Biological Chart- Done Flashcards
Synonyms for rabies
Route of entry for rabies
Bite of rabid domestic or wild animal
Types of animals that can spread rabies
- Skunk
- Fox
- Bat
- Raccoon
- Dogs
- Cats
Local effects of rabies
None except bite
Systemic effects of rabies
Almost invariably fatal acute encephalitis
Preventative measures for rabies
- Avoid bites
- Vaccinate pets and farm animals
- Post-exposure immunization
Rabies type of disease
Potential occupational exposures cat scratch fever
- Animal lab workers
- Cat and dig handlers
- Vets
Route of entry for cat scratch fever
Break in skin from cat scratch, thorns, splinters
Local effects of cat scratch fever
Systemic effects of cat scratch fever
- Regional lymphadenitis
- Headache
- Mild fever
Self limited
Preventative measures for cat scratch fever
- Proper and immediate attention to scratches
Cat scratch fever type of disease
Potential Occupational exposures for orf virus
- Shepherds
- Stockyard workers
- Shearers
- Vets
Synonyms for Orf virus
- Ecthyma infectiosum
2. Ecthyma contagiosum
Route of entry for Orf virus
Small break in skin on exposed parts
Local effects if Orf virus
Systemic effects of Orf virus
- Mild fever
- Lymphadenitis
Adenitis is self limiting
Preventative measures for Orf virus
- Pasture control measures
2. Hygienic precautions
Potential occupational exposures for Milker’s nodules
- Milk producers
- Dairy farmers
- Vets
- Cattle breeders
Synonyms for Milker’s Nodules
- Milker’s nodes
2. Pseudocowpox
Route of entry for Milker’s nodules
Break in skin of hands
Local effects of Milker’s Nodules
Single or multiple nodules
Systemic effects of Milker’s nodules
- Mild headache
- Fever
Preventative measures for Milker’s nodules
- Proper management of mastitis in cows
2. Use of gloves, soap and water and disinfectants
Milker’s nodules type of disease
Potential occupational exposures for Newcastle disease
- Poultry handlers
- Vets
- Virologists
Synonyms for Newcastle disease
Avian pneumoencephalitis
Route of entry of Newcastle disease
Upper respiratory tract
Local effects of Newcastle disease
- Lacrimation
- Edema of eyelids
- Conjunctivitis
Systemic effects of Newcastle disease
- Mild headache
- Fever
- Respiratory involvement
Self limited
Preventative measures for Newcastle disease
- Proper care and handling of infected birds
Newcastle disease type
Rocky mountain spotted fever type of disease
Potential occupational exposures for rocky mountain spotted fever
- Foresters
- Rangers
- Ranchers
- Farmers
- Hunters
- Anyone working in areas where ticks are present
Synonyms for rocky mountain spotted fever
- Spotted fever
2. Tick fever
Route of entry for rocky mountain spotted fever
To man by bite of infected tick
Local effects of Rocky Mountian spotted fever
Inflammation and itching from the bite
Systemic effects of rocky mountain spotted fever
- Sudden onset fever
- Headache
- Chills
- Rash
- Red eyes
Prevention measures for rocky mountain spotted fever
- Avoid tick infested areas
- Careful removal of ticks
- Wear protected clothing
- Sprays
Lyme disease type
Potential occupational exposures to Lyme disease
- Foresters
- Rangers
- Ranchers
- Farmers
- Hunters
- Anyone working in areas where ticks are present
Synonyms for Lyme disease
Deer tick fever
Route of entry for Lyme disease
To man by bite from infected tick
Local effects from Lyme disease
Redness & bulls eye rash
Usually delayed symptoms
Systemic effects of Lyme disease
- Arthritic-type symptoms
2. Joint pain and swelling
Preventative measures for Lyme disease
- Avoid tick infested areas
- Sprays
- Protective clothing
Q fever disease type
Rickettsial & Chlamydial
Potential occupational exposures for Q fever
- Dairy farmers
- Ranchers
- Stockyard workers
Synonyms for Q fever
Australian Q fever
Route of entry for Q fever
- Inhalation with contaminated dust
2. Contact with infected animals
Local effects of Q fever
Systemic effects of Q fever
- Flu like
2. Possibly with pneumonitis
Preventive measures for Q fever
- Avoid aerosolized products of conception of animals
2. Pasteurization of milk
Ornithosis disease type
Rickettsial & chlamydial
Potential occupational exposures for ornithosis
- Pet shop employees
- Taxidermists
- Zoo attendants
Synonyms for ornithosis
- Psittacosis
2. Parrot fever
Route of entry for ornithosis
Inhalation of dried discharges and droppings of birds
Local effects of ornithosis
Systemic effects of ornithosis
- Headache
- Fever
- Diarrhea
- Lethargy
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Pneumonitis
Preventive measures for ornithosis
- Importation regulations
2. Traffic control of imported birds
Tetanus disease type
Potential occupational exposures to tetanus
Any occupation where there is a hazard of trauma which breaks the skin
Synonyms for tetanus
Route of entry for tetanus
Break in skin
Local effects of tetanus
Entry wound
Systemic effects of tetanus
- Toxic painful spasms of jaw and neck muscles
- Untreated mortality is greater than 70%
Preventive measures for tetanus
- Active immunization
- Boosters
- Human immune globulin
Anthrax disease type
Potential occupational exposures to anthrax
Limited to workers handling goat hair, wool and hides
Synonyms for anthrax
- Wool sorters disease
2. Rag sorters disease
Route of entry for anthrax
Small breaks in skin
Local effects of anthrax
Vesicles initially, then depressed black eschar
Systemic effects of anthrax
Spreads through nodes and blood stream.
