Security Flashcards
Er unidentified baggage með eða án tags?
skiptir ekki máli, bara ef hann er ekki sóttur þá er hann unidentified
The movement area of an airport, the adjacent terrain and buildings or portions thereof with controlled access are called
a) Terminal
b) Airside
c) Manoeuvring area
b) Airside
Security restricted area: All commercial aviation passengers departure areas between the screening checkpoint and the ___.
Security: Combination of measures
a) and human and material resources intended to safeguard international civil aviation
b) and human and material resources intended to safeguard international civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference.
b) and human and material resources intended to safeguard international civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference.
Who assists in establishing security at the airport? The security ___ of the airport.
Each contracting state shall ensure the establishment, implementation and maintenance of a security programme:
a) For each airport serving civil aviation
b) for every airline operating in the state
c) for all airports within the state.
a) For each airport serving civil aviation
Where unaccompanied baggage is to be carried on board an aircraft:
a) additional security measures need to be applied.
b) the baggage must be physically searched before loading aboard the aircraft.
a) additional security measures need to be applied.
Who must be informed if there are any law enforcement officers, who carry weapons, are on boad?
a) The pilot in command
b) The pilot in command, including information where they are seated.
b) The pilot in command, including information where they are seated.
A state shall take adequate measures for the safety of passengers and crew of an aircraft which is subjected to an act of unlawful interference
a) until their journey can be continued
b) and arrange for them to return to their country of origin.
a) until their journey can be continued
Following an act of unlawful interference on board an aircraft, the commander has to submit a report to the
a) ICAO’s committee on unlawful interference
b) competent authority and shall inform the designated local authority
b) competent authority and shall inform the designated local authority
If an aircraft is missing:
a) it is classified as an uncertainty
b) it is classified as an accident
b) it is classified as an accident
Þetta er hvað? “An occurrence other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft, which affects or could have affected the safety of the operation.”
The conducting of an accident investigation may be delegated, in whole or in part to:
a) the state of the manufacture
b) the state of registry, the state of the operator or any other state by mutual arrangement and consent.
b) the state of registry, the state of the operator or any other state by mutual arrangement and consent.
When an accident occurs in the territory of a Contracting State, the investigation will be performed by: a) The state of the operator b) The state of occurence.
b) The state of occurence.
Upon receipt of the notification and a request by the state of occurence for participation, the state of design and the state of manufacture shall in the case of an accident or serious incident inform the state of occurence of the name of its representative to be present at the investigation when the aircraft: has a maximum mass over a) 2250 kg
b) 5700 kg
c) 127000 kg
a) 2250 kg
If an accident or incident occurs, to report it, you should follow:
a) ICAO Doc 7030
b) ICAO Annex 13
b) ICAO Annex 13
Who is responsible for investigation if an accident happened in a non-contracting state?
b) The state of registry
c) The closest state
b) The state of registry
Occurence: An operational interruption, defect, fault or other irregular circumstance that has or may have influenced flight safety and that a) has b) has or has not c) has not, resulted in an accident or serious incident.
has not
möo þá er accident og incident ekki að teljast sem occurence.
An aircraft shall not carry munitions of war: unless the written permission of the ___ and the ___ is obtained.
Authority, operator
Where unaccompanied baggage is to be carried on board an aircraft:
a) additional security measures need to be applied.
b) the baggage must be physically searched before loading aboard the aircraft.
a) additional security measures need to be applied.
Who must be informed if there are any law enforcement officers, who carry weapons, are on boad?
a) The pilot in command
b) The pilot in command, including information where they are seated.
b) The pilot in command, including information where they are seated.
In addition to informing each State, whose citizens are known to be on board an aircraft, the State of the country in which an aircraft has landed after an act of unlawful interference must immediately notify the:
b) state of registry of the aircraft
c) the State of the operator
Reyndar bætist við í annarri spurningu að þar sem slys verða þá þarftu að láta vita state of those who suffer fatalities/injuries og hostages. Meira að segja state of citizens who were known to be on board the aircraft!
Hvað af þessu þarftu að “provide assistance with during unlawful seizure”
a) Provision of navigation aids
b) Air traffic services
c) Permission to land
d) Refuelling
e) Catering to citizens aboard
a) Provision of navigation aids
b) Air traffic services
c) Permission to land
Á state að “díteina” vél á jörðinni sem hefur lent í unlawful interference?
