Middle Adulthood Section 12 Flashcards
What are physical changes that come with middle adulthood?
Physical deterioration, consequences of health habits from earlier become apparent, mortality rates from dangerous activities become higher
What are the concerns of middle adulthood?
Legacy, career satisfaction, painting physical condition
What are trends in suicide in MA?
Men’s highest risk during 50s, women’s is 60s (esp high in the U.S.?)
What are the top stressors in order?
- Intimate partner relationships
- Job/financial problems
- Physical health problems
- Family problems
- Legal problems
Mental and physical health overall worsens
What age do MAs feel?
Their mental identity age decreases as real age increases, feels like they’re in 20s/30s forever
How does the body change?
Strength and agility decline starting 25+, metabolism slows, recovery speed slows, and reproductivity changes
What are the stages of reproductive change for women?
Perimenopause: transitional from menstruating to not - causes physical symptoms
Menopause: ovulation and menstruation stop
What is reproductive change in men?
Andropause: fertility and sperm count decrease
What happens when FSH (follicular stimulating hormone) increases?
Ovary and sperm production stops, done density decreases, more fat
What are physical consequences of hormonal changes?
Weight gain (esp around belly), sagging, graying hair, slower metabolism and recovery time, loss of senses and joint tissue
What is osteopenia?
Osteopenia is decline in bone density
What is sarcopenia?
Decline in muscle fiber number in size in which muscle atrophy impairs muscle performance and motor neurons diminish
What physical consequences does lack of fertility have?
Less attraction and libido, loss of collagen, erectile dysfunction, enlarged prostate and more fragile vagina
What check ups become important?
Cardiovascular, colonoscopies, cancer screenings, dental, and kidney function (risks in all these areas increase w age, cancer and heart problem become most common ways to die)
What mental changes occur?
Brain cells deteriorate in quality causing reduction in fluid intelligence (information processing) but increase in crystalized intelligence (wisdom)
How do people react to mid-life?
Time for reflection and anticipation for future, mid-life crises not inevitable but triggered by major life event or loss
How does happiness fluctuate throughout life?
Happiness is like a “U” shape diagram: highest in the beginning and end, lowest being foe 20 yrs between EA and MA
What is Erikson’s psychosocial stage here?
Generality vs. stagnation: desire to leave legacy (can be thru self-preservation, career, parenthood, and cultural development)
What are the trends of religiosity?
Decreases at 14 and increases again in late 50s, religion is also good for health
What are the 4 main needs according to Roy Baumeister and Kathleen Vohs?
- Need for purpose
- Need for values
- Need for sense of efficacy
- Need for self-worth
Religion and family can help this