Section 3 Flashcards
What is mitosis?
Process of regular cell division
What is meiosis?
Process of division to sexual cells (gametes)
What is a zygote?
Fertilized egg
What is morula?
the smaller eggs that the zygote separates into?
What is a blastocyst?
When the smaller cells form a hollow cluster with either “inside” cells or “outside” cells (inner part= embyro, outer part=placenta)
What is monozygotic twinning?
Identical twins - zygote splits into two clusters instead of one and creates two blastocysts
What is dizygotic twinnning?
Fraternal - when two eggs are fertilized by two sperms
What is the germinal period?
0-2 weeks; conception. to zygote implantation
What is the embryonic period?
Stem cells lead to differentiation, including urinary and reproductive differentiation
What is the fetal period?
Last 3 months of rapid growth and birth
What are the 3 cell layers?
ectoderm (skin and nervous system), mesoderm (bone and muscle), endoderm (gut and internal organs)
What is Gene x environment interaction? (G x E)
interaction of variation in DNA with the environment (parents health, diet, and psychological health)
What are teratogens?
Environmental agents that can harm the baby and its development
What did thalidomide do?
Was a morning sickness medicine that caused phocomelia aka limb deformations in babies
What was toxoplasmosis?
A unicellular parasite found in cats that caused hydrocephalus, iQ disability, and anemia
What was Rubella?
German measles that, if contracted by mom early enough, can cause IQ disability, blindness and deafness, and heart problems
What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/ Spectrum Disorder?
When mom drinks too much alcohol early on, it causes facial deformities, stunted growth, and cognitive disability
Can fathers contribute to FASD?
What do older fathers risk?
They risk schizophrenia, autism, and birth defects
What do dietary restrictions in fathers risk?
Increases cardiovascular risk
How do epigenetics work?
An enzyme processes switches on silence gene by by adding or removing a methyl group to alter proteins
What is an umbillicus?
The belly button
What is an amnion?
A membrane that helps form amniotic fluid that cushion and protect babies in the womb
What is vernix?
Protective cheese like substance that babies can be born with
What is meconium?
First explusion of waste consisting of amniotic fluid, cells, and mucus
What is colostrum?
Type of milk first produced that had exorbitant amount of nutrients
What is lanugo?
Soft hair that babies can be born with that help hold vernix on skin
What is preimplantation?
Genetic diagnosis for assisted pragnancy
What is Maternal Blood Analysis?
Non invasive analysis that can reveal down syndrome
What is chorionic villus sampling?
Samples chorionic villus around baby for full genetic testing
What is a fetoscopy?
Surgery on fetus
needle sampling of amniotic fluid for genetic sampling
How do urinary tracts an reproductive organs diverge?
Males have wolfian ducts that grow intro reproductive parts with testosterone, and testes develop from SRY gene, and AMH inhibits female reproduction