Personnel licencing Flashcards
Night: During the period when the center of the Sun’s disc is _° below the horizon.
Hvaða annex tekur á Personnel licencing?
Maximum time period for which a pilot licence can be issued:
a) 5 years
b) dependent upon the validity of the ratings and medical
c) 3 years
d) 2 years
b) dependent upon the validity of the ratings and medical
Applicant for a CPL shall have __ hours of instrument instruction time of which not more than __ hours may be instrument ground time.
10, 5
ATPL holder between ages of 60-65: __ operations only.
Intrument rating is valid for: _ year
Integrated course: __ hours flight time, of which _ hours may be instrument ground time.
150, 5
Minimum age to obtain a PPL is..
17 years
Who can remove/lift a class 1 medical limitation? a) Authority b) An AME
a) Authority
An applicant for a commercial pilot licence (CPL) shall hold:
a) a current class 1 medical certificate.
b) a current class of medical certificate as prescribed by the state issuing the licence.
a) a current class 1 medical certificate.
Ef þú ert intercepted: Fyrst reynir þú contact á __ MHz, ef það gengur ekki þá reynir þú __ MHz
121.5, 243
Night: During the period when the center of the Sun’s disc is _° below the ___.
6°, horizon
In accordance with ICAO Annex 1, a medical examination may be deferred in certain circumstances at the discretion of the licensing authority, provided that such deferment shall only be made as an exception and shall not exceed: a single period of __ months in the case of a flight crew member of an aircraft engaged in non-commerical operations.
ATPL(A): Not less than __ hours, af þessum mega: __ hours co-pilot performing, under the supervision of the PIC the duties and functions of a PIC providing that the method of supervision employed is acceptable to the licensing authority.
250, 50
Samt líka talað um: 200 hrs cross country (100 PIC).
ATPL: You need __ hours of night flight as pilot-in-comand or as co-pilot.
ATPL: You need __ hours of instrument time, not more than __ hours may be instrument ground time.
75, 30
ATPL: Ability to perform as __, the procedures and manoeuvres of an aeroplane type certified for: a minimum crew of two pilots under IFR.
Priveleges: Act as pilot in command of aircraft engaged in commercial air transport and to exercise all the privileges of the holder of an ___, a PPL and a CPL.
ATPL: Minimum age: __ years. Maximum age: __ years.
21, 64
Licencing authority shall determine whether experience as pilot under instruction in a synthetic flight trainer which it has approved, is acceptable as part of the total flight time of ___ hours (ATPL). Credit for such experience shall be limited to a maximum of: 100 hours, of which not more than __ hours shall have been acquired in a flight procedure trainer or basic instrument flight trainer.
1500, 25
Veit ekki hvort þetta sé ATPL en: Examiner’s authorization is valid for: Not more than __ years.
FI(A) instruction: Getur græjað CPL próf: provided that the FI(A) has completed at least __ hours of flight time as a pilot of aeroplanes including at least hours of flight instruction.
500, 200
Fimm flokkar “aeroplane instructor categories” (þarft ekki að kunna utan af.
FI(A) TRI(A) CRI(A) IRI(A) SFI authorization
Type ratings shall be established for any type of aircraft whenever considered necessary by who?
The authority
With regards to EASA Part-FCL, explain the term “competent authority”
a) The competent authority shall be an authority designated by all member states
b) the competent authority shall be an authority designated by the member state to whom a person applies for the issue of pilot licences or associated ratings or certificates
b) the competent authority shall be an authority designated by the member state to whom a person applies for the issue of pilot licences or associated ratings or certificates