Developing, Implementing And Evaluating Comprehensive Occupational Health And Safety Programs Flashcards
Uses of assessment data
- Describe workers
- Describe worker populations
- Describe characteristics of work environment
- Identify areas of need
- Identify areas of value and importance
- Target health and safety’s programs to specific identified needs of workers and populations
Work related assessment may involve the following…
- Description of work and home locations
- Demographics of workers, dependents and retirees
- Health status of worker population
- Health care coverage and utilization
- Disability information
Components of worker health status often gathered in work related assessment
- Nutritional status
- Exercise habits
- Personal behaviors and lifestyles related to risk (ie smoking)
Purpose of environmental assessment at the worksite
Identifies existing and potential health and safety hazards and organizational variables that can affect workers’ health and safety
Examples of work related information to be collected in an environmental assessment
- Environmental and worker exposure data
2. Worker injury and illness data obtained from workers comp, OSHA and state records
Reasons occupational health services activity reports should be reviewed
- Identify nature of services provided
- Who uses services
- If non occupational concerns are overshadowing time spent on work related issues
Broad categories of information used in a workplace assessment
- Description of the company
- Health service models that are in place and available to workers
- Information included in health records
Items included in a description of a company
- Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
- Number and type of facilities within an organization
- Company vision and mission
- Organization’s culture and values
Examples of health service models that should be looked at in a workplace assessment
- Health insurance options
- On site and vendor services
- Workers compensation
- Worker programs ( EAP, wellness programs, light duty/alternative work)
- Safety committee
Examples of information included in health records
- Daily logs
- Surveillance and monitoring data
- Disability information
Workplace assessment should include input from multiple sources including…
- Consultation with other corporate occupational health and safety professionals in nursing, medicine, safety and industrial hygiene
- Injury and illness data from insurance company
- Research data from area university
- External occupational medical consultation
Assessment tools used to gather workplace data
- Questionnaires
- Health risk appraisals
- Workplace walk-through reports
- Worker health and safety records
- Case management reports
- Interviews with workers and management
- Health insurance claims
- Workers compensation records/reports
- OSHA records/logs
- Life insurance records
- Medical utilization data
Specific focuses of workplace assessments may include…
- Workplace hazard analysis
- Health evaluation
- Behavior analysis or social concern
- Legal/regulatory program compliance issues
- Cost savings for the company
- Public relations/ goodwill benefits
Program planning
The recipe for implementing health services goals and objectives and is the blueprint or detailed guideline for directing activities and evaluating all programs and services conducted by or for the occupational health department
Program planning includes:
- Analyzing assessment data and targeting/prioritizing areas where programs and services need to be developed
- Determine what resources are available to meet program and service needs
- Developing goals and objectives that blend with organizational philosophy and company culture
Components of analyzing assessment data and targeting/prioritizing areas where services need to be developed
- List strengths and limitations of worker population and organization
- Review computerized materials and organize data in a manner that will assist in decision making
- Select programs and services that will benefit most individuals and/or the organizations long term goals
- Clarify the process and activities that will provide benefits and assist in reaching short and long range goals
Types of resources to look at for meeting program and service needs
- Personnel
- Financial resources
- Equipment
- Supplies and other resources
- Facilities and space
What personnel resources do you need to look at for program planning?
- Number of professionals and workers needed to develop and implement
- Expertise of the professionals and workers needed to develop and implement
- Are any additional workers or consultants needed
Financial resources for program planning- what do you need to do?
- Develop a budget that will include expenditures for each program
- Divide budget into sections
- Determine direct and indirect costs that will add to existing or expected expenditures
- Identify potential sources of funding
- Identify the ideal vs the minimum costs required
How should you divide a budget into sections?
Sections should be consistent with workplace yearly categories
How should you evaluate equipment resources needed for program?
List equipment needed for implementation and final evaluation
Examples of equipment that might be needed for various programs/services
- Audiovisual materials
- Medical equipment
- Computers and software
- Other miscellaneous materials
Examples of audiovisual equipment that might be needed for various programs/services
- Television set
- Videotape/ DVD player
- Camcorder
- Audiotape recorder/player
- Portable overhead projector
Examples of medical equipment that might be needed for various programs/services
- Pulmonary function measurement devices
- Syringes
- Needles
- Materials for blood analysis
- Materials for blood pressure measurement
Examples of items you would need computers and software for when planning programs and services
- Health risk appraisals
- Questionnaires
- Reports
- Program correspondence
- Educational literature
- Internet access
How should you evaluate supplies and other resources needed for program?
