Health Promotion / Health Education Programs- Done Flashcards
Components of health promotion programs
- addresses life style risks
- broad based
- includes clinical and educational interventions with groups and individuals, environmental changes and organizational cultural support for healthy behavior
Focus of health promotion
Prevention of illness and injury and promotion of personal health accountability and working with the employer for positive outcomes
Health education
Any combination of learning experience to facilitate voluntary adaptation of behavior conducive to health
Purpose of health education
To facilitate knowledge
Health education programs are a means of…
Primary crisis prevention
Primary crisis prevention is accomplished by…
- Identifying high risk groups
2. Planning health education programs accordingly
Two basic concepts of health eduction identified by Mary Lousie Brown
- Prevention
2. Wellness
Tangible benefits of health promotion/education programs
- Improved productivity
- Decreased sick leave/absenteeism
- Decreased health care costs and efficient use of health benefits
- Decreased disability/injury illness experience/ workers compensation costs
- Decreased premature mortality
Intangible benefits of health promotion/education programs
- Increased morale
- Increased employee loyalty
- Reduced organizational friction (leads to productivity)
- Improved management and employee decision making
Components of planning process of health promotion/education program
- Obtain management support
- Develop management/advisory team
- Needs assessment
- Develop vision/mission statement
- Identify resources and set time frames
- Establish a budget
- Market the program
- Implement
- Evaluation
- Follow-up
- Incentives
- Link the workplace and the community
Components of developing a mission/vision statement
- Develop a strategic/business plan
2. Establish short & long range goals and objectives (purpose and scope of work to be accomplished)
Components of establishing a budget
- sufficient budget should be allocated
- cost benefit and cost effective analysis should be conducted
- variances monitored and defined
- return on investment illustrated
Components of marketing the program
- Communicate (product, place, price, promote)
2. Define and explain employee benefits plan
Components of evaluation
- Were goals and objectives met
- We’re desired results achieved
- Vendor evaluation
Outcome evaluations
Evaluate long term effects if the program
Components of follow-up
- Continual improvement
2. Continue to assess, revise, improve, promote and market the program
Examples of incentives
- Medical savings accounts
2. Rewards
Health belief models
- Health belief model
- Locus of control
- Self efficacy
- Health promotion model
- Theories of reasoned action
- Theory of social behavior
- Protection motivation theory
- Health action process approach
- Model of health promotion behavior
- Transtheorectical model of behavior
Health belief model
-positive difference between barrier and benefits
Key elements
- Perceived susceptibility
- Perceived severity
- Perceived benefits
- Perceive barriers
Locus of control
Beliefs (outcomes) and behaviors are influenced by others (external locus of control) or by his or her own behavior (internal locus of control)
- Social learning theory
- One can achieve a desired outcome
Health promotion model
Behaviors proactive versus reactive
Theories of reasoned action
Behavioral intentions are the result of attitudes, subjective norms and intentions
Theory of social behavior
Behavior includes person’s habits and intentions
Protection motivation theory
Combines and includes fear, arousal, appraisal and coping
Health action process approach
Health behavior changes over time