Scientific Foundations: Nursing Science- Done Flashcards
Main focuses of Florence Nightingale
- Emphasized need to improve environmental conditions to protect health of clients
- Preventative rather than curative health services
- Used statistical techniques to demonstrate relationship between unsanitary conditions and preventable deaths
- Developed record keeping system that enabled her to improve conditions
Florence Nightingale’s five elements necessary for good health
- Pure air
- Pure water
- Efficient drainage
- Cleanliness
- Light
Areas influenced by Florence Nightingale
- Public health
- Laid foundation for occupational and environmental health nursing
- Development of nursing theory
- Development of nursing research
- Nursing education
Intervention Wheel
- Revision of Public Health Intervention Model
- Describes the application of nursing practice to populations
- Based on actual work performed by public health nurses
According to the Intervention Wheel population-based practice…
- Focuses of populations
- Relies on community assessment
- Considers all determinants of health
- Emphasizes prevention
- Intervenes at multiple levels
Intervention Wheel: Three levels of practice
- Community
- Systems
- Individuals/families
Intervention Wheel
Public health practice is described by — types of interventions, grouped into —– general areas or “wedges”
Intervention Wheel: Interventions in area one
- Surveillance
- Disease and other health event investigation
- Outreach
- Screening
- Case finding
Intervention Wheel: Interventions in area two
- Referral and follow-up
- Case management
- Delegated functions
Intervention Wheel: Interventions in area three
- Health teaching
- Counseling
- Consultation
Intervention Wheel: Interventions in area four
- Collaboration
- Coalition building
- Community organizing
Intervention Wheel: Interventions in area five
- Advocacy
- Social marketing
- Policy development and enforcement
Nursing, Health and the Environment
- Landmark publication
- Defines and describes the role of nurses in environmental health
Definition of environmental health from Nursing, Health and the Environment
Freedom from illness or injury related to exposure to toxic agents and other environmental conditions that are potentially detrimental to health
Three themes of Nursing, Health and the Environment
- The environment is a primary determinant of health, and environmental health hazards affect all aspects of life and all areas of nursing practice
- Nurses are well positioned to address environmental health concerns of individuals and communities
- There is need to enhance the awareness of and emphasis on environmental threats to the health of populations served by all nurses regardless of their practice