1 International law Flashcards
The term “Cabotage” refers to..
domestic air services.
Detailed description of the visual ground aids can be found in ICAO no…
Fyrir hverja eru standardarnir bindandi?
member states who have not notified ICAO about a national difference
Ef þú ferð ekki eftir standördum þá tilkynnir þú ICAO en hvort tilkynnir þú til “the assembly” eða “the council”?
The council
Í hvaða ICAO skjölum eru International standards and recommended practices (SARPS) ?
Hver innan ICAO sér um: “Finalizes the standard and recommended practices (SARPS) for submission for adoption.”
Air Navigation Commission
Hvaða annex er þetta? “Dedicated to facilitate the passage of passengers at the aerodrome.”
Annex 9
Hvaða annex tekur á dangerous goods?
Annex 18
Each state has total ____ over the airspace above it’s territory.
Hvar eru headquarters ICAO?
Annex 13 er “Aircraft accident and ___ investigation”
ICAO’s permanent body responsible for the assembly is the..
Annex 14 er..
The president of ICAO is elected for _ years.
Hvaða annex er air traffic services?
Air Navigation Commission consists of _ members, appointed by the __.
19 members, ICAO council.
The annex dealing with registration and marking of an aircraft is annex no __.
Máttu fljúga yfir svæði hjá öðru aðildarlandi ICAO án fengis leyfis ef þú ert “engaged in scheduled international air services”.
Nei, en þú mátt það ef þú ert NOT engaged in scheduled international air services.
The convention which deals with offenses against penal law is the convention of ___.
Hvað líður langur tími frá því að þú segir þig frá Montreal conventioninu, þangað til það tekur gildi?
6 months
Hvaða convention sér um: ““Liability of carriers for lost or damaged passanger baggage””
Warshaw convention and subsequently the Montreal convention.
Númer hvað er freedomið “land for a technical stop”?
Er liability of carriers for mail and cargo skv. Warshaw samkomulaginu að ná yfir Domestic mail eða international mail eða bæði?
Bara international
The International Air Transport Agreement provides for: the carriage of traffic between ____ of the aircraft and any other participating state.
the state of registration
Hvaða convention tekur á þessu? “Any person who suffers damage on the surface shall, upon proof only that damage was caused by an aircraft in flight or by any person or thing falling therefore, be entitles to compensation.”
The Rome convention
Hvaða freedom of the air reynir á hér? “Revenue traffic flown between two treaty partner nations (C-A) through carriers base nation (B).”
6th freedom
Hvaða convention er þetta? “Defines liability in case of damage caused by aircraft to third parties on the surface.”
Hvaða freedom er þetta? “The right to carry revenue traffic between any points of landing on flight between 3 or more treaty partner nations”
The Rome convention and later amendments deals with:
a) Damage caused by any aircraft to third parties on the surface
b) Damage caused by foreign aircraft to third parties on the surface.
b) Damage caused by foreign aircraft to third parties on the surface.
Hvaða convention tekur á þessu ““Illegal acts commited on board an aircraft”.
Tokyo convention
Hvaða convention er þetta? “Acts of violence on board, destruction of aircraft in flight and destroying or damaging any air navigation facility are punishable.”
Montreal convention.
Regarding the Rome convention, damages must be claimed within ___ or they are lost.
2 years
___ fights for the interest of airlines across the globe, challenging unreasonable rules and charges
Hvað stendur IATA fyrir?
International Air Transport Association
EASA provides legislative proposals to the ____ ____ for implementation and promotes the highest common standards of safety and environmental protection in civil aviation.
European Commission
Hvað stendur NAA fyrir?
National Aviation Authorities
Hvað stendur ECAC fyrir?
European Civil Aviation Conference
“Within Europe, certain non-scheduled commercial flights between ECAC states may be carried out without the obligation to request prior permission from the state concerned by the operator of the aircraft.” This is the agreement of ___.
An aircraft having sustained damage while on the territory of a contracting state other than the state of registry may fly without fare-paying passengers to an airport at which it can be restored to an airworthy condition if it receives permission of _____.
the state of registry.
Who issues the certificate of airworthiness?
State of registry
Which state shall ensure that there exists a continuing structural integrity program to ensure the airworthiness of aeroplanes above 5700 kg?
State of design
A certificate of airworthiness shall be renewed or shall remain valid subject to the laws of which state?
state of registry
“Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.” This is the definition of ___.
an aircraft
“Any aircraft deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic forces.” is the definition of ___.
heavier-than-air aircraft
The height of the marks under the wings of heavier-than-air aircraft shall be at least __ cm
The common mark shall be selected from the series of symbols included in the radio call signs allocated to the ICAO by the ____.
International Telecommunication Union.
When letters are used for the registration mark, combinations shall not be used which might be confused with the: __ letter combinations used in the international code of signals.
__: 3,4 or 5?
The height of the marks on the fuselage (or equivalent structure) and on the vertical tail surfaces of heavier than air aircraft shall be: at least __ cm.