Science - Macromolecules Flashcards
Catabolic Reaction
Large molecules broken down into smaller molecules
What are the basic Catabolic reactions
Monosaccharides, Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, Nucleotides ( My Aunt Frequently Naps)
Anabolic Reaction
Build larger molecules
True/False: Catabolic reaction REQUIRES energy
False, it RELEASES energy
What are the basic Anabolic Reactions
Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids, Proteins, Lipids (Lets, PLay New Characters)
What is the primary source of energy in macromolecules
What are the general functions of carbohydrates
Primary Source of energy, Oxidation creates energy, can be broken down further by fermentation and respiration (Please Stop Offering Reduced Food)
What is the structure of Carbohydrates
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen (Come Help Out)
True/False: Monosaccharides are also known as simple sugars
What are examples of monosaccharides
Glucose, Fructose, Galactose (Good Fucking God)
What does a Monosaccharide look like
True/False: it is not required to have a carbon attached on a monosaccharide
False, there is always 1 carbon for every water molecule on monosaccharides
small molecule
made up of 2 monomers
What are the polymer groups
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Nucleic Acids (PLease No Additional Carpet)
what is the function of lipids
Energy Storage, Structural Function (Sex Eventually Stops)
what are examples of Lipids
Fats, Phospholipids, Steroids, Waxes (Please Stop Working Forever)
what makes phospholipids different from fatty acids
they have phosphate rather than fatty acid
what is the polypeptide ratio
10 to 100
condensation reaction
loss of H2o when 2 molecules are joined
hydrolysis reaction
H2o added when two molecules are joined
what happens during a Hydrolysis Reaction
-H added to small molecule, OH added to molecule being formed
what does a peptide contain
2 or more Amino Acids
What does the Carbon Chain of Amino Acids contain
Carboxylic Acid group (-COOH), Amine Group (-NH2), Central Carbon, R group (Come Along And Get Crazy Cozy Rob)