autoantibodies/chromosomes etc to memorise Flashcards
vasculitis autoantibodies
blood test for ventricle failure
NT-proBNP (Natriuretic peptide) if high = heart failure
chromosome for huntingtons
chromosome for haemochromatosis
chromosome for CF
chromosome for wilsons
chromosome for alpha1 antitrypsin
chromosome for downs syndrome
chromosomes in chronic myeloid leukaemia
part of 9 breaks off and swaps with part of 22
Philadelphia chromosome assoc with?
chronic myeloid leukaemia (also 30% adults with ALL)
hypersensitivity reaction pneumonitis?
type 3
hypersensitivity reaction anaphylaxis?
type 1
hypersensitivity reaction blood transfusion
type 1
hypersensitivity reaction haemolytic anaemia
type 2
hypersensitivity reaction goodpastures
type 2
hypersensitivity reaction SLE
type 3
hypersensitivity reaction contact dermatitis
type 4
hypersensitivity reaction TB
type 4
hypersensitivity reaction RA
type 3
hypersensitivity reaction MS
type 4
hypersensitivity reaction graft rejections
type 4
mantoux test
test for previous TB infection - using tuberculin (not live tb bacteria)
interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA)
blood sample is mixed with antigens - WBC will release immunoglobulins if previous TB infection
type 1 resp fail
normal PCO2, low PO2
type 2 resp fail
high PCO2 (= low ph), low PO2 retaining CO2 so obstruction in lungs, resp acidosis
presence of increased bicarb in type 2 resp fail
means chronically high co2
gene for CF
CFTR - codes for cellular Cl- channels
gold test for CF
sweat test using electrodes - test for Cl- conc >60mmol/L
mutation in CF
leads for inferior heart wall
leads for septum of heart
V1, V2
leads for anterior heart wall
V3, V4
leads for lateral wall
V5, V6, I, aVL, aVR
tachycardia = ?
> 100bpm
bradycardia = ?
breast cancer genes
breast cancer targeted therapy drug aims for which gene
normal vs prediab vs diab values for hba1c, fasting gluc and oral gluc tol
diab: >6.5, >126, >200
prediab: 5.7-6.4, 100-125, 140-199
norm: 5.7, <99, <139
lachman’s test
test anterior cruciate ligament in knee exam
SLE autoantibodies
anti nuclear antibodies
RA autoantibodies
rheumatoid factor (sensitive but not specific) anti-CCP (specific - poor prog)
sjorgrens autoantibodies
anti-Ro (SS-A) and anti-La (SS-B) antibodies, (rheumatoid factor, and antinuclear antibodies)
graves disease autoantibody
thyrotropin receptor antibody (TRAb)
coeliacs autoantibodies
tissue transglutaminase (tTG) - more specific Endomysial antibodies (EMAs)
(IgA - if def in this then may be low due to that hence coeliacs not detected. need to do further IgA level test. if def then test for IgG version of anti-TTG)
coeliacs genes
HLA-DQ2 gene (90%)
HLA-DQ8 gene
coeliacs biopsy shows
crypt hypertrophy, Villous atrophy
goodpastures autoantibody
circulating antiglomerular basement membrane (GBM) autoantibodies.
cell found in hodgkins lymphoma
reed-sternberg (abnormal lymphocytes with more than one nucleus)
denatured haemoglobin name in G6PD def
heinz bodies
cells formed in G6PD def
bite cells
autoantibodies in systemic sclerosis
Anti-centromere antibodies (ACA) and anti-Scl-70 antibodies
autoantibodies for primary biliary cirrhosis
antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA)
autoantibodies dermatomyositis
Anti–Mi-2 antibodies and ANA
autoantibodies myositis
autoantibodies Churg-Strauss syndrome
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
genetic associations RA
gout crystals
monosodium urate
needle shaped, strong -ve birefringence, yellow
pseudogout crystals
calcium pyrophosphate
rod shaped, weak +ve birefringence, blue
gene for seronegative spondyloarthropathies
test for gout/pseudogout
Polarised light microscopy
test for septic arthritis
urgent joint aspiration - Fluid will be opaque / thick / pussy due to high WCC
wilson’s disease eye presentation
kayser-fleischer rings - copper deposits in Descemet’s corneal membrane
assessed using slit lamp exam
serum test for wilsons
caeruloplasmin level below 10
copper-binding protein (wilsons)
MS destroys which cells?
autoantibodies for pernicious anaemia
anti-peritoneal antibody
histo change in barrets oesophagus
Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium in the lower oesophagus becomes non-ciliated columnar epithelium
pain in appendicitis
umbilical pain radiating to mcburneys point (1/3 distance from umbilicus towards anterior superior iliac spine)
upper GI endoscopy biopsy findings for gastric cancer
signet ring cells
supraclavicular node in gastric cancer
virchow’s node
periumbilical node in gastric cancer
sister mary joseph node
gene mutation for lynch syndrome
Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer - autosomal dominant
cells present in crohn’s
goblet cells, non-caseating granulomas
test for UC
most common area for peptic ulcer
left gastric artery perf
- pain after eating
most common area for duodenal ulcer
duodenal artery perf
- pain relieved by eating
gold invest for achalasia
oesophageal manometry
exclude ectopic (or any) pregnancy with…
urine human chorionic gonadotropin (hcG)
anti emetic for gastroenteritis
5HT-3 receptor antagonist (serotonin recep in brainstem, peripheral serotonin recep in vagus nerve)
malformation of distal ileum
Meckel’s diverticulum
uric acid stones on xray
investigation of renal stones if pregnant or young
allergic reaction from beta lactam?
allergic reaction from gentamicin
accumulates in the kidneys and causes toxicity secondary to acute tubular necrosis
zone of prostate affected by cancer
zone of prostate affected by BPH
nerve and muscle to retain urine
hypogastric nerves (T12 – L2). Causes relaxation of the detrusor muscle
nerve and muscle to stimulate urination
pelvic nerve (S2-S4). causes contraction of the detrusor muscle
nerve and muscle to voluntarily control urination
pudendal nerve (S2-4). innervates external urethral sphincter
value for hyperkalaemia
most common type of renal stone
calcium oxalate (advise low sodium diet, more calcium, eat less spinach, chocolate, rhubarb, tea, sweet potato)
size of small kidney stone (no med intervention)
investigate suspected angina
CT coronary angiogram
hallmark of malignant hypertension
rapid rise in BP leading to vascular damage= fibroid necrosis
test for hypertensive retinopathy
threshold for clinical hypertension
160 = high risk, 180 = severe
threshold for home hypertension
150 = high risk
sound for aortic stenosis
Crescendo-decrescendo Ejection Systolic Murmur
sound for aortic regurgitation
High-Pitched “Blowing” Early Diastolic Decrescendo Murmur
sound for mitral stenosis
Opening Snap then Delayed Rumbling Mid-Diastolic Murmur
sound for mitral regurgitation
Pansystolic High-Pitched “Blowing Murmur”
atrial regurg treat
mitral sten treat
af rate control bet blocker and atnicoagulate