Final ish review for exam 1 Flashcards
Growth stages from birth to death of individual organisms
Evolutionary history of a taxonomic group of organisms
Morphologic convergence of features with separate evolutionary origins
Morphologic divergence of features with same evolutionary origin.
Single type specimen representing a taxon
Additional specimen(s) to reinforce the holotype
Multiple type specimens (as opposed to a single holotype)
New type specimen to replace a lost or destroyed holotype
Specimens collected from the same locality as the holotype or syntypes.
Layered mats, mounds & columns created by multiple sheets of cyanobacteria.
Concentrically layered “algal balls” created by multiple sheets of cyanobacteria.
Allopatric Speciation:
The speciation model by which two or more new species appear as a result of evolution occurring in different populations of the same ancestral species that were geographically separated over an extended length of time.
The science of dating and correlating geologic units of various types.
Stratigraphy based on rock types and lithologic characteristics.
Biostratigraphic zones:
The various kinds of units employed for biostratigraphic correlation.
Total geologic range of a given species
Range zone:
Time between the first and last occurrences of a species in the study area.
Concurrent Range Zone:
Overlapping ranges of different species
Assemblage Zone:
Zone based on several different species that usually occur together.
Peak Zone:
Zone based on peak abundance of species
Group of beds with recurrent characteristics that reflect the depositional environment
Index fossil vs Facies fossil
narrow age range vs broad age range but restricted paleoenviornmental significant
Stratigraphic leaking
Younger fossils residing in older rocks.
Stratigraphic reworking
Older fossils residing in younger rocks
Signor-Lipps Effect
Owing to sparse distribution and incomplete preservation of fossil asemblages it is difficult to differentiate between sudden or gradual extinction patterns.