Determine what other provisions are needed to develop and implement the program
Examples of supplies and other resources needed for programs and services
- Paper
- Computer and fax supplies
- Mailing costs
- Public relations materials
Examples of public relations materials that may be needed for various programs and services
- Brochures
- Posters
- Television ads
- Special incentives for participation like t-shirts and caps
How should you evaluate facilities and space for various programs and services?
Determine if in house facilities are available and adequate or if outside space will be needed
Costs to consider when evaluating facilities and space
- Cost of using the facility
- Heating
- Air conditioning
- Lighting
Goals and objectives should be developed ——- presenting a program plan to others for discussion and approval
Goals should be….
- Presented in broad, general terms
2. State the expected results of implementing the program
Objectives should….
- Be much more specific
- Measurable
- Limited to a given time period
- Relevant to attaining the goal
A program begins with ——- goals for the health services departments and then ——- objectives are developed
Long term, general
Short term
Short term objectives are developed to…..
Identify what must be accomplished to demonstrate achievement of long term goals
Methods that will be used to accomplish goals and objectives should be identified during…..
The planning phase
Examples of methods that could be used to accomplish goals and objectives
- Educational activities
- Engineering controls
- Administrative practices
Example goal for a work related program
To provide health and safety programs and services for workers to ensure compliance with all mandated OSHA standards
Examples of objectives for work related programs
Could target specific OSHA programs and services such as respiratory protection and hearing conservation
Example goal for personal health and safety program
To provide opportunities for workers to participate in health promotion activities to increase their years of healthy life
Examples of objectives in personal health and safety programs
Could target specific health issues such as:
- Exercise
- Smoking cessation
- Hypertension
- Weight control
- Completion of recommended preventative health examinations
Following the planning and approval phases, ———– begins
Program implementation
Implementation phase
The transition from program planning to putting the program into operation
Program execution will involve progressive monitoring of:
- Activities
- Personnel
- Educational processes
- Management support
Timetables and schedules should be evaluated periodically to:
- Ensure operational success as the programs and services are developing
- Identify who is responsible for their running according to schedule
Progress can be monitored by….
Routinely comparing completed activities with predetermined standards and assignments
Pros of providing in-house programs
- Convenient for the working population, because they eliminate costly commutes
- Current staff knows the workplace (workers, jobs and company culture)
- Follow up is easier for those who need second visits or who fail to show up for appointments
Cons of providing in-house programs
- Staff may be so busy with current job duties that they have little energy or motivation to take on additional program activities
- Space is limited
- Existing personnel may lack expertise, experience or motivation required
Pros for vendor contracted programs
- Confidentiality may be easier to maintain
- Interference with organizations other services and activities are less likely
- Scheduling programs and services offsite, closer to workers homes could improve participation
Cons of vendor contracted programs
- Extra costs including contractors travel time, overhead for workers, nonproductive time spent setting up programs and services
- Contract workers do not share the same loyalty to the company as house workers
- Workers may be required to commute to a distant location, requiring added time for travel
——- serve as guides to assist in achieving the goals and objectives of the health and safety programs and services
Policies and procedures
Program policies and procedures provide….
Direction and consistency for the implementation phase and can serve as the basis for program evaluation
Compliance with company and regulatory guidelines should be maintained with……
Well developed, well written and regularly updated procedures
Procedure updates should occur…..
At least annually
Procedures define…
- Specific steps or activities that must be followed
- Provide an excellent avenue for staff orientation
- Ensure compliance with protocols and other activities
Protocols also provide legal backup for both nurse and company should the question arise regarding…..
Whether programs and services are:
- Within the scope of practice
- Consistent with company policy
- Compliant with national standards and expectations
Possible barriers to program implementation in the business environment include:
- Political interests that are inconsistent with the program plan
- Seasonal variations in production and weather
- Union strikes and bargaining or territorial turfs
- Personnel changes, availability and expertise
- Management changes leading to direction shifts
- Equipment delays, availability or design flaws
- Lack of resources needed for implementation
Evaluation process
Used to identify and improve services provided by the occupational and environmental health nurse
Evaluation in an integral component of all phases of….
