Aerodromes Flashcards
The “aerodrome elevation” is the height of:
a) the highest point in the landing area.
b) The airfield reference datum
a) the highest point in the landing area.
A volume of airspace extending upwards and outwards from an inner portion of the strip to specified upper limits which is kept clear of all obstructions is called..
Obstacle free zone
Dry snow is snow which:
a) will fall apart again if compacted by hand
b) has low water content
a) will fall apart again if compacted by hand
Hvað kallast þetta? “A specific point, measured and reported to the aeronautical information service authority in degrees, minutes and seconds, which normally corresponds to the geometric centre of an airport.”
Aerodrome Reference Point
Hvað kallast þetta? “Three or more ground lights closely spaced together to appear as a bar of lights.”
Flooded runway:
a) extensive standing water is visible
b) significant patches of standing water are visible
a) extensive standing water is visible
The surface shows a change of colour due to moisture
þetta er wet eða damp?
The surface is soaked but there is no standing water. Þetta er wet eða damp?
ACN stendur fyrir..
Aircraft Classification Number
Hvað kallast þetta? “An area symmetrical about the extended runway centre line and adjacent to the end of the strip primarily intended to reduce the risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning the runway.”
“An area symmetrical about the extended runway centreline and adjacent to the end of the strip primarily intended to reduce the risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning the runway”.
a) Runway end safety area
b) clearway
a) Runway end safety area
“Area of specified dimensions enclosing a runway or taxiway to provide for the safety of aircraft operations.” kallast
Hvað heitir svona taxiway? “Taxiway connected to a runway at an acute angle designed to allow aeroplanes to turn off at higher speeds than are achieved on other exits thereby minimizing runway occupancy time.”
Rapid exit taxiway
The length of a clearway should not exceed:
a) ½ TORA
b) ½ TODA
a) ½ TORA
Hversu langt á radio altimeter að ná?
laterally _ m, under special circumstances _ m.
longitudinally from threshold to _ m.
60, 30
PAPI: Two wing bars/A wing bar of 4 sharp transition multi-lamp or paired units equally spaced.
One wing bar (A wing bar)
Touchdown zone markings are placed ___ m from the runway threshold.
Runway Edge Lights are required to show at all angles in azimuth (omni-directionally) but only where they are intended to provide guidance during ___.
Aerodrome aeronautical beacons usually show:
a) a white flashing strobe light.
b) two letter identification code in white
a) a white flashing strobe light.
___ threshold: White line drawn across a runway.
Runway-lead-in lighting shall consist of group of at least _ white lights flashing in sequence towards the runway.
In a precision approach category I lighting system the centre line and crossbar lights shall be fixed lights showing variable __.
Stop bars are generally positioned at all runway-holding positions for runways when RVR is less than __ m.
Fixed distance markings: Located on certain precision approaches __ m from the threshold.
ICAO Annex 14 states: A simple approach lighting system shall consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending whenever possible, over a distance not less than __ m from the threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar 18 m or 30 m in length at a distance of __ m from the threshold.
420, 300
___ signs: Yellow or black background with black or yellow inscriptions.
Ef þú sérð skilti sem er gult og svart þá er rétta svarið “information sign”.
Hvar finnur þú Runway vacated sign? Located at the boundary of the ILS/MLS ____ area.
Hvað eru margir crossbars í CAT I approach light system?
Hvað stendur PAPI fyrir?
Precision Approach Path Indicator
MEHT stendur fyrir..
Minimum Eye Height
When a runway is 2000 meters in length, and taxi holding positions have not been established, aircraft shall not hold positions closer than: __ m to the runway in use.
Aeronautical Ground Lights may be turned off, provided that they can be brought back into operation: _ hour beofre the expected arrival of an aircraft.
For CAT I, The length of the pre-threshold centreline lighting for a standard full CAT I approach light system, is at least __ m and a distance of __ m between the crossbars.
900, 150
Runway centreline markings shall be provided on: ___ runways.
Aerodrome Identification Beacon
a) Green color identification given by Morse code.
b) Green and white color identification given by Morse code
a) Green color identification given by Morse code.
Fixed unidirectional runway threshold and wing bar lights shall be: __ colored.
Taxiway’s are designed so that the cockpit remains __ the taxiway centre line.
