1 International law Flashcards
The term “Cabotage” refers to..
domestic air services.
Detailed description of the visual ground aids can be found in ICAO no…
Fyrir hverja eru standardarnir bindandi?
member states who have not notified ICAO about a national difference
Ef þú ferð ekki eftir standördum þá tilkynnir þú ICAO en hvort tilkynnir þú til “the assembly” eða “the council”?
The council
Í hvaða ICAO skjölum eru International standards and recommended practices (SARPS) ?
Hver innan ICAO sér um: “Finalizes the standard and recommended practices (SARPS) for submission for adoption.”
Air Navigation Commission
Hvaða annex er þetta? “Dedicated to facilitate the passage of passengers at the aerodrome.”
Annex 9
Hvaða annex tekur á dangerous goods?
Annex 18
Each state has total ____ over the airspace above it’s territory.
Hvar eru headquarters ICAO?
Annex 13 er “Aircraft accident and ___ investigation”
ICAO’s permanent body responsible for the assembly is the..
Annex 14 er..
The president of ICAO is elected for _ years.
Hvaða annex er air traffic services?
Air Navigation Commission consists of _ members, appointed by the __.
19 members, ICAO council.
The annex dealing with registration and marking of an aircraft is annex no __.
Máttu fljúga yfir svæði hjá öðru aðildarlandi ICAO án fengis leyfis ef þú ert “engaged in scheduled international air services”.
Nei, en þú mátt það ef þú ert NOT engaged in scheduled international air services.
The convention which deals with offenses against penal law is the convention of ___.