Development and implementation
Methods of evaluation should be…
Appropriate to program goals and objectives as they have been defined
Classic three pronged approach to evaluation
Developed by Donabedian
- Structure
- Process
- Outcome
Structural evaluative elements in quality assurance
- Physical setting
- Philosophy of health by management, workers, healthcare professionals
- Organizational mission and structure
- Unit goals and objectives
- Human and financial resources
- Operational resources
Process evaluative elements in quality assurance
- Management of the operation
- Decision making processes
- Collaboration
- Nursing interventions/ monitoring
- Services provided
- Development of records and reports
Outcome evaluative elements in quality assurance
- Improved health
- Compliance with treatment regimens
- Reduced morbidity and morality
- Positive changes in knowledge and attitudes about health
- Satisfaction with service quality
Structural elements include such things as:
- Management support
- Physical facilities
- Supplies and equipment
- Staff and health resources
- Worker demographics
- Mission, goals and objectives
A knowledge of the structural elements can be achieved through the following activities:
- Review the management reporting structure; determine who supports the occupational health program and services
- Evaluate the suitability of physical facilities provided for occupational health programs and services
- Identify supplies and equipment needed to deliver occupational health programs and services
- Identify staffing requirements, qualifications, and professional development recommendations
- Assess work-site community and ensure that programs and services, including those required by OSHA, are available to meet the needs of the workers
- Develop mission, goals and objectives that meet the health and safety of the workers and the business needs of the company
Steps for reviewing management structure and determining who supports occupational health programs and services
- Determine who the nurse reports to, administratively and professionally
- Participate in the formulation and implementation of administrative procedure
- Participate in development of policies and procedures applicable to health issues
- Develop the philosophy and written goals and objectives for occupational health programs and services
- Conduct periodic reviews of occupational health programs and services and ensure that goals and objectives are being met
- Participate in meetings that address health issues
- Communicate clearly in writing with management and department heads as needed
- Demonstrate effectiveness of the health services department in terms of cost, productivity and return on investment
- Communicate workplace information, distribution lists, upcoming events and plans to the occupational health and safety staff
Items to evaluate in the process of evaluating the suitability of the physical facilities for occupational health programs and services
- Central location with easy access to workers
- Accessible for ambulance stretchers or other wheeled traffic
- Sufficiently spacious to provide examination, treatment and consultation needs
- Confidentiality and privacy for clients and for the nurses to complete all aspects of work
- Entrance clearly marked “Occupational Health Services” or “Health Unit”
- Sink and toilet facilities available and accessible
- Convenient and comfortable waiting area
- Adequate ventilation, heating and air conditioning
- Access for separate telephone lines for fax, telephone and computer
- Space to maintain supplies and medical records
Examples of policies and procedures occupational health program should be involved in the development of:
- Return to work
- Case management
- Fitness for duty
Examples of meetings that occupational health should be involved in:
- Safety
- Management staff
- Department
- Human resources
Steps for identifying supplies and equipment needed to deliver occupational health and safety programs
- Supplies and medications appropriate for the practice are maintained in adequate supply, stored under proper conditions and are not kept past the expiration date
- Appropriate medical equipment is available and in good working condition
- Equipment used in performing examinations required by OSHA is maintained and calibrated according to federal standards
- Laboratory tests are conducted in accordance with state and federal guidelines
Steps for identifying staffing requirements, qualifications, and professional development recommendations
- Copies of professional licenses and required certifications are kept for all staff
- Copies of updated curriculum vitae or resumes are kept on file
- Occupational health staff takes advantage of opportunities to grow professionally and advance the speciality
- Attainment of occupational health nursing certification is supported and encouraged
- Nurses active membership and involvement in AAOHN is supported
- Nurses participation in professional development seminars designed to advance individual practice is supported and encouraged
- Occupational health staff is encouraged to continue formal and informal education
- Professional journals and other professional resources are available
- Nursing responsibilities are clearly defined in a position description
Steps to assess the worksite community and ensure that programs and services are available to meet the needs of the worker
- Workforce analyses are used
2. Health and safety hazards, specific exposures and OSHA-required programs and services are identified
Workforce analyses are used to determine:
- The number of workers and managers
- Median age of population