Overwhelming septicemia
Preventive measures for anthrax
- Certification of imported hides, hair, wool
2. Immunization
Brucellosis disease type
Potential occupational exposures for brucellosis
- Meat packing house employees
- Livestock producers
- Vets
Synonyms for brucellosis
- Undulant fever
- Malta fever
- Bang’s disease
Route of entry for brucellosis
Small cuts and scratches
Local effects of brucellosis
Systemic effects of brucellosis
Flu like
- Fever
- Headache
- Weight loss
- Weakness
Preventive measures for brucellosis
- Control of disease in animals
2. Attention to minor cuts and scratches
Leptospirosis disease type
Potential occupational exposures for leptospirosis
- Farmers
- Field and sugar cane workers
- Livestock and packing house workers
- Sewer workers
- Miners
- Vets
- Military
Synonyms for leptospirosis
- Weils disease
2. Swineherd’s disease
Route of entry for leptospirosis
- Scratch or abrasion
2. Contact with infected urine or tissue
Local effects of leptospirosis
Systemic effects of leptospirosis
- Fever
- Headache
- Chills
- Severe aches
- Vomiting
Fatality may be 20%
Preventive measures for leptospirosis
- Boots
- Gloves
- Vaccination of farm animals and pets
Plague disease type
Potential occupational exposures for plague
- Sheep herders
- Farmers
- Ranchers
- Hunters
- Geologists
Synonyms for plague
- Black death
2. Bubonic plague
Route of entry for plague
- Flea critical in maintenance
2. Rodents and wild mammals main source
Local effects of plague
- Infected bite
2. Painful nodes
Systemic effects of plague
Blood stream with pneumonia- high mortality
Preventive measures for plague
- Control of rats
2. Active immunization
Disease type tuberculosis
Potential occupational exposures for tuberculosis
Health professionals
Synonyms for tuberculosis
Route of entry for tuberculosis
Local effects of tuberculosis
Systemic effects of tuberculosis
Preventive measures for tuberculosis
- Isolation
- Waste control
- Skin test
- X-ray
Mycobacterial infection disease type
Potential occupational exposures for tuberculosis
- Fisherman
2. Handlers of tropical fish
Synonyms for Mycobacterial infection
- Swimming pool granuloma
2. Fish tank granuloma
Route of entry for Mycobacterial infection
Puncture wound, skin break
Local effects of Mycobacterial infection
- Warty nodule
2. Paroncychia
Systemic effects of Mycobacterial infection
Preventive measures for Mycobacterial infection
- Gloves
2. Care of wounds
Erysipeloid disease type
Potential occupational exposures for erysipeloid
- Butchers
2. Poultry and fish handlers
Synonyms for erysipeloid
Route of entry for erysipeloid
Scratches, abrasions, puncture wounds
Local effects of erysipeloid
Erythema, pain
Systemic effects of erysipeloid
Occasional septicemia
Preventive measures for erysipeloid
- Gloves
2. Care of wounds
Tularemia type of disease
Potential occupational exposures for tularemia
- Forestry workers
- Butchers
- Hunters
- Cooks
- Framers
- Vets
- Lab workers
Synonyms for tularemia
- Deer fly fever
2. Rabbit fever
Route of entry tularemia
- Disease of rodents
- Resembles plague
- Transmitted by fleas, ticks, lice
- Acquired by handling infected animals (from bites of infected insects, contaminated food or water)
Local effects of tularemia
Ulcer inflamed nodes
Systemic effects of tularemia
- Headache
- Fever
- Myalgia
- Chills
Preventive measures for tularemia
- Rubber gloves
- Avoid raw meat/untreated water
- Cook game
- Avoid insects
Candidiasis type of disease
Potential occupational exposures for candidiasis
- Dishwashers
- Cooks
- Bartenders
- Bakers
- Cannery and packing house workers
- Health workers
Synonyms for candidiasis
- Moniliasis
2. Thrush
Route of entry for candidiasis
Skin and mucus membranes
Local effects of candidiasis
Cutaneous, oral and vaginal lesions
Systemic effects of candidiasis
Preventive measures for candidiasis
- Care of hands
- Protective cream
- Gloves
Aspergillosis disease type
Potential occupational exposures to aspergillosis
- Farmers
- Grain mill workers
- Bird handlers
- Workers in rope factories
Synonyms for aspergillosis
Hemp disease
Route of entry for aspergillosis
Inhalation of spores