Já, “unless to do so would prejudice human life”.
According to ICAO Annex 2, what should a pilot in command do in a situation of unlawful interference (hijacking)? Attempt to ___ as soon as practicable.
The floor shall be lockable from..
the flight deck side only.
In the event of being hijacked in an area where regional procedures have not been established the pilot should: proceed at a level which differs from the cruising levels normally used for IFR flight in the area by ____ above FL290 in non-RVSM airspace or___ above FL290 in RVSM airspace or below FL290.
300 m (1000 ft), 150 m (500 ft)
Where a designated parking bay is not provided at an aerodrome for the use by aircraft that have been subject to unlawful interference, what is the minimum distance from other parking areas or installations that such aircraft may be parked? __ m.
When must the flight deck door be closed and locked?
From the time all external doors are closed following embarkation until any such door is opened for disembarkation.
What should the PIC do if the aircraft is subject to unlawful interference and if he/she is unable to notify an ATS unit? Proceed in accordance with procedures promulgated in ICAO Doc ___.
When establishing security at an airport, the objectives are: Each contracting state shall have as its primary objective the safety of passengers, crew, ground personnel and the ___ ___ in all matters related to safeguarding against acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation.
general public
ICAO Annex 17 comprises rules in order to establish security measures for passengers with regards to: cabin baggage, c___ baggage, cargo and other goods, access control and ___ design.
checked, airport
Aircraft has made a complete stop on the apron. When leaving the aircraft, one of the passengers walks into the railing edge of the wing and gets seriously injured. This is an incident/accident. The crew must follow the procedure relevant for this case.
Accident takes place between the time any passenger/person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked where a person is fatally or seriously injured.
crew getur líka lent í accident
After landing, while taxiing towards the apron the landing gear sinks into a hole. Nobody gets injured, but the aircraft sustains a structural failure. This obliges the crew to delay the departure. This is an incident/accident.
accident. Held að ef vélin er stórskemmd þá er alltaf accident.
During the climb-out phase of a flight, the pilot in command becomes incapacitated. The co-pilot takes over control of the aircraft and decides to return for landing. Er þetta accident eða incident?
When taxiing from the stand to the runway a person on the ground is seriously injured by the jet blast from the engines. Accident eða incident?
According to ICAO Annex 13, what mass does ICAO mean when referring to the maximum mass in an accident investigation? Maximum..
a) Certified landing mass
b) Certificated take-off mass.
c) Basic empty mass
b) Certificated take-off mass.
When the accident or the serious incident has occured in the territory of a non-contracting state (to ICAO convention) which does not intend to conduct an investigation in accordance with Annex 13: Hver sér um rannsókn?
Basicly var þetta state of registry og það má fá samstarf með öðrum.
The accident investigation preliminary report shall be submitted to appropriate states and to the ICAO in
a) one of the working languages of ICAO
b) English
a) one of the working languages of ICAO
In accordance to EU Council Directive 2003/42, aircraft deviation from ATC clearance, when a potential for collision or near collision exists shall be reported to
c) competent authorities
c) competent authorities
When an accident occurs in the territory of a Contracting State, the investigation will be performed by:
a) The state of the operator
b) The state of occurence.
b) The state of occurence.
Upon receipt of the notification and a request by the state of occurence for participation, the state of design and the state of manufacture shall in the case of an accident or serious incident inform the state of occurence of the name of its representative to be present at the investigation when the aircraft: has a maximum mass over a) 2250 kg.
b) 5700 kg
c) 12500 kg
d) 136000kg
a) 2250 kg.
If an accident or incident occurs, to report it, you should follow:
a) ICAO Doc 7030
b) ICAO Annex 13
b) ICAO Annex 13
Who is responsible for investigation if an accident happened in a non-contracting state?
b) The state of registry
c) The closest state
b) The state of registry
According to ICAO Annex 13, a contracting state is obligated to investigate an accident/incident within its state..
a) and over high seas
b) but not over high seas.
b) but not over high seas.
The state conducting an accident investigation shall publish a final report according to
a) State of registry standards
b) ICAO standards
b) ICAO standards
In accordance to EU Council Directive 2003/42, he following occurences must be reported to the competent authorities: Critically low fuel quantity or inability to transfer fuel, Abnormal v___ and ___ turbulence encounters
vibration, Wake