Session 8 - Gluteal region Flashcards
What are the superficial abductors and extenders of the gluteal region?
gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. Also contains the tensor fasciae latae, which acts on the knee joint.
What the deep lateral rotators of the gluteal region?
quadratus femoris, piriformis, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior and obturator internus
What are the actions of the gluteus maximus?
It is the main extensor of the thigh, and assists with lateral rotation. Only used when force required.
What is the innervation of the gluteus maximus?
Inferior gluteal nerve
What is A?

A Gluteus maximus
What is B?

Gluteus medius
What is the action of the gluteus medius?
Abduction and medial rotation upon hip flexion. Also prevents pelvic drop.
What is the innervation of the gluteus medius?
Superior gluteal nerve
Where is gluteus minimus found?
Posterior to gluteus medius
What is the action of gluteus minimus?
Abduction and medial rotation upon hip flexion (stronger than medius). Prevents pelvic drop.
What is the innervaton of gluteus minimus?
Superior gluteal nerve
What happens if superior gluteal nerve injured?
Gluteus minimus and medius paralysed, causing pelvic drop. Patient also walks with gluteal gait - the leg swings out laterally so that the foot can move forward, producing a shuffling or waddling gait.
What is A?

B Inerior gluteal nerves
What is B?

Superior gluteal nerves
What is C?

Sciatic nerves
What is D?

What is the action of the piriformis?
Lateral rotation and abduction of leg at hip joint
What is the innervation of piriformis?
Nerve to piriformis
What is important about the piriformis?
Travels through great sciatic foramen and divids it into an inferior and superior part
What are A, B and C?

SOI A - Superior gemellus B - Obturator internus C - Inferior Gemellus
-What is the action of the oburator internus?
Along with gemelli and quadratus femoris pulls the head of the femur into the acetabulum, stabilising hip joint Lateral rotation and abduction
What is the innervation of the obturator internus?
Nerve to obturator internus
What are the gemelli superior and inferior seperated by?
Obturnator internus tendon
What are the actions of the gemelli?
Lateral rotation and abduction
What is the innervation of the superior gemellus muscle?
Innervated by the nerve to obturator internus
What is the innervation to the inferior gemelus muscle?
Nerve to the quadratus femoris
What is D?

Quadratus femoris
What are the actions of the quadratus femoris?
Lateral rotation
What is the innervation to quadratus femoris?
Nerve to quadratus femoris