Apron markings color:
a) white
b) a contrasting color from the taxiway markings.
b) a contrasting color from the taxiway markings.
Which is NOT a mandatory instruction sign?
a) runway designation sign
b) direction sign
b) direction sign
If runway centreline lights are installed on a runway with a length of 1800 m or more, they shall have the following colors in the last 900 m segment from the runway end.
a) white from 900 m to 300 m and red from 300 m to the runway end
b) alternate red and white from 900 m to 300 m and red from 300 m to the runway end.
b) alternate red and white from 900 m to 300 m and red from 300 m to the runway end.
Runway edge lights consist of at least fixed lights showing variable __ [colour].
Runway direction is indicated by a two-digit number. This will be a whole number: rounded to the nearest 5°/10° of Magnetic/True North when viewed from the direction of approach.
10°, Magnetic
land aerodrome beacon is:
a) green or geen/white
b) white or white/green.
b) white or white/green.
In the PAPI system the pilot during an approach will see the two units nearest the runway as red and the two units farthest from the runway as white when:
a) on or close to the approach slope
b) only on the approach slope
a) on or close to the approach slope
CAT I: Distance between crossbars in a simple lighting system is: __ meters
An “aiming point marking” shall be provided at the approach end of a paved instrument runway if the runway length is greater than: ___ m.
Hvað þarf threshold marking að vera með margar stripes ef runway er 45 m wide?
Mandatory signs consist of a [color] insciption on a [color] background.
white, red
3-bar Avasis, PAPI and T-VASIS shall be provided for aircraft having eye-to-wheel heights, when in the flare altitude, not exceeding: approximately __ m.
When taxiing on a surface with white markings, you are on a..
Ef þú ert á manoeuvring area og sérð cross lighted stop bars þar sem þú ert að fara inn á, hvað gildir?
Mátt ekki fara lengra nema að það sé slökkt á ljósunum.
Low intensity obstacle lights on fixed objects shall be: fixed [colour]
High intensity obstacle lights should be used to indicate the presence of an object if its height above the level of the surrounding ground exceeds __ meters and an aeronautical study indicates such lights to be essential for the recognition of the object by night/day. The lights shall be flashing [colour] lights.
150, day, white
Low intensity obstacle lights on fixed objects shall be: fixed [colour].
If edges or shoulders of an apron are non-load bearing: One/Two lines are in colour of the TWY/RWY centre line.
two, twy
A sequence of white arrows painted on the runway surface along the centreline indicates: a temporarily or permanently ___ ____.
displaced threshold.
The pre-threshold area of a runway fit for use by aircraft as a stopway, but not for normal movement of aircraft is marked with: [colour] chevrons pointing towards the threshold.
Firefighting: Response time: Normal limit: _ minutes, maximum limit: _ minutes.
2, 3
The aerodrome category for rescue and fire-fighting is basaed on:
a) The total length and width of the runway
b) the length of the longest aeroplane normally using the aerodrome and it’s maximum fuselage width.
b) the length of the longest aeroplane normally using the aerodrome and it’s maximum fuselage width.
The most important factors bearing on effective rescue in a survivable aircraft accident are:
a) the training received, the effectiveness of the equipment and the speed with which firetrucks can reach the scene of accident.
b) the training received, the effectiveness of the equipment and the speed with which personnel and equipment designed for rescue and fire fighting purposes can be put into use.
b) the training received, the effectiveness of the equipment and the speed with which personnel and equipment designed for rescue and fire fighting purposes can be put into use.
The declared take-off run available at an aerodrome is
a) the take-off distance available less the stopway
b) the take-off distance available less the clearway.
b) the take-off distance available less the clearway.
On a radio altimeter operating area, slope changes should be avoided or kept to a minimum. Where slope changes cannot be avoided, the slope changes should be gradual as practicable and abrupt changes or sudden reversals of slopes avoided. The rate of change between two consecutive slopes should not exceed _ per cent per 30 m.
ASDA (Acceleration Stop Distance Available) is
a) the length of the runway plus the length of stopway available (if stopway provided)
b) the length of the take-off run available plus the length of stopway (if stopway provided).
b) the length of the take-off run available plus the length of stopway (if stopway provided).