Local effects of aspergillosis
- Lung
- Ear
- Eye
- Sinuses
Systemic effects of aspergillosis
Blood stream dissemination to brain, heart, kidney spleen
Preventive measures for aspergillosis
- Protective masks
Histoplasmosis type of disease
Potential occupational exposures to histoplasmosis
Fungus grows in soils enriched by bat, chicken and other bird excrement
Synonyms for histoplasmosis
Darling’s disease
Route of entry histoplasmosis
Local effects histoplasmosis
- Pulmonary resembles tb
2. Mucocutaneous ulcers ( mouth, throat, tongue, bladder) rare
Systemic effects of histoplasmosis
Ranges from self limited to fatal dissemination
Preventive measures for histoplasmosis
- Dust control
2. Masks
Type of disease sporotrichosis
Potential occupational exposures for sporotrichosis
Fungus exists on plants
- Farmers
- Gardeners
- Florists
- Nursery workers
Synonyms for sporotrichosis
Local effects of sporotrichosis
Hard, red nodules spreading to the extremities
Systemic effects of sporotrichosis
Preventive measures for sporotrichosis
- Long gloves
2. Arm protectors
Potential occupational exposures for miscellaneous fungal diseases
- Farmers
- Sawmill operators
- Mushroom, sugarcane and cork workers
Names of other miscellaneous occupational fungal diseases
- Farmer’s lung
2. Bagassosis
Route of entry for miscellaneous fungal diseases
Inhalation of spores
Local effects of miscellaneous fungal diseases
Systemic effects of miscellaneous fungal diseases
- Acute respiratory infection
2. Asthmatic attacks
Preventive measures for miscellaneous fungal infections
- Proper handing of products contaminated with molds
2. Dust respirators
Swimmer’s itch type of disease
Potential occupational exposures for swimmer’s itch
- Workers around fresh lakes, ponds, swamps
- Skin divers
- Dock workers
- Lifeguards
Synonyms for swimmer’s itch
- Schistosome dermatitis
- Clamdiggers ditch
- Swamp itch
Route of entry for swimmer’s itch
Penetration through wet skin
Local effects of swimmer’s itch
Itching edema, macules, papules
Systemic effects of swimmer’s itch
Preventive measures for swimmer’s itch
Dry skin thoroughly and immediately
Creeping eruption type of infection
Potential occupational exposures to creeping eruption
Those working in areas where hookworm eggs in cat or dig fleas are deposited on warm, sandy soil
Synonyms for creeping eruption
Cutaneous larva migrans
Route of entry creeping eruption
Penetration of skin
Local effects of creeping eruption
Serpiginous track of erythema, induration, pruritis
Systemic effects of creeping eruption
Preventive measures for creeping eruption
- Keep recreational areas free of dogs and cats
- Rubber boots
- Gloves
Black widow spider
- common throughout the united states particularly in warmer climates
- found in darker places
- red hour glass mark on female
- male does not bite
Black widow spider route of entry
- through bite
- venom is Neurotoxic
- pinprick sensation and numbing may go unnoticed
Effects of black widow spider bite
- Works on nervous system
- rigidity of stomach muscles
- severe abdominal pain
- difficulty swallowing
- paralysis
Preventive measures for black widow spider bites
- Spay areas of infestation with creosote every two months
2. Wear protective gloves and clothing
Bee, wasp and yellow jacket stings
- occur everywhere
- around foods- especially protein
- stinger should be removed
- local effects include localized edema, pain and swelling
- anaphylaxis will usually occur within 20 minutes
- do not wear fragrances, bright colors or go barefoot
- use repellents
Brown recluse spider bites
- common in south central US
- most bites occur between April and October
- reaction begins 2-8 hours after bite
- localized constriction of blood vessels causes necrosis
- blister in 3-4 days
- ulcer in 2-3 week
- systemic effects include fever, chills, malaise, vomiting, joint pains, convulsion
- may cause death in small children
- no known specific treatment
- may use cortisones, antibiotics, antihistamines
- spray area with creosote
Potential occupational exposures for rabies
- Vets
- Wild animal handlers
- Those involved with dogs and cats of unknown origin