scores and classifications/criteria to memorise Flashcards
classification of AKI intervals
G1 = 90+ G2 = 60 - 89 G3a = 45 - 59 G3b = 30 - 44 G4 = 15 - 29 G5 = < 15
prostate cancer score
Gleason score
< 6 = low
7 = medium
8,9,10 = high
NICE criteria for AKI diag
1 of:
creatinine increase >26umol/l in 48hrs
creatinine increase >50% over 7 days
urine output <0.5ml/kg > 6hrs
ABCDE assess
airways (secure) breathing (o2, salbutamol) circulation (IV fluid bolus) disability (lie flat?) exposure (look at skin)
score for risk of stroke/MI in next 10 years
glasgow coma scale
assessment of impairment of conscious level in response to defined stimuli eg. brain bleed, stroke, confusion
assess stroke risk when patient has atrial fib
assess bleeding risk when patient has atrial fib
assess risk of stroke after TIA
ABCD2: age >60yrs = 1 BP >140/90 = 1 clinical pres - unilat weakness = 2, speech disturb = 1 duration >1hr = 2, 10-59 mins = 1 diabetes = 1
score for pneumonia mortality
Confusion Urea >7 Resp rate >30 BP < 90/60 >65
classified as hospital acquired when
> 48hrs after hosp admission
MRC dyspnoea scale
1 = strenuous 2 = walking uphill 3 = walking flat 4 = stop to catch breath 5 = cannot leave house
FEV1 severity classification
>80% = 1 50-79% = 2 30-49% = 3 <30% = 4
obstruction level in spirometry
fev1/fvc = <0.7
pleural effusion exudative vs transudative protein levels
exud = >3g trans = <3g
scan and score for osteoporosis
DEXA scan - measures bone mineral density (BMD), generates T score to compare against healthy 30 year old
FRAX score - predicts risk of fracture over next 10 years
score tool for psoriatic arthritis
psoriasis epidemiology screening test (PEST)
screening tools for alcoholics
Cut down?
Eye opener
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (8+ = harm)
end stage liver cirrhosis every 6 months
model for end-stage liver disease (MELD score)
at home test for bowel cancer
faecal immunochemical test (FIT)
criteria for lynch syndrome
amsterdam criteria
index for UC severity
truelove and witts severe if: - over 6 poos - visible blood - pyrexia - anaemia - 30+ erythrocyte sedimentation rate
staging system for AKI
KDIGO 1. creat rise >26 <0.5ml/kg/hr >6hrs 2. creat 2-3x baseline <0.5ml >12 3. creat risk >354 <0.3ml >24/anuria in 12hrs
risk score for severity of NSTEMI
Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) risk score
classify heart failure
New York Classification of HF 1- heart disease pre but not dyspnoea 2- comfy at rest but dyspnoea during normal activities 3- limiting dyspnoea 4- dyspnoea at rest