Describe the common minimum dimensions of a radio-altimeter operating area:
a) 150 m * 30 m b) 300 m * 60 m c) 450 m * 50 m
b) 300 m * 60 m
The purpose of a radio-altimeter oeprating area is:
a) to accomodate aircraft making any kind of precision and non-precision approaches
b) to accomodate aeroplanes making auto-coupled approaches and automatic landings.
b) to accomodate aeroplanes making auto-coupled approaches and automatic landings.
a) The length of the runway declared available and suitable for the groun drun of an aeroplane taking off
b) The length of the runway plus the length of the clearway
a) The length of the runway declared available and suitable for the groun drun of an aeroplane taking off
In ICAO Annex 14, volume 1, the recommended runway width is specified by a combination of code numbers and letters and is found in: Chapter 3: ___ characteristics.
Which two types of approach lighting systems are classified by ICAO? ___ and precision approach lighting systems.
Farðu með braking action töfluna
Good 0.4 og hærra Medium/good 0.39 - 0.36 Medium 0.35 - 0.30 Medium/poor 0.26-0.29 Poor 0.25 og lægra
Hvernig er breidd stopway miðað við runway?
Sama breidd
A black letter “_” on a yellow background indicates where visiting pilots should report.
Memoric: Cockpit personnel
A red square panel with a yellow strip along each diagonal displayed in the signal area of an aerodrome indicates..
aerodrome is unfit for aircraft movements, and landings are prohibited.
A red square panel with one yellow diognal strip, displayed in the signals area of an aerodrome indicates:..
the state of the manoeuvring area is poor.
Configuration “A” runway guard lights shall be provided at each taxiway/runway intersection associated with a runway intended for use in: RVR conditions of less than ___ m where a stop bar is not installed.
Taxiway edge markers shall be: Retroflective [colour]
Mandatory instructions signs on an aerodrome shall have the following colours: white inscription on a [colour] background.
PAPI: A wing bar of 2/3/4 sharp transition multi-lamp or paired units equally spaced.
How many light units are in each wing bar of a T-VASIS or AT-VASIS?
The white dumb-bell with black perpendicular bar indicates that..
taxiing need not be confined to the taxiways.
Þú verður þó að take-off og landa á runway
Runway threshold identification lights: Flashing [colour]
A right-hand arrow of conspicuous colour indicates (visual ground signal): that turns are to be made to the right before/after landing and before/after take-off.
before, after.
Þetta eru sem sagt leiðbeiningar hvernig þú átt að beygja í loftinu
Alternating taxiway centreline lights shall show [colour] and [colour] from their beginning near the runway centreline to the perimeter of the ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area.
green and yellow
Hvernig er merkið sem sýnir að í svæðinu gætu verið gliders?
Tveir krossar sem samtengjast
Apron markings colour: A contrasting colour from the ____ markings.
During final approach on a normal glide path, the number of Precision Approach Path Indicator wing bars is/are: one.
Þetta er held ég trick question. Það er spurt um wing bars og þeir eru held ég bara einn.
PAPI lights: One wing bar with four lights.
Aiming point markings start ___m from the threshold, if landing distance available is 1200 m.
Aircraft stand: Markings are [colour]
The principal composition of a precision approach category I lighting system is a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway, extending over a distance of ___ m from the runway threshold and a crossbar at a distance of ___ m from the runway threshold.
900, 300
Runway threshold lights: Green omni-/unidirectional
Displaced runway threshold: Runway edge lights in approach direction between the beginning of the runway and the displaced threshold: [colour]
Það er hægt að áætla hvað mörg stripes eru á runway miðað við breidd brautar, hvernig virkar það?
Gróflega deilir með fjórum.
18m breidd = 4 stripes
30m breidd = 8 stripes
Alternating yellow/green centreline lights of a taxiway indicate: an ILS/MLS ____ area.
critical / sensitive
Taxiway markings are [colour]
Taxiway holding position: Marked with a [colour] marker board either side of the taxiway
Location sign: [colour] writing on a [colour] background.
Yellow, black
Taxiway centreline lights other than an exit taxiway shall be: fixed lights showing [colour].
Uni-directional runway ends lights shall be: [colour]
1500m runway = you need _ pairs of touchdown zone markings.
Hvernig er litaskeman á information signs?
Yellow or black background with black or yellow inscriptions.
