Section 8 Flashcards
First Steps
Indiana’s early intervention plan for disabled kids
Grouping things by similar characteristics
Finding items that are same or have same specific characteristic
Arranging orders by size, location, or position
Identifying repeating sequences
Universal preschool (U.S. Program)
Executive function components
Working Memory, Cognitive flexibility (multitasking), inhibition control, and central coherence (big picture) (WICC)
Inhibition control
selective attention (ability to ignore some things) and response inhibition (not act on everything u wanna do)
Marshmallow task
Kids who delayed gratification had better life outcomes
Preoperational stage
more sophisticated schema, but errors persist
Egocentricism, magical belief (animism), lack of convincing, lack of conservation (altering appearance does not change properties), theory of mind
Symbolic function substage
gains ability to mentally represent object not present
Zone of proximal development (range of tasks kids can do with adult help)
More knowledgable others - changing level of support with kill development
private speech - using language for self regulation
Theory of mind
abilitiy to understand other people’s realities
Rhodes and colleagues experiment
asked kids who people will hug and show affection to, kids did not say ingroup until age 6
Prejudice develops between 2-7 years
decreases significantly w exposure
SOcial cognitive theory: children’s gender development occurs thru observation and imitation
Caregivers, peers, and media can influence this
Gender types behavior at ages 3.5 and 4.75 predict sexual orientation by 15