Research Flashcards
AAOHN supports research by…
- Encouraging participation
- Providing resources to conduct research
- Publishing research in AAOHN Journal
Occupational and environmental health nurse engages in research through activities such as…
- Identifying researchable problems
- Designing and conducting research
- Disseminating research findings
- Writing research grant proposals
- Collaborating with other disciplines
ANA Standards of Clinical Nusing Practice standard related to research
Standard VII
Research roles for associate degree/diploma nurse
- Identifies clinical problems for research
- Assists in the development of the research and data collection activities
- Uses research as a basis for clinical practice
Research roles for baccalaureate nurse:
- Evaluates research for applicability to practice
- Works with skilled researchers to develop research projects
- Uses research to refine and extend the practice
- Discusses research findings with colleagues
Research role of master’s nurse
- Provides expertise related to the research problem, care delivery and the research process
- Analyzes the practice problems within the context of the scientific process
- Collaborates with other disciplines in scientific investigations
- Supports the conduct of research
- Disseminates research findings
- Encourages the integration of research into practice
- Contributes to an environment supportive of nursing research
Research role of doctoral nurse
- Develops and conducts independent and collaborative investigations with other scientists
- Develops methodologies such as survey tools or research protocols for scientific inquiry into phenomena relevant to the practice
- Uses analytical methods and integrates findings to explain and extend scientific knowledge to nursing practice
- Develops and tests interventions to improve worker health and safety
- Acquires research grant support
- Disseminates findings
- Provides leadership for integrating research findings into practices
Purposes of research in occupational and environmental health
- Help identify and solve problems relevant to nursing practice
- Improve the effectiveness of nursing care through scientific inquiry using a systematic process
- Advance the body of knowledge in the occupational and environmental health nursing discipline
To protect all study participants’ rights, the investigator must provide participants with the following:
- Description of study purpose
- Discussion of risks and benefits; informal consent
- Assurance of confidentiality (and of anonymity, where appropriate)
- Specification of a contact person
——- to participate must be obtained from each study participant
Consent usually covers an explanation of:
- The study
- Procedures used
- Risks
- Invasion of privacy
- Methods used to protect the identity of the participants
Protection of participants in a study such that even the researcher cannot link the participants with the information collected
Protection of participants in a study such that their identities will not be linked to the information they provide and that individually identifiable information collected will not be divulged
Risks and benefits
A description of any risk involved related to the research such as potential harm from needlestick during blood collection or invasion of privacy
Consent is usually obtained by:
- Written statement from participants
- May be described by the researcher in a cover letter notifying participants to voluntarily return survey forms- return of the survey implies consent
Research is usually approved by an etcs committee commonly referred to as:
An institutional review board (IRB)
Purpose of IRB
Oversee the ethical treatment of study participants and assess the study’s impact on them
It is the IRB’s responsibility to:
- Evaluate and determine if any research-related risks are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits of research
- Determine if adequate procedures and safeguards are in place to ensure privacy and confidentiality, including informed consent procedures, particularly for vulnerable populations
- Approve or disapprove the research or ask that modifications be made
Steps in the research process
- Formulate the problem
- Review the literature
- Develop a theoretical framework
- Formulate a hypothesis/ questions
- Identify research variables
- Operationalize variables
- Select research design
- Specify population
- Conduct pilot studies
- Select sample
- Collect data
- Organize data for analysis
- Analyze data
- Interpret results
- Communicate findings
Steps in identification of the problem
- The problem that is identified should consist of a situation that needs a solution and that will contribute to improving practice
- The problem is relevant to contemporary nursing practice and is stated clearly and precisely
- Research of the problem will contribute to the body of nursing knowledge
- Research of the problem will explain, describe and predict behaviors, and will test strategies or interventions to modify or improve outcomes
Steps to indicating the significance of the study
- The research problem needs to address the “so what?” question
- The importance of the problem should be explained by describing its critical characteristics, pointing out gaps in the literature and presenting possible solutions
The literature is discussed to help the researcher……
Critically evaluate existing research and provide a context or frame of reference for the study
Literature sources may include:
- Previous studies relevant to clinical or substantive articles
- Conceptual or theoretical understanding
- Methadologic readings
When conducting a literature search the researcher can use several resources:
- Print indexes
- Electronic databases
- Consult with a reference librarian
In any search items that can be used to identify articles that may be valuable
- Key words
- Text words
- Subject headings
Common electronic databases used in occupational and environmental health
Cumulative index to nursing and allied health literature
Medical literature on-line
Toxicology database
Exerpta Medica
NIOSH database
Hazardous substance database
Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances
When critiquing a research study, the following should be considered:
- Clarity, logic and understandability of the study
- Currency of the study and its applicability to practice
- Strength of questions and hypotheses and that they are addressed in the analysis
- Theoretical framework, if used
- Appropriate design, sample and interpretation of findings
- Protection of participants rights
- Limitations
Literature should be….
Analyzed and synthesized
The problem statement does the following:
- Introduces the topic
- Explains the importance of the problem
- States what the research intends to study
The problem statements may be grounded within a…
- Theoretical framework
2. Conceptual framework
Theoretical framework
Links and explains the relationships among different theories
Conceptual framework
Building block of theories
Type of study that is not sufficiently developed to have a theoretical or conceptual framework
Descriptive study
Three types of questions:
- Type I research question: expression of a single concept with the stem beginning with “what”. Little or no knowledge about this topic exists
- Type II research question: examines relationships between tow or more concepts or variables
- Type III research question: builds on type I and II questions and examines a causal relationship using an experimental design. Asks why.
Hypotheses require….
A theoretic basis and are used to test an idea
A hypothesis suggests…..
A relationship among two or more variables and is used when the researchers can predict an outcome