Except in the case of a displaced threshold and/or at the remote end of the runway from the end at which the take-off run is started the runway edge lights are fixed lights showing variable [colour]
Runway edge lights are: fixed variable intensity unidirectional showing [colour] or [colour].
white, yellow
Runway centerline lights must be provided: on a precision approach runway categories…
Cross lighted stop bars on the manoeuvring area: An aircraft may only proceed further if the lights are..
switched off
Take-off in RVR below ___ m you need both edge lights and centerline lights.
Runway centreline lights: Fixed lights showing variable white from the threshold to the point 900 m from the runway end, alternate red and variable white from 900 m to __ m from runway end, and red from that point to the __ ___.
300, runway end
Each wing bar of “VASIS” system has: _ light units
Stop bars are generally positioned at all runway-holding positions for runways when RVR is less than ___ m
Hvernig er reglan með stop bars?
Sýnist þetta bara vera þannig að ef RVR er komið undir 550m þá verður þú að hafa stop bars en þú getur reyndar limitað bara traffík í “one at a time” EN ef RVR er undir 350 þá einfaldlega verður þú að hafa stop bars.
High intensity obstacle lights should be: steady/flashing [colour].
flashing white
Low intensity obstacle lights on fixed objects shall be: fixed [colour].
Mobile objects like airport service vehicles shall be painted [colour]
Low-intensity obstacle lights, Type C, displayed on vehicles associated with emergency shall be: flashing/steady [colour].
flashing blue
Low intensity obstacle lights on vehicles other than those associated with emergency or security shall be: flashing [colour] or flashing [colour].
yellow or blue
Response time: The time between the initial call to the rescue and fire fighting service, and the time when the first responding vehicle is..
in position to apply foam.
a) The length of the runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off
b) The length of the runway plus the length of the clearway.
a) The length of the runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off
Radio-altimeter: Operating area: in the __-threshold area.
Touchdown zone markings are place __ m from the threshold
150 m
FIXED DISTANCE markings on certain precision approach runways are located __ m from the threshold
Hvernig er reglan með hversu margar touchdown zone markings eru m.v. lengd brautar?
Tekur bara lengd brautar (lægri tölu) og deilir með fjórum og námundar svo, t.d.
Braut er 1200 til 1500m (1200/4 = 300 (3 markings)
Braut er 1500 til 2400m (1500/4 = 375 (4 markings)
A pattern B runway holding position marking at an intersection of a taxiway and a precision approach runway shall be supplemented
a) with a runway designation sign only
b) with a category I, II or II holding position sign as appropriate.
c) With a category II or III holding position sign, thoughfor CAT 1 runways a sign is not mandatory.
b) with a category I, II or II holding position sign as appropriate.
Is a direction sign mandatory?
How is a taxiway holding position marked?
a) A red light stop bar
b) A red marker board either side of the taxiway
c) flashing yellow “guard lights”
b) A red marker board either side of the taxiway
A pattern A runway holding position marking shall be supplemented at a taxiway/runway intersection with a
a) runway designation sign
b) taxiway designation sign, only for paved runways
a) runway designation sign
Where should an airport display aircraft stand identification marking?
a) on any paved parking and de-icing area
b) on any parking area and de-icing area
a) on any paved parking and de-icing area
Varðandi RESA (runway end safety area) þá er ein spurning sem krefst þess að þú vitir hvort þetta ÞURFI að vera paved eða ekki paved, hvort er það?
Þarf ekki að vera paved
A pre-threshold area of a runway fit for use by aircraft as a stopway, but not for normal movement of aircraft is marked with:
a) a white X
b) yellow chevrons pointing towards the threshold
b) yellow chevrons pointing towards the threshold
Runway threshold identification lights, when provided, should be:
a) fixed white b) flashing white
b) flashing white
In the “aerodrome reference code” the code element 2 shall identify
a) only the aircraft wingspan
b) the aircraft wingspan and the outer main gear wheel span
b) the aircraft wingspan and the outer main gear wheel span
The aerodrome catgory for rescue and fire-fighting is based on
a) the length of the longest aeroplane normally using the aeroplane and its maximum fuselage width
a) the length of the heaviest aeroplane normally using the aeroplane and its maximum fuselage width
a) the length of the longest aeroplane normally using the aeroplane and its maximum fuselage width