, cwo, e7-e9, gs-9 or above
The classified material control officer work directly for the CSO and his duties include what
chief among the duties of the cfo is responsible for maintaining accountability records for the security control point and ensuring the proper operation of the classified material control system
What are the responsibilities of the document control station officer(DCSO)
THE DCSO works under the direction of the cmco and is responsible for receiving and transmitting through security control point all classified material flowing in and out of the element which is being serviced
What do you do if you find classified material unguarded or not properly secured
do not attempt to read or interpret the info
call the CSO or OOD and report immediately
request assistance by asking someone to call CSO/OOD
do not leave the material unguarded while waiting for the proper author.
if handy cover the material with a folder or sheet of paper to shield it
from view
A continuous systematic process of identifying and controlling risks in all activities according to a set of pre conceived parameters by applying appropriate management policies and procedures
Mishap records show that approximately __ percent of all mishaps are due to the unsafe acts of people while___ percent are due to unsafe conditions not identified or corrected by people
____ generally is a function of severity and probability
what is a standardized response management system? It is an all hazard-all risk approach to managing crisis response operations as well as non crisis events
National Interagency Incident Management System(NIIMS)
Incident Command System(ICS)
The 3 main purposes of ICS include
ensure the safety of responders and others
achievement of tactical objectives
efficient use of resources
The concept of ICS was developed in the aftermath of a devastating california wildfire of what year
By what year ICS was widely used throughout southern california by the major fire agencies
The ICS command staff includes what basic positions
incident commander incident commander deputy information officer liaison officer safety officer agency representative
The ICS general staff includes what sections
operations section
planning section
logistics section
finance/administration section
The ___ includes the overall incident objectives and strategies established by the incident command or the unified command
incident action plan
What section is responsible for developing and documenting the IAP
planning section
The ___ Act allows you your spouse and dependents to register and vote absentee in federal office elections
uniformed and overseas citizen voting act
T or F? you may make monetary contributions to a political organization or political committee favoring a particular candidate or slate of candidates
T or F? You may solicit or receive a campaign contribution from another member of the armed forces or from civilian officer or employee of the u.s. for promoting a political objective or cause sell tickets for or otherwise actively promote political dinners and other such fundraising events
T or F? When not in uniform you may: attend political meetings or rallies as a spectator and join a political club and attend its meetings
T or F? You may write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your personal views concerning public issues if those views do not attempt to promote a partisan political cause
As a cg member, you may serve as an election official with permission from whom
An establishment runs the risk of being placed off limits if its activities include counseling service members to
refuse to perform their duties
desert their military service
involve themselves in acts that would result in significant adverse effects on health welfare or morale of military members
Certain establishments may be placed off limits under the armed forces disciplinary control boards and off installation liaison and operations, COMDTINST _____
As a member of the cg you are prohibited from participating in demonstrations when:
on duty in a foreign country the demonstrators are in uniform the activities constitute a breach of law and order violence is likely to result
What is considered official functions use of a gv
transportation of military and civilian personnel may be provided to and from official functions(including those which occur in the evening) provided that such transportation begins and ends at the work place or other official duty stations
Can you transport non gov employees with you in a gv
transportation of non gov employees is not authorized except for guest speakers at official cg functions and other official guests
Can your spouse ride with you in a gv
a gv is permissible for the transportation of an employee and spouse together to and from the duty location to an official function in which spouses were invited
Can you use a gv for a luncheon
use of the government vehicle is not authorized for such informal gatherings as luncheons
Can you use a gv on permissive orders
the gov is not obligated to provide transportation for members on permissive TAD orders. therefore use of gv is not authorized
________ shall be issued when a member is required to operate a vehicle or vehicle trailer combination that requires special skills and experience
An OF-346, U.S. gov. motor vehicle operators identification card
If you are the driver of a gov vehicle during an accident you must fill out a “statement of witness” form______
T or F? Personal use of gov office equipment is authorized for cg personnel only, during non work time
true when:
involves minimal expense to the gov
does not reduce unit productivity or interfere with the mission or
Personal use time must be limited to how long
30 minutes and no longer for educational use at the discretion of the command
What is the max file size you can send someone
There are how many different types of discharges for characterized separations and one for uncharacterized separations
The different types of characterized discharges are what
honorable discharge-separation with honor
general discharge- separation with honorable conditions
discharge under other than honorable conditions- other than honorable
Bad conduct discharge- separation under conditions other than
Dishonorable discharge- separation with dishonor
Uncharacterized Discharge- separation for those members with less
than 180 days in service
There are 14 formal reasons a service member may be discharged from the military, these include:
- expiration of enlistment
- service obligation fulfilled
- convenience of the gov
- dependency or hardship
- minority(age)
- disability
- unsuitability
- security
- misconduct
- court-martial sentence
- entry level separation(uncharacte
- for the good of the service
- care of newborn children
In any case in which a general discharge or discharge other than honorable conditions is warranted for one of the following reasons set forth above, the service may award the member an honorable or general discharge as appropriate under these conditions if the member has been awarded what medals?
