Science Flashcards
Common bile duct
Tube that conveys bile from the gallbladder to the duodenum
Testable statement investigated in an experiment
Adaptive arm
Part of the immune system that is slower to activate in response to [pathogens but targets specific ones
phase diagram
graph that depicts pressure and temperature necessary for substance to undergo change in state
Tidal Volume
Quantity of air that moves during normal breathing
Detergent in lungs responsible for reducing surface tension to prevent lung collapse
Red blood cells
Negative pressure breathing
Inhalation of air due to a decreased pressure in lungs
Process by which gas undergoes a phase transition into a solid without going through liquid phase first
Tube that carries air from mouth and nasal cavities to lungs
Type of lipid that does not contain fatty acids
particles in nucleus of atom that have positive charge. Number of protons is elements atomic #
Matter that is composed of more than one substance
Cells working together for a common function
Intentional or unintentional skewing of experimental results to favor a particular outcome
Haversian canal
Hollow tube running down the length of osteons that contains blood vessels
Type of white blood cell that releases antibodies in response to disease
Smaller passages formed from branching of the bronchi that carry air to the alveoli
Cell that conducts electrical impulse allowing transmittance of information from 1 part to the other
Product of the liver that emulsifies fats
fingerlike projections that extend into the small intestine
Null hypothesis
Statement that assumes there is no causal relationship between independent variable
T Cell
Adaptive immune system cell, born in bone marrow and matured in thymus
Organ that propels blood through the circulatory system
substance that has been diffused into air as a gas at a temperature below its boiling point
Carbohydrate monomer
Glucose polymer that is part of starch
Tricuspid valve
Valve that separates right atrium and right ventricle
Ovarian follicle
Structure in the ovaries that contains a developing ovum
Process by which substances and gases are exchanged across a membrane
Non – metal
Element on the right side of the periodic table in group 5,6,7
positive feedback
signaling loop which the end product leads to production of more product
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Hormone released by anterior pituitary that triggers ovulation in females
Hormone produced by alpha cells in the pancreas that increases blood glucose
Spongy bone
Less dense tissue located at the ends of bones that contains bone marrow
Clear fluid that absorbs waste products
Type of oxidation reaction
Disease caused by inflammation and narrowing of the airway
urinary system
system of organs that filters blood and eliminates waste products through urine
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Organelle responsible for lipid synthesis and detoxification of