Session 9- Anatomy of the Oral Cavity, Tongue and Pharynx Flashcards
what forms the lateral walls of the oral cavity
what forms the roof of the oral cavity
hard and soft palate
what forms the floor is of the oral cavity
2 mylohyoids muscles
what forms the isthmus
soft palate and upper surface of tongue below
what is sialolithiasis
stones in the ducts draining the salivary glands causing pain and swelling
which gland is most commonly affected by sialothiasis
what type of epithelium covers the tongue
squamous epithelium
how many intrinsic/ extrinsic muscles are there
what is the tongue anchored to above
styloid process and soft palate
what is the tongue anchored to below
hyoid bone and mandible
what is the role of genioglossus
protudes the tongue
what innervates all the muscles of the tongue
hypoglossal nerve except palatoglossus
what innervates palatoglossus
what supplies general sensation ant 2/3 of the tongue
trigeminal nerve- lingual branch of Vc
what runs with the lingual nerve and supply taste to the ant 2/3 of tongue
chordae tympani nerve
what innervates the post 2/3 of the tongue
glossopharyngeal nerve
-general and special taste sensation
what does the pharynx continue as
what is the pharynx divided into in order
what is found in the nasopharynx
eustachian tube
collection of lymphoid tissue
pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids)
where do the palatine tonsils lie
either side of oropharynx
-lies in the interval between palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
what vertrebral bodies lie behind the nasopharynx
C1 vertebrae
what vertrebral bodies lie behind the oropharynx
C2 C3
what vertrebral bodies lie behind the laryngopharynx
C3 - 6
what nerve innervates the pharynx
pharyngeal plexus of nerves- formed by branches of the vagus, glossopharyngeal and sympathetic branches from the superior cervical ganglion
what happens when the walls of the pharynx contract
propel food into the oesaphagus
what is the name of the common midline tendinous insertion
pharyngeal raphe
what 2 muscles does the inferior comsrrictor consist of
what is killians dehiscence and what can happen if there os incoordination of the pharynx during swallowing
an area of weakness between the muscles of the inferior constrictor
pressure within pharynx rises and can caue part of the pharyngeal mucosa to herniate through Killians dehiscence forming a pharyngeal pouch or divertculum
-food can get trapped in this
what sphincters are in the pharynx
superior middle and inferior
what is the sensory supply to the nasopharynx
maxillary branch of the trigeminal
sensory supply to oropharynx
glossopharyngeal nerve
sensory supply to the laryngopharynx
vagus nerve
what forms the Waldeyer’s ring
pharyngeal tonsils
palatine tonsils
lingual tonsils
what happens when the adenoids are chronically inflamed
may obstruct the passage of air from the nasal cavities through the choaenae causing mouth breathing
they can block the exit of the pharyngotympanic tube and lead to middle ear infections- acute otitis media, otitis media with effusion
what pathology can occur at the piriform fossa
foreign bodies can get stuck- chicken bone
pharyngeal cancers