medal of honor, distinguished service medal, legion of merit, distinguished flying cross, cg medal, bronze star medal, air medal, cg commendation medal, gold life saving medal, silver life saving medal or any other armed forces award equivalent to any of these decorations
What is the minimum marks factor average to be considered for hon discharge
What conditions warrant a general discharge
1.the member has been identified as a user, possessor, or distributor of illegal drugs or paraphernalia
- the member has tampered with drug urinalysis samples supplies or
documentation - member has since june 1983 maintained a minimum characteristic
average of less than 2.5 in each factor over the period of enlistment - when commander(CGPC-epm-1) directs issuing a general discharge
based on the individuals overall military record or the severity of the
incidents which results in discharge
A discharge other than honorable conditions may result under the following circumstances and/or conditions
member poses or has created a security risk
an administrative discharge board approves a recommendation for
such a discharge
such discharge will be issued in lieu of trial by court martial only if the
commandant determines an administrative discharge will best serve
the interests of both the service and the member
A bad conduct discharge may result under the following circumstances and/or conditions
when issued as a result of an approved sentence of a general or
special court martial
A dishonorable discharge may result under the following circumstances and/or conditions
only as a result of an approved sentence of a general court martial
An uncharacterized discharge may result under the following circumstances and/or conditions
- fewer than 180 days of active service and demonstrated poor proficiency conduct aptitude or unsuitability for further service exhibited minor pre-existing medical issues not of a disabling nature which do not meet the medical/physical procurement standards
- an uncharacterized discharge is used for most recruit separations
What is the policy on tattoos around the neck and collar bone area
any markings on the neck area may not show above the collar of the light blue shirt. any tattoos or brands near the collarbone may not be visible when wearing a v-neck t-shirt under the light blue shirt
Are ring tattoos authorized
yes but not on the thumb , one per hand, and no longer than 1/4”
What permanent/tattooed makeup is authorized
eyeliner no thicker than 1/8” and must not extend past the corner of the eye
What is the policy on branding
one brand is authorized not to exceed 4”x4”
Can a man wear earrings on base or at a command sponsored function while in civilian attire
Who has final approval authority for questionable tattoos branding or body piercings
Where conflicts arise between the rights of non tobacco users and tobacco users the rights of the ___ user shall prevail
non tobacco
Tobacco use areas must be how far from building doorways windows etc..
sufficient distance away, approx 50 ft away so as not to allow smoke to be drawn into the indoor facility through door openings windows and air intake units/valves
Where are the tobacco use areas on ships
at sea- a section of the weather deck on afloat units may be designated as a tobacco use area. in this case the following applies:
in the event weather conditions or operational requirements do not make the space may be assigned provided the designated space vents directly to the external atmosphere
The american society of heating, refrigeration and air conditioning engineers(ASHRAE) have established that ___ cubic ft per minute per person of outside fresh air is required. the carbon dioxide level should not exceed ___ parts per million
What is the official term for second hand smoke
environmental tobacco smoke
what are some examples of what a tobacco quitter will experience
24 hours-lungs will start to clear out mucous
48 hours- sense of smell and taste will improve
72 hours- you can breathe easier and have more energy
12 weeks- coughing breathing and wheezing problems will improve
01 year- risk of heart disease is reduced to 50% of a continuing smoker
10-15 years- risk of cancer is similar to one whom never smoked
The ____ act states “the gov. travel credit card shall be used by all U.S. gov personnel (military and civilian) to pay for all official travel expenses”
travel and transportation reform
For non cardholders and for instances where mandatory use of the GTCC has been exempt, the program provides ______ for common carrier transportation ticket purchase and issuance of travelers checks for travel advances
Centrally Billed Accounts
CG military members(active/reserve) and all civilian employees are required to obtain GTCC if they anticipate traveling more than ___ a year
5 times
Personnel traveling less than 5 times a year shall not have a gtcc without written authorization by their ___ or ___ . authorization will be by endorsement on the “gov. travel charge card program recommendation and acceptance statement”
Reservists who perform TAD travel while on active duty shall obtain a card. this does or does not include normal travel for annual two week active duty assignment
does not
The standard maximum credit limit for gov. travel and transportation charge cards is
The GTCC coordinates are authorized to increase credit limits to ___ (co approval)
