Session 1 - Anatomy of the Clavicle, Ulna + Radius and the hand Flashcards
What is the bone shown in the picture?

The clavicle
Give two functions of the clavicle
- Connects the upper limb to the trunk
- Only point of attachment for the scapula
Why is the clavicle prone to fracture?
It is an opposed bone
What happends if the clavicle is damaged?
Scapula not properly anchored to abdominal wall
Patient presents with “angel wing”
Sagging limb
What is a greenstick fracture of clavicle?
Occurs in children if fracture is incomplete
What is A?

Sternal end
What is B?

Acromial end
What is C?

Trapezoid line
What is D?

Conoid tubercle
What is E?

Impression for the costoclavicular ligament
What are names of the 8 carpal bones of the hand? What rows are they in?
She Looks Too Proud Try To Chase Her
Proximal Row
- Scaphoid
- Lunate
- Triquetrium
- Pisiform
Distal Row
- Trapezium
- Trapezoid
- Capitate
- Hamate
What is A?
What is specific about a fracture of A?
What does A articulate with?

Scaphoid, largest and most prominent
Most frequently fractured, localized pain and sensitity in anatomical snuff box.
Articulates with radius
What is B?
What does B articulate with?

Articulates with radius
What is C?
Where does C lie?

On palmar surface of the triquetrium
What is D?
What does D articulate with?

Articulates with articular disk of the distal radi-ulnar joint
What is E?
What does E articulate with?

Articulates with 4th and 5th metacarpal, capitate and triquetral bones
Distinctive “hooked process”
What is F?
Where does F articulate?

Articulates with the 3rd metacarpal distally and with the trapezoid, scaphoid, lunate and hamate
What is G?
Where does G articulate?

Articulates with 2nd metacarpal, trapezium and scaphoid bones
What is H?
Where does H articulate?

Articulates with the 1st metacarpal, the scaphoid and the trapezoid
What are the three types of bones in the hand?
Carpal, metacarpal and phalanges
Describe a fracture of the metacarpals
rapidly heal. May occur from severe crushing.
Boxer’s fracture of 5th metacarpal. Occurs from an unskilled punch.
Describe a fracture of the phalanges
distal phalange fracture occurs from getting fingers caught in car door – very painful due to highly developed sensation in fingers.
(insert hand anatomy)
What is A?

carpal bones
What is B?

What is C?

Proximal phalanges
What is D?

Intermediate phalanges
What is E?

Distal phalanges
Where is the first metacarpal?
The thumb
What is A?

The Ulna
What is B?

The radius
What is C?

Olecranon process
What is D?

Trochlear notch
What is E?

The coronoid process of the Ulna
What is F?
What is G?

Radial notch
Ulnar tuberosity
What is H?

The head
What is I?

The styloid process
What is J?

Also the styloid process
What is K?

Radial tubercosity
What are L and M?

The neck and head
What is a radial tuberosity?
Place of attachment of biceps brachii