Scientists (Exam 1) Flashcards
Karl von Linne’:
Early 1700’s
Diversity of life; taxonomic principles based on anatomical similarities of groups of organisms; the “species” concept
Comte de Buffon:
Mid 1700’s
Species change from generation to generation by “degeneration” from their original perfect form.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck:
Late 1700’s
Species change from generation to generation by “adaptation”; inheritance of acquired characteristics.
William Smith:
Early 1800’s
Biostratigraphy based on “faunal succession”; geologic map based on relative ages of rock units.
First geologic map of an entire country (Great Britain) based on relative ages of rock units, published in 1815.
Charles Darwin:
Mid 1800’s
Species change via “natural selection”
Gregor Mendel:
Late 1800’s
Heredity based on inheritance of “genes”
Hermann Muller:
Early 1900’s
Gene “mutations” caused by external agents (e.g., x-rays) as a mechanism for introducing new genetic diversity into the breeding population.
James Watson & Francis Crick:
Mid 1900’s
American & English
Chemical structure of genes; DNA as the chemical basis of heredity.
Niles Eldredge & Stephen Jay Gould:
Late 1900’s
Evolution proceeds by “punctuated equilibria”; non-uniform, spasmodic rates of evolutionary change.
Nicolaus Steno, Niels Stensen:
Mid 1700’s
Foundations of physical stratigraphy based on detailed geologic field observations; established the principle of “superposition of strata.”
James Hutton:
Late 1700’s
Concept of uniformitarianism (“The present is the key to the past”, and “No vestige of a beginning - no prospect of an end.”)
Georges Cuvier:
Early 1800’s
Concept of “comparative anatomy” to demonstrate relationships between various kinds of animals based on their physical characteristics; first geologic map of a major region (Paris Basin) based on fossil occurrences, published in 1811.
Charles Lyell:
Early 1800’s
Major voice in the establishment of uniformitarianism as the foundation of historical geology; wrote the first widely selling geology textbook (“Principles of Geology”, 1830-1833) and founded one of the first major geology journals (Geological Magazine)
Adam Sedgwick:
Early 1800’s
Established the Cambrian System of rocks & Cambrian Period of the geologic time scale based on physical & biostratigraphy in southern Britain.
Roderick Murchison:
Early 1800’s
Established the Silurian System of rocks & Silurian Period of the geologic time scale based on physical & biostratigraphy in southern Britain
James Hall:
Mid 1800’s
First state geologist in American (New York); directed the first biostratigraphic surveys & earliest geologic maps in eastern North America.