Individuals who possess a gtcc and anticipate traveling less than 5 times per year shall have their credit limit reduced to ___. the credit limit will be increased to the appropriate level only when the member is in receipt of official travel orders
The member can pay the bill through the mail or with…
split disbursement
If the duration of the pcs travel will exceed __ days including leave compensatory absence proceeds time and tad in conjunction with the pcs shall not be used
T or F? The gtc may be used for transportation of household goods for a dity move
False- transpo of hhg, including self procured moves. the gtcc is not authorized for the transpo of hhg privately owned vehicles mobile homes and boats
Do you have to pay your GTCC bill if you haven’t received your travel claim reimbursement yet
Payment due date is ___ calendar days from the statement date. an account is classified as one day past due if the bank has not received payment by the ___ calendar day from the statement date
An account will be suspended when the account balance is __ calendar days past due. an account is classified as delinquent when the account balance reaches ____ calendar days past due
An account will be cancelled when the account balance reaches ___ calendar days past due. the gtcc bank will notify commercial credit rating companies when an account reaches ___ calendar days
Accounts that reach ___ days past due will never be eligible for reinstatement
GTCC billing cycle for the cg is the __ of a month until the __ of the following month. these dates are adjusted if said dates fall on a weekend or holiday
What are the limits for EMI
attend emi for no more than 2 hours per day
attend emi only for the period of time it takes to correct the perform-
ance deficiency for which it was assigned…no longer
perform emi on a day that is his or her sabbath
emi must be supervised by a qualified person
Authority to assign emi performed after normal working hours is given to the ___. authority may be delegated as appropriate.
Whatever the action, UCMJ Article___ provides the right of the accused to remain silent throughout the process and to not answer questions or make any statement.
CO’s have the authority under UCMJ Article __ to impose non-judicial punishment at captains mast
The accused member has the right to
consult an attorney
demand trial by court martial if at a shore command
have a mast representative at the NJP hearing
be informed of the right against compulsory self incrimination
be informed orally or in writing of the info presented against him/her
ensure all relevant info is presented concerning the case
request not to appear personally at proceedings held against him/her
Members who receive njp may appeal in writing to the co superior if the punishment is unjust or disproportionate considering the circumstances. if the appeal is not submitted within __ calendar days after punishment is imposed, the right to appeal is waived
Submitting an appeal will not suspend any punishment awarded. if an appeal has not been acted upon by the co within ___ calendar days of receiving it, however, the member may request that punishments involving restriction or extra duties be deferred until a decision is made on the appeal
What is the composition of the 3 different court martial proceedings and which type may be refused by the accused member
general cm- consists of a military judge and at least 5 members
special cm- consists of a military judge and at least 3 members
summary cm- consists of one member ranked LCDR or above. the member does not need to be a judge. the accused member has the right to refuse trial by summary cm
Searches and the subsequent seizure of items can be conducted under 2 different circumstances
probable cause exists
probable cause is not required
Some types of searches do not require probable cause:
border searches
searches upon entry to or exit from u.s installations, aircraft, and vessel
searches of gov. property
consent searches
searches incident to a lawful stop
searches incident to a lawful apprehension
searches within jails, confinement facilities, or similar facilities
emergency searches to save a life or for related purposes
searches of open fields or woodlands
Confidential info shall be stored how
in the same manner prescribed for top secret info except that supplemental controls are not required
The command security officer shall be what rank or above
commissioned officer, cwo, e7-e9, gs-9 or above
The classified material control officer work directly for the CSO and his duties include what
chief among the duties of the cfo is responsible for maintaining accountability records for the security control point and ensuring the proper operation of the classified material control system
What are the responsibilities of the document control station officer(DCSO)
THE DCSO works under the direction of the cmco and is responsible for receiving and transmitting through security control point all classified material flowing in and out of the element which is being serviced
What do you do if you find classified material unguarded or not properly secured
do not attempt to read or interpret the info
call the CSO or OOD and report immediately
request assistance by asking someone to call CSO/OOD
do not leave the material unguarded while waiting for the proper author.
