SEP Set 01 August 2021 Flashcards
Preggy mother 28-34 weeks carriage requirements:
- Doctor cert
- Signed release and indemnity form
All of the above
Usage of flight deck escape rope-
i. Remove the plastic cover
ii. Pull escape rope to ensure it is securely attached to the aircraft
iii. Throw escape rope out of opened flight deck window
iv. Step on jump seat (flight crew seat) cushion and grasp escape rope
v. Exit using leg - body - leg technique
vi. Climb down the escape rope
Seat belts on and “Crew be seated due turbulence” PA
Rapid deplaning
Capt via interphone
Number of crew members onboard while deboarding and boarding
01 tech crew and half number of CC
AVOX (PBE) usage:-
- open container
- remove PBE
- Pull actuation pin until free
- bend fwd widen neck seal and don PBE
HAFEX preflight checks -
- correct location
- secure in bracket
- pressure gauge in green zone
- safety pin intact with yellow seal
- nozzle unobstructed
DEPA, NTL escorted and prisoner maximum allowed -
Flight deck jump seat briefing-
- flight deck oxygen mask operations & usage of escape rope with leg body leg method via secondary emer exit in case primary emer exit blocked
1 Cabin crew incap out of base/hub-
Can with CAAM approval
CDLS u/s so how SCC report cabin ready to Flight Crew-
- via interphone mention name and code of the day
Emergency alert command for potential danger-
When one crew leaves the flight deck-
One CC should be in flight deck with other tech crew that having control must fasten full harness
When can a protective glove be used?
- Protective glove to be worn for chemical spillage & to grasp hot or burning parts
Cockpit oxygen mask-
Sequence to use
- Squeeze
- Hold
- Don
- Release
Unaccompanied minors?
Not allowed
Aircraft will depart with
1 SEP Manual and annotate in VR (Voyage Report) for earliest replacement
A321 door 3L/R preflight cx:-
- assist handles firm
- view port clear
- door in disarmed mode with safety pin inserted with red flag visible
- protection cover on door handle intact
- slide pressure gauge needle in green band
A321 doors:-
10 Primary Exit, 2 secondary exit
Flight deck block in emergency?
- Use small escape door by pulling the two quick release pins towards the centre of the flap and kicking the panel open towards the cabin
ELT activation:-
- Place transmitter in upright position on clear, open ground to ensure maximum radiation/transmission, erect antenna, pull and slide toggle switch to “ON” position
A320-200 after emergency land co pilot actions?
Go to mid, and starboard overwing exit
Lavatory smoke indication in flight deck:-
- ECAM Smoke
- Red light master warning chime
There are _____ classes of DG and some are divided into subclasses:-
9 classes
Evacuation signal
(CAPT) Activation of evacuation signal or PA announcement evac x3
Restrain kit preflight cx:-
- correct location
- seal intact
Ans is i and ii
iii no padlock is incorrect
How to make sea water drinkable?
Use the reverse osmosis device
Total survival kit in A321 :-
A321 ditching :-
A321 Door 3LR MIH :-
Located at upper right side door frame
Cockpit indication emer call from cabin :-
Red Emer Call Light at overhead panel, buzzer 3 chimes with ACP blinking on cabin button
Security alert procedure question :-
To only allow authorised personal to enter the aircraft