- Approximate distribution of population by gender
- Number of accommodated workers
- Health status of worker population
Steps to develop mission, goals and objective that meet the health and safety of workers and the business needs of the company
- Goals and objectives need to be regularly revised and update
- Mission, goals and objectives should reflect current issues and practices in occupational health
Process elements include such things as:
- Delivery of nursing clinical practice
- Methods used to provide services and programs
- Record keeping and documentation development
Nursing clinical practice is appropriate for the occupational health setting, provided that the following requirements are met:
- Clinical practice is consistent with practice acts, guidelines and competencies
- A policy and procedure manual is written and reflects current occupational health practice
- Occupational and environmental health nursing resources are used to guide clinical practice
Clinical practice should be consistent with the following acts, guidelines and competancies
- State nurse practice act
- Pharmacy and medical practice acts
- AAOHN standards of practice
- Published clinical practice guidelines
- AAOHN competencies
The scope of the following clinical services and programs should be designed to meet the needs of the work-site community
- Injury and illness management services
- Health promotion and screening programs
- Case management
- Health and safety issues
- OSHA surveillance programs, other required programs and services and training sessions
- Employee assistance programs (EAP) and/or referrals
- Immunization programs
Injury and illness management services should include the following:
- Care and treatment of occupational injuries and illnesses
- Care and treatment of non occupational injuries and illnesses
- Emergency care for workers and visitors at the facility
- Registered nurse supervision of nursing care provided to workers
To evaluate health promotion and screening programs and services, the occupational and environmental health nurse should…
- Determine the efficacy of health promotion programs and services that have been delivered at the worksite
- Evaluate formats used to offer health promotion and health education
Examples of health promotion and screening programs that might be offered at the worksite
- Back safety
- Ergonomics
- Hearing/vision conservation
- Occupational dermatitis
- Hypertension screening
Examples of formats used to offer health promotion and health education
- Formal lectures
- Management meetings
- Informational pamphlet distribution
- Posters
- Bulletin board or table displays
Case management of occupational and nonoccupational injury and illness involves the following activities
- Nurse communicates and collaborates with others
- Nurse is familiar with state’s workers’ compensation laws
- Nurse reviews health care and response to treatment, including normal recovery times
- Nurse recommends an independent medical evaluation when appropriate
- Nurse has working knowledge of medical and health benefit programs and services offered by employer
- Nurse, together with manage, identifies temporary modified jobs that support treatment goals
- Nurse maintains contact with workers who have sustained an injury or illness
- Nurse evaluates workers who are absent from work for more than 5 days with non work related illness or injury
Examples of people whom occupational health nurse collaborates during case management
- Managers
- Claims administrators
- Workers
- Medical providers
Recommended resource for expected normal recovery times
The Medical Disability Advisor
Examples of OSHA surveillance programs, other required programs and services and training sessions that should be offered to employees
- Hearing loss prevention programs
- Respirator approval
- DOT drug testing programs
The occupational and environmental health nurse is responsible for the following EAP functions
- Identify how EAP services are provided at the worksite
- Assessing workers and referring them for appropriate treatment
- In some cases, delivering some components of the EAP service such as counseling, depending on the nurses educational preparation and experience
At minimum, an emergency response program should include:
- Biopreparedness/ disaster plan
- AED program
- First aid/ responder team
An emergency response/ disaster/ biopreparedness plan will provide….
Guidance and direction for the emergency response program
In order to have a successful emergency response plan the following must occur:
- Workers responsible for coordinating and implementing the disaster plan within the facility must be identified
- The plan must be periodically tested and revised if needed
- The must be active workers’ participation in the planning, implementation, testing and evaluation of the plan
- The plan must be coordinated with the local community, first responders, and hospital and other health centers
AEDs are used to..
- Assess a worker’s heart rhythm
- Determine if defibrillation is needed
- Administer a proper level of shock
AED unit must be approved by…
Procedures for using AED must….
Meet state and local requirements
A —— should be designated as the AED program coordinator
Registered nurse
First aid/ responder teams should be developed and may consist of ….
- Workers
- Managers
- Health professionals
Members of fist aid/ responder team should include workers at ——— and from ——— who are able to respond to medical emergencies
Strategic locations
All shifts
First aid team should be trained to:
- Provide CPR and first aid
- Comply with blood borne pathogen requirements
- Use AED equipment
First aid logs should be evaluated in order to…..
