Semantic memory and the meaning of words - BL3 Flashcards
What are concepts in language?
collections of features
What are the 3 models for concepts in language?
- hierarchically structured
- prototype
- embodied concepts
What do hierarchically structured models of language concepts suggest? (2)
- go from a general category all the way down to the specific thing and information about it
- organisation based on basic level categories and superordinate categories
What is some evidence for hierarchically structured models of language concepts? (2)
- category verification tasks (‘canary is an animal’ vs ‘canary is a bird’ yes or no task)
- reaction times increased as a function of nodes going up the hierarchy
What do hierarchically structured models of language concepts not explain?
why ‘a penguin is a bird’ is slower to respond to than ‘a canary is a bird’ (they are on the same level)
What do prototype models of language concepts suggest?
- concepts are made of frequency/typical features of typical category members
- graded internal structure as a function of similarity to prototype
Which thing do prototype models of language concepts explain that hierarchically structured models of language concepts don’t?
‘penguins are birds’ takes longer than canary because canaries are more prototypical birds
What do embodied concepts theories of language concepts suggest?
- ground concepts in body actions and perception
- think about what you can do with the object as well as what it is
What is some evidence for embodied concepts theories of language concepts?
motor aspects of actions can be activated in the brain when processing language, action verbs in particular
What do distributed models of semantic memory in the brain suggest?
- concepts are a distributed network organised about sensory-motor functions
- networks of features make up categories
- no single meaning centre
According to distributed models of semantic memory in the brain, which 3 things are represented in different areas of the brain when processing language?
motor features, motion features, object and animal shape
Patient JRB can name non-living pictures but not living ones: What might this deficit be explained by? (2)
- damage to category knowledge top node (hierarchical models) - living vs non-living
- selective damage of sensory features (distributed models)
Where is damage in semantic dementia and what does it lead to?
- anterior temporal lobe (mainly the left)
- non-category specific semantic impairments
What view of categories is semantic dementia inconsistent with?
What other thing can affect the anterior temporal lobe (other than semantic dementia)?
herpes simplex encephalitis