Section 1: Introduction Flashcards
Blue/ Driver Education Certificate
The certificate presented to students who successfully complete a Delaware Department of Education approved Driver Education course
Commercial Driver License (CDL)
The drivers license required in order to drive a Commercial Motor Vehicle
Divided Highway
Any highway divided into 2 or more roadways by an intervening space, physical barrier or clearly indicated dividing section so constructed as to impede vehicular traffic
Includes anyone who is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle
Express Highway
A State or Interstate highway especially designed for through traffic
The entire width between boundary lines of every road open to public vehicular traffic, but does not include roads owned by private individuals or by institutions
The area common to 2 or more highways that meet, whether or not one highway crosses another
Any type of license under the holder has the privilege of driving a motor vehicle
Mini Bike
Any motor-driven cycle which has a wheel rim less than 10 inches, or is less than 40 inches long from hub to hub
A pedal or non-pedal bicycle having 2 tandem wheels, either of which is 10 inches or more in maximum diameter
Any motor vehicle designed travel on not more than 3 wheels, except tractors, minibikes and electrical personal assistive mobility devices
Motor Vehicle
Any self-propelled vehicle designed to operate on a roadway, except farm tractors and OHVs
Safety Zone
An area officially set aside within a highway for exclusive use of pedestrians and so marked
Three-point turn
A maneuver to turn a vehicle 180 degrees on a narrow street
A pedal or non-pedal cycle having 3 wheels, either of which is 10 inches or more in maximum diameter
Includes certain class of vehicles which are exclusively human-powered by means of foot pedals