Scleroderma Flashcards
characterized by inflammatory, vascular, and sclerotic changes of the skin and various internal organs,especiallythelungs,heart,andGItract.
Skin features that are always present.
Skin sclerosis and reynauds phenomenon.
lssc(limited sclerotic scleroderma) Comprises how many percent of pxs.
Lesion distribution
long history o Raynaud phenomenon with skin involve- ment limited to hands, feet, face, and fore arms (acrosclerosis) and a high incidence of anticentromeric antibodies
Clinical manifestation
Raynaud phenomenon with digital pain, coldness. Pain/stifness of fingers and knees. Migratory polyarthritis. Heartburn, dysphagia, especially with solid oods. Constipation,diarrhea,abdominal bloating,malab- sorption,and weightloss.Exertional dyspnea and dry cough.
SKIN Hands/Feet. Early: Raynaud phenom- enon with triphasic color changes,i.e.,pallor, cyanosis,and rubor
what are the 3 triphasic color changes in scleroderma?
pallor, cyanosis,and rubor
What do you call the ulcerations in the fingertips?
Rate bite necrosis
What do you call the tapering of fingers?
Madonna fingers
Facial features.
Early :Periorbitaledema.Late:Edema and fibrosis result in loss of normal facial lines, mask-like (patients look younger than they are),thinning of lips,microsto- mia,radialperioral furrowing and beak-like sharp nose. telangiectasia
Difference in distribution of lesions in early and late ssc.
Early: Face, fingers, hands
Late: trunk, upper and lower extremities
CREST means.
calcinosis cutis + Raynaud phenomenon + esophageal dysfunction + sclerodactyly + telangiectasia
Early: Mild cellular
infiltrate around dermal bloodvessels, eccrinecoils, and at the dermal subcutaneous inter- phase.
Late: Broadening and homogenization
o collagen bundles, obliteration and decrease of interbundle spaces,thickening of dermis with replacement of upper or total subcutane- ous atbyhyalinizedcollagen.Paucityo blood vessels, thickening/hyalinization o vessel walls
anticentromeric autoantibodies
occur in how many percent in dssc and crest.
Dssc- 21%
CREST - 71%
topoisomerase I (Scl-70) antibodies in 33% of dSSc and 18% o CREST patients.
Leading cause or death
Renal dx
Systemic steroids
10 yr survival rate >50%
dssc like condition is due to what exposure?
polyvinyl chloride