if handy cover the material with a folder or sheet of paper to shield it
from view
A continuous systematic process of identifying and controlling risks in all activities according to a set of pre conceived parameters by applying appropriate management policies and procedures
Mishap records show that approximately __ percent of all mishaps are due to the unsafe acts of people while___ percent are due to unsafe conditions not identified or corrected by people
____ generally is a function of severity and probability
what is a standardized response management system? It is an all hazard-all risk approach to managing crisis response operations as well as non crisis events
National Interagency Incident Management System(NIIMS)
Incident Command System(ICS)
The 3 main purposes of ICS include
ensure the safety of responders and others
achievement of tactical objectives
efficient use of resources
The concept of ICS was developed in the aftermath of a devastating california wildfire of what year
By what year ICS was widely used throughout southern california by the major fire agencies
The ICS command staff includes what basic positions
incident commander incident commander deputy information officer liaison officer safety officer agency representative
The ICS general staff includes what sections
operations section
planning section
logistics section
finance/administration section
The ___ includes the overall incident objectives and strategies established by the incident command or the unified command
incident action plan
What section is responsible for developing and documenting the IAP
planning section
The ___ Act allows you your spouse and dependents to register and vote absentee in federal office elections
uniformed and overseas citizen voting act
T or F? you may make monetary contributions to a political organization or political committee favoring a particular candidate or slate of candidates
Confidential info shall be stored how
in the same manner prescribed for top secret info except that supplemental controls are not required
The command security officer shall be what rank or above
commissioned officer, cwo, e7-e9, gs-9 or above
The classified material control officer work directly for the CSO and his duties include what
chief among the duties of the cfo is responsible for maintaining accountability records for the security control point and ensuring the proper operation of the classified material control system
What are the responsibilities of the document control station officer(DCSO)
THE DCSO works under the direction of the cmco and is responsible for receiving and transmitting through security control point all classified material flowing in and out of the element which is being serviced
What do you do if you find classified material unguarded or not properly secured
do not attempt to read or interpret the info
call the CSO or OOD and report immediately
request assistance by asking someone to call CSO/OOD
do not leave the material unguarded while waiting for the proper author.
if handy cover the material with a folder or sheet of paper to shield it
from view
A continuous systematic process of identifying and controlling risks in all activities according to a set of pre conceived parameters by applying appropriate management policies and procedures
Mishap records show that approximately __ percent of all mishaps are due to the unsafe acts of people while___ percent are due to unsafe conditions not identified or corrected by people
____ generally is a function of severity and probability
what is a standardized response management system? It is an all hazard-all risk approach to managing crisis response operations as well as non crisis events
National Interagency Incident Management System(NIIMS)
Incident Command System(ICS)
The 3 main purposes of ICS include
ensure the safety of responders and others
achievement of tactical objectives
efficient use of resources
The concept of ICS was developed in the aftermath of a devastating california wildfire of what year
By what year ICS was widely used throughout southern california by the major fire agencies
The ICS command staff includes what basic positions
incident commander incident commander deputy information officer liaison officer safety officer agency representative
The ICS general staff includes what sections
operations section
planning section
logistics section
finance/administration section
The ___ includes the overall incident objectives and strategies established by the incident command or the unified command
incident action plan
What section is responsible for developing and documenting the IAP
planning section
The ___ Act allows you your spouse and dependents to register and vote absentee in federal office elections
uniformed and overseas citizen voting act
T or F? you may make monetary contributions to a political organization or political committee favoring a particular candidate or slate of candidates
Confidential info shall be stored how
in the same manner prescribed for top secret info except that supplemental controls are not required
The command security officer shall be what rank or above
commissioned officer, cwo, e7-e9, gs-9 or above
The classified material control officer work directly for the CSO and his duties include what
chief among the duties of the cfo is responsible for maintaining accountability records for the security control point and ensuring the proper operation of the classified material control system
What are the responsibilities of the document control station officer(DCSO)
THE DCSO works under the direction of the cmco and is responsible for receiving and transmitting through security control point all classified material flowing in and out of the element which is being serviced
What do you do if you find classified material unguarded or not properly secured
do not attempt to read or interpret the info
call the CSO or OOD and report immediately
request assistance by asking someone to call CSO/OOD
do not leave the material unguarded while waiting for the proper author.
if handy cover the material with a folder or sheet of paper to shield it
from view
A continuous systematic process of identifying and controlling risks in all activities according to a set of pre conceived parameters by applying appropriate management policies and procedures
Mishap records show that approximately __ percent of all mishaps are due to the unsafe acts of people while___ percent are due to unsafe conditions not identified or corrected by people
____ generally is a function of severity and probability
what is a standardized response management system? It is an all hazard-all risk approach to managing crisis response operations as well as non crisis events
National Interagency Incident Management System(NIIMS)
Incident Command System(ICS)
The 3 main purposes of ICS include
ensure the safety of responders and others
achievement of tactical objectives
efficient use of resources
The concept of ICS was developed in the aftermath of a devastating california wildfire of what year
By what year ICS was widely used throughout southern california by the major fire agencies
The ICS command staff includes what basic positions
incident commander incident commander deputy information officer liaison officer safety officer agency representative
The ICS general staff includes what sections
operations section
planning section
logistics section
finance/administration section
The ___ includes the overall incident objectives and strategies established by the incident command or the unified command
incident action plan
What section is responsible for developing and documenting the IAP
planning section
The ___ Act allows you your spouse and dependents to register and vote absentee in federal office elections
uniformed and overseas citizen voting act
T or F? you may make monetary contributions to a political organization or political committee favoring a particular candidate or slate of candidates
COMDTINST _____ series. Standards of ethical conduct states that 5 C.F.R. part 2635 is applicable to enlisted members of the cg to the same extent that those regulations apply to officers and civilian members of the cg
Can your spouse child business partner, etc….have a financial interest that conflict with the conscientious performance of your duty?
What is a gift for official position or from a prohibited source
a gift is given to you because you held the duties associated with your cg position(you hold the government credit card you can ok cg funds being used or you have control of something someone else might find useful.
a prohibited source is defined as any person or entity that is seeking official action by the cg
What are some exceptions to gifts
unsolicited gifts that cost less than $20. no cashgifts
gifts from family or friends
awards and honorary degrees
“free attendance” at a “widely attended gathering” or speaking engagement where the agency has determined its interest in the event
free food not from a prohibited source and if no one else was charged
a fee
What are examples of official fundraising activities
combined federal campaign
emergency and disaster appeals approved by OPM
CG mutual assistance
Romantic relationships between members are unacceptable when:
members have a supervisor and subordinate relationship
members are assigned to the same small shore unit(less than 60
members are assigned to the same cutter
the relationship between CPO (E-7/8/9) and junior enlisted personnel
(E-4 and below)
the relationship is manifested in the work environment in a way which
disrupts the effective conduct of daily business
CG policy prohibits the following relationships or conduct regardless of rank grade or position of the persons involved
engaging in sexually intimate behavior aboard any cg vessel or base
romantic relationships outside of marriage between commissioned
officers and enlisted personnel, this includes cg cadets and officer
candidates, both ocs and roci
personal and romantic relationships between instructors at training
commands and students
What is considered O and E fraternization
fraternization occurs when an officer and enlisted member engage in
any relationship that is disruptive to a unit or its mission
Early counseling often resolves potential concerns about the characteristics of a relationship and appropriate actions to ensure the relationship develops in a manner consistent with service custom. this can be informal on a 3307 or a ____. it may include a direct order to terminate the relationship.
administrative letter of censure
2 important parts of the cgs public affairs information release policy that affect personnel are
maximum disclosure with minimum delay, PA manual ch 1. B.1
if you do it, or are responsible for something, you can talk about it.
PA manual ch 2.D.3
What is the SAPP rule
security- is the info classified or will it impact operational security
accuracy- is the info complete and correct
policy- would release violate cg or unit policy
propriety- is it appropriate for the cg to release the info
When does the cg’s sexual assault policy apply
when sexual assault is reported or alleged and a cg active duty member, cg reserve member on active duty or in a drill status, civilian employee, or dependent is the victim or accused and the incident occurs on cg controlled property
What are the 2 options victims have when reporting sexual assault
unrestricted-(complete reporting) of sexual assaults to activate both
victims services and accountability actions is the preferred method
but it is recognized that unrestricted represents a barrier for some
victims in accessing needed services
restricted- (confidential) reporting which does not activate the official investigatory process until/unless the victim chooses to request this option
Once a cg official receives a report that a sexual assault has occured, the ____ must be notified immediately. once notified of an allegation, they have sole responsibility for the investigation
coast guard investigative service- cgis
Sexual assault reporting procedures require ___ notification for all incidents of reported sexual assault
employee assistance program coordinator-eapc
T or F? Commands are prohibited from taking any formal or informal investigative action, to include preliminary inquiry or interview of alleged victims, suspects, or witnesses.
Service members who initially elect the restricted reporting option can, within ____ months of their initial confidential report of the assault, elect to pursue unrestricted reporting which will result in initiation of a formal investigation by cgis and afford the victim the full range of protections, including police and command protective actions
Members assigned to an afloat unit while underway or in a port other than their homeport at the time the assault may report it to who
medical officer, independent duty health services technician, victim advocate
If state law mandates that a report be made to the police agency that has jurisdiction where the assault occurred or was reported can a member still file a restricted report
If the sexual assault was disclosed by a third party(someone other than an EAPC, HCP, VSP, or chaplain) to another member either in the same command or another command is a restricted report still an option?
What are the local resources that are available to cg sexual assault victims and their commands
victim advocate- va report directly to the eapc
employee assistance program coordinators
coast guard investigative service
When is family separation housing entitled
family separation housing(FSH) may be authorized when a separation results from military orders and not because of personal choices of the member and dependents
What are the 4 types of “views” available in CGBI?
cubes and reports
Because no data is inputted directly into CGBI if incorrect info is found, the ____ system must be corrected before CGBI will display the correct info
source data
Immunization, influenza, eval, weigh in, DLMC: a deployment limiting medical condition; the status of all these items can be found on what tab in CGBI
compliance tab
The personal view in cgbi is specifically designed to show a members readiness to be deployed. 2 different tabs contain a members ____ info and _____ info.
A. tasks-training-competencies-education-language-my info: years in
service, time in current position, time in current unit type, time in
grade, sea time, time in other unit types, pipeline skills(all under the
skills tab)
B. personal information, rank and position history, education, training,
tests, competencies, specialties, boards & memberships, medals &
awards, certifications & licenses
Petty Officer heritage dates
1808- rate of PO became official
1841- PO in the navy acquire their first rate insignia when they begin
wearing a sleeve device showing an eagle perched on an anchor
1866- the specialty or rating marks become official, though PO used
them for several years
1885- the navy recognizes its 3 classes of PO. rating badges approved
by secretary of the navy on july 1, 1885
1886- PO wear rate insignia of chevrons with the points down under
a spread eagle and rating mark. eagle faces left instead of right as
it presently does
1893- navy establishes the CPO rate and issues the insignia of 3 chev-
rons with an arc and eagle. 1-3 wear current insignia
1915- the cg comes into existence when congress combines the reve-
nue cutter service with the u.s life saving service
1917- during WW1 the rates in the cg become the same as those in
the navy
1920- CG adopts the CPO rate
The 5 elements of communication are what
sender receiver message transmission medium feedback
Who in your EER rating chain is responsible for clearly communicating goals and acceptable standards of performance to the evaluee before and throughout the marking period
Pertaining to EER’s whos responsibility is it to ensure all reviews initiated using an employee review worksheets are entered into direct access
approving official
A member transferring from conus to conus may be authorized up to ___ days of TLE, while a member traveling from conus to a unit outside the continental US or oconus shall be authorized ___ days
10, 5
To receive reimbursement for pcs travel the member must complete a DD form ___, travel voucher and submit it to their servicing admin office
When requesting travel orders (tdy or psc/temduins), what 2 forms required
departing tdy or pcs/temduins to A school worksheet
tdy travel request worksheet
TDY travel claims are completed and processed using the ____ system also known as t-pax
travel preparation examination
The aim of the cg’s ___ control program is to eliminating substandard vessels from u.s. ports and waterways
port state
Selected reserves are assigned to cg or selected joint service units and they are required to train for mobilization as prescribed in ___ U.S.C. 10147
RFMCs maintain open communications with their rating how
force notes
field visits
direct contact with individual members
Regarding the CG-6049 PFP, non compliant members are required to submit an ____ detailed fitness plan to their supervisors
The ___ program helps to ensure that enlisted personnel are made aware of the advantages of a cg career
career development advisor
The role of the ___ is primarily to promote and enhance personal and professional development opportunities for cg members and their families
educational services officer
The cg’s _____ program is designed to provide a confidential professional assessment and short term counseling and referral services to help employees with their personal job or family problems
employee assistance program
What program at work life provides advocacy info referral education and case management services to cg families. this includes managing the special needs program
family resource program
What program at work life provides cg members with assistance when relocating assist with transition form military to civilian careers including conducting tap seminars serve as the ombudsman program manager
transition and relocation program
The ___ is responsible for ensuring that persons assigned to tag out equipment are qualified to perform those duties in accordance with the equipment tag out procedure
authorizing officer
20% savings- 10% retirement, 10% extraordinary situations
10% consumer debt
20% mortgage or rent
50% routine living expenses
When was the first cg reserve’s involuntary recall
who runs the cg auxiliary
assistant commandant
How many miles of coast line does the cg serve
Who were the first uniformed women to serve in the cg
twin sisters Genevieve and Lucille Baker of the naval coastal defense reserve
Who are the first 5 african american females to enter spar
Olivia Hooker D Winifred Byrd Julia Mosely Yvonne Cumberbatch Aileen Cooke
On Nov 1 1958 who became the first cg E-9
Master Chief Yeoman Jack Kerwin
What year did e-8, e-9 begin
Alex Haley
authored roots and malcolm x autobiography
retired 1959 as chief journalist
won pulitzer prize and national book award
died 1992
In 192 who became the first spar e-9
Master chief yeoman pearl faurie
In 1969 who became the first master chief petty officer of the cg
BMCM Charles L. Calhoun
In 1972 the first 4 womens indoct classes were allowed. What 4 ratings
What year and whom was the first spar sworn in to regular cg and women integrated into AD
What year was all officer career fields and enlisted ratings open to women
What year were women allowed at isolated units
what year was the first chief petty officer academy class
What year did Mate Donal H. Horsely retire and how long did he serve
44 years, 4 months, 27 days
career spanned 3 wars and served on 34 vessels
Who and what year was the first enlisted woman assigned to OIC afloat
Diane Bucci
Who was the first african american female and first female engineer to advance to e-7
Pamela Autry
Who was the first asian american female warrant officer
Grace Parmalee
Who was the first enlisted woman to be OIC ashore
Krystine Carbjal- 1989
How many women served in the persian gulf in 1990 when operation desert shield began
What year and who was the first hispanic female to make e-7
1992- Sonia Colon
Who was the first black MCoCG
Vincent patton
what year was the MCPOoCG appointed as member of cg academy board of trustees, being the first time enlisted served in such a position in any military academy
CG history began on aug 4, 1790 with 10 cutters. what were their names
vigilant Massachusetts
south carolina diligence
virginia general green
active argus
scammel eagle
When did the revenue cutter service and us lifesaving service combine to form modern day cg
jan 28, 1915
Who is the only person to receive the MoH and GLSM after getting two people off a schooner
Marcus Hannah
Who received 2 GLSM
Frederick Hatch
Who is credited for saving 600 lives, earning 2 GLSM and 3 silver, and in 1988 saved 29 people from 5 different vessels during a storm
Joshua James
Most famous light house keeper, lime rock 39 years, called bravest woman in america, GLSM, saved 18 lives
Ida lewis
Who single handedly saved 10 people and received GLSM
Rasmus s. Midgett
Lighthouse keeper who worked 2 lighthouses
Margrett Norvell
Who helped get life jackets and was given cg medal
What are the speed of service objectives(SOSO)
FLASH(z)- fast as possible with a goal of 10 minutes
immediate(O)- 30 min
priority(P)- 3 hours
routine(R)- 6 hours
The legal basis for the CG is ___ ___ of the U.S code which states “ The Coast Guard as established Jan 28 1915 shall be a military service and branch of the armed forces of the United States at all times”
Title 14
Upon declaration of war or when the President directs, the CG operates under the authority of the ___
Department of the Navy
When was the revenue-marine created within the Treasury Department
When did the Revenue Cutter Service combine with the U.S Lifesaving Service to create the CG
When was the U.S lighthouse service added
1939(established 1789)
When was the steamboat inspection service added
1946(established 1838)
When was the CG transferred to Department of Transportation
When was the CG transferred to Department of Homeland Security