Setting the scene- Anatomy Flashcards
What are the 4 layers of the gut tube?
External muscle layers
What is mucosa made of?
What does the Mucosa do?
Selectively permeable barrier
Facilitate transport and digestion of food
Produce absorption
Produce hormones
Produce mucus
What does the lamina propria do?
Produce lots of lymphoid nodules and macrophages
Produces antibodies e.g. IgA to protect against bacteria and viral invasion
What is muscularis mucosae?
Layers of smooth muscle oriented in different directions
keeps epithelium in contact with gut contents
helps keep crypy contents dynamic
What does the submucosa contain?
Dense connective tissue, blood vessels, glands, lymphoid tissues
Submucosal plexus (Meissners)
What does the inner circle muscle contain?
Myesnteric plexus
outerlongitudinal muscle
What is within the serosa??
Blood, lymph vessels and lympohid tissue
continuous messeteries
Where is there stratified squamous epithelia?
Oesphagus and distal anus
Apart from the oesphagus and anus, what is the epithelia in the rest of the gut?
simple columnar
What is an enterocyte?
Simple columnar cell that absorbs
Where are enterocytes?
small intestine and colon- 1 cell thick
What do enterocytes have to transport nutrients through?
Apical membrane
basolateral membrane
What are special features of enterocytes?
Where are goblet cells?
Scattered between enterocytes
increasing in number from duodenum to colon
What do goblet cells do?
produce mucus
What does mucus protect epithelia from?
Chemical damage
Bacterial inflammation
What are gastric surface mucous cells?
Line the gastric mucosa
Secrete mucus that froms barrier to stomach acid
What creates a large surface area in the gut tube?
Permanent folds
What are rugae?
temporary folds in the stomach
Where are villi?
Small intestine
Not in colon
Where are crypts?
In small and large intestine
What do crypts contain?
Stem cells
Paneth cells
Eneroendocrine cells