Scientific Foundations: Injury Epidemiology- Done Flashcards
Characteristics of occupational injuries
- Not random events
- Predictable and preventable
- Result when energy is exchanged and dose is sufficient to overcome the hosts threshold of resistance in the presence or absence of certain environmental conditions
Sources of injuries
- Mechanic or kinetic energy
- Thermal energy
- Electric energy
- Radiation
- Chemical energy
- Absence
Examples of sources of mechanic or kinetic energy injuries
- Impact of an object
- Dashboard
- Floor
- Knife
- Noise
- Extreme air pressure (explosion)
Examples of sources of thermal energy injuries
- Steam
- Flame
- Hot substances
- Lasers
Examples of sources of electrical energy injuries
- Man made (high tension wires)
2. Natural (lightning)
Examples of sources of radiation injuries
- Ionizing and nonionizing radiation
- Sunlight
- Radioactive minerals
- Radiotherapeutic devices, implants and pharmaceuticals
Examples of sources of chemical energy injuries
- Acids
- Bases
- Poisons/toxins
- Irritants
Examples of sources of absence of energy injuries
- Absence if respiration secondary to drowning
Energy exchanging event causing injury can be studied as a sequence of interactions viewed in…
- Pre-event
- Event
- Post-event
Components of a risk factor analysis for injury occurrence
- Host factors
- Injury
- Agent
- Vector
- Exposure event
- Physical environment factors
- Sociocultural environment factors
Host risk factors to consider when conducting a risk factor analysis for an injury occurrence, specifically fracture
- Age
- Sex
- Health status
- Physical condition
When conducting a risk factor analysis for an injury occurrence, specifically fracture
Fracture is the
When conducting a risk factor analysis for an injury occurrence, specifically fracture
Kinetic energy is the
When conducting a risk factor analysis for an injury occurrence, specifically fracture
Cement floor is the
When conducting a risk factor analysis for an injury occurrence, specifically fracture
Slip and fall is the
Exposure event
When conducting a risk factor analysis for an injury occurrence, specifically fracture
The following are examples of…..
- Oil, grease, dirt and water on floor
- Painted cement floor
- Equipment and supplies on the floor
- Lighting
- Integrity of floor
Physical environment factors
When conducting a risk factor analysis for an injury occurrence, specifically fracture
The following are examples of…
- Attitude toward housekeeping
- Costs associated with injuries and lost time not accounted for under department budget
Sociocultural environment factors
Strategies that are effective in preventing or reducing the extent of injuries
Countermeasures were identified and categorized by….
William Haddon
Components of a Haddon matrix
- Phase
- Human factors
- Environmental and engineering factors
- Social, legal and political factors
Phases of Haddon matrix
- Pre-event
- Event
- Post-event
Haddon matrix: case example of control countermeasures for slips and falls on the same level in a maintenance area
The following are examples of —— in the ——- phase
- Shoes with non skid soles
- Safety training to increase awareness
- Establish work practices including housekeeping
Human factors
Haddon matrix: case example of control countermeasures for slips and falls on the same level in a maintenance area
The following are examples of —— in the ——- phase
- Nonskid floor (paint, strips)
- Oil/grease absorbing material for spills
- Good lighting
- Proper storage and use of equipment and supplies
Environmental and engineering factors
Haddon matrix: case example of control countermeasures for slips and falls on the same level in a maintenance area
The following are examples of —— in the ——- phase
- OSHA inspections and regulation compliance
- Safety audit
- Risk management (insurance losses and litigation)
Social, legal and political factors
Haddon matrix: case example of control countermeasures for slips and falls on the same level in a maintenance area
The following are examples of —— in the ——- phase
- Padded clothing
- Optimal physical condition of workers
Human factors
Haddon matrix: case example of control countermeasures for slips and falls on the same level in a maintenance area
The following are examples of —— in the ——- phase
- Energy absorbing floors (with nonskid surface)
- Emergency notification system
Environmental and engineering factors
Haddon matrix: case example of control countermeasures for slips and falls on the same level in a maintenance area
The following are examples of —— in the ——- phase
- Injury investigation, reporting and tracking
- Coordination of medical care
Social, legal and political factors
Haddon matrix: case example of control countermeasures for slips and falls on the same level in a maintenance area
The following are examples of —— in the ——- phase
- Effective first aid response
- Interaction with ambulance and hospital emergency services
Human factors
Haddon matrix: case example of control countermeasures for slips and falls on the same level in a maintenance area
The following are examples of —— in the ——- phase
- Prompt access to work location
- Access to first aid equipment and supplies
Environment and engineering factors
Haddon matrix: case example of control countermeasures for slips and falls on the same level in a maintenance area
The following are examples of —— in the ——- phase
- Emergency response system (triage, first aid, evacuation and definitive medical care)
Social, legal and political factors
Pre-event countermeasures include
- Preventing the creation of the workplace or community hazard
- Reducing the severity of the hazard
- Preventing the release of the hazard
- Modifying the rate of release of the hazard
- Separating the hazard from the individual
Event countermeasures include
- Placing a physical barrier between the hazard and the person
- Modifying the basic qualities of the hazard
- Increasing the individuals resistance to injury
Post-event countermeasures include
- Rapidly evaluating the injury that has occurred or is occurring
- Preventing continuation of the injury
- Mitigating or halting the extension of its effects
- After stabilizing the injured party, providing definitive medical and surgical treatment and rehabilitative and restorative care, with a goal if restoring the worker to an optimal level of functioning
An understanding of injury epidemiology will enable occupational and environmental health nurses to…..
Analyze, characterize and minimize the potential for
Injury in their work setting
The occupational and environmental health nurse can use injury prevention control principles to….
Study, prevent and control the occurrence of injury producing events and the extent of injury
The study of the natural history of injuries helps to define what factors that contribute to injury?
- Host
- Agent
- Vector
- Environmental (psychosocial and physical)