Evaluate effectiveness and appropriateness of care provided by the first aid/ responder team members
AAOHN’s foundation block that provides a detailed description of a comprehensive AED program
Establishing an Automatic External Defibrillator Program
Ways the documenting and recordkeeping system should be regularly evaluated
- Quality of documentation should be evaluated to make sure the records a appropriate an clear and meet legal reporting requirements
- Type of system used for documentation should be identified
- OSHA forms, training logs and other management reports should be evaluated in certain areas
A documentation system should have the following characteristics:
- Documentation is timely and complete
- Entries on the daily log reflect accurate documentation in the health record
- Daily logs are used to summarize clinical activity and trends to report to management
- All health records are secured in a locked cabinet/ area
- Computerized records are secured by passwords
- Health records are retained according to federal law
- Disclosure of information from a worker’s health record is made only with written informed consent of the individual adhering to HIPAA guidelines
- Work related injuries and illnesses are shared with the employer only on a need to know basis
Exposure records are to be retained for
30 years
Health records are retained for
The duration of employment plus 30 years
OSHA forms, training logs and other management reports related to the following should be reviewed:
- Blood borne pathogens training
- Hearing conservation programs and services
- Respiratory protection programs and services
- Other relevant programs
Outcome elements
Programs and services provided to an individual worker or population of workers need to be evaluated in order to determine if expected outcomes have been achieved
Health outcomes resulting from the programs and services include the following
- Illness and injury has been prevented whenever possible
- There is evidence that compliance with treatment regimens has increased
- Workers have increased knowledge about self care
- Function following injury occurrence has been restored
- Diseases are cured or successfully managed
- Workers experience relief of discomfort
Types of functions that should be restored after injury occurance
- Physical functions
- Psychological functions
- Social functions
- Role functions
Examples of physical functions that should be restored following injury
- Ambulation
2. Lifting
Examples of psychological functions that should be restored following injury
- Memory
- Cognition
- Mood
Examples of social functions that should be restored following injury
- Interpersonal relationships
2. Communication
Examples of role functions that should be restored following injury
- Care of family members
A desired outcome is that workers should experience relief of discomfort such as:
- Physical discomfort such as pain
2. Psychologic discomfort such as depression
Outcomes related to health care programs and services are compared with….
The costs
Why are program and services outcomes compared with the costs?
So that judgements about the value of e programs and services can be made for the company
Rationale for worksite influenza immunization program
Immunize healthy adults against influenza and reduce absenteeism
Expected outcome of work-site influenza immunization program
The company will have a healthier workforce, resulting in less absenteeism and improved productivity
Cost savings of worksite influenza vaccination program (as determined by Nichol in 1999 study)
Return on investment of $47 per worker
Rationale for back injury prevention program
Work related back injuries account for high volume, high cost workers’ compensation claims
Expected outcome of back injury prevention program
Use of lift team extends beyond effect on injury and financial outcomes- these teams can be used for recruitment and retention strategies. Ultimately the lift team helps protect a valuable resource, the healthcare worker
Cost savings of back injury prevention program
Direct and indirect medical expenses for back injuries decreased dramatically.
Average cost per recordable back injury decreased from $6,294 to $1,099
Rationale for case management
Worker’s compensation an disability cases
Expected outcome of case management
- Workers’ timely return to work
2. Quality outcomes
Examples of quality outcomes to report
- Quality of life
- Well being
- Satisfaction
Cost savings with case management
- Decreased medical costs
2. Decreased lost work days
The measurement of health outcomes begins at….
The individual level
Many individual outcomes can be pooled to assess….
Factors of interest or need for services across worker groups
Several techniques that may be used for gathering information for evaluation:
- Retrospective chart audit
- Concurrent document review
- Interviewing
- Questionnaires
- Observations
Retrospective chart audit
- Focuses of documented evidence of nursing care provided
2. Assumes that what is documented is what care has been performed
Concurrent document review
- A critical examination of case management (while care is in progress) and of client outcomes
- A review of chart, plans for care, immediate feedback
- consists of verbal interaction with workers
In order for interviewing to be meaningful, the interviewer needs to clarify….
- Questions
- Attitudes
- Opinions
- Client satisfaction
- Management understanding of health care
Why is it important to word questions consistently from worker to worker?
To decrease bias
- the most common tool used for program evaluation
- it is important to write questions clearly and to provide clear directions for completion
Occupational and environmental health nursing managers may observe the delivery of health services in order to evaluate physical assessment skills such as….
- Occupational history taking
- Medication administration practices
- Development of treatment plans
Worksites may be observed to….
Identify work hazards and working conditions
Workers may be observed to…
Determine if they are using safe work practices
Observations provide the opportunity to……
- Provide immediate feedback
- Validate the procedure manual for appropriateness
- Determine the relationship of outcomes to actual nursing practices
The ——- and ———— requires consideration when conducting a quality review
- Staffing
2. Type of work environment
In corporate settings with a number of nurses, a quality assurance program can be…..
Developed by the nurses and used at several different sites
In settings where nurses work alone a quality assurance program should..
Develop a quality review team of interested peers located nearby or form a team of occupational and environmental health nurses representing local AAOHN constituencies
You should develop and customize an evaluation tool to….
Identify the specific needs of your company’s occupational health program
AAOHN’s Quality Assurance Packet includes several evaluation tools including….
- Site evaluation tool
- Chart audit form
- Employee evaluation of health services form
The process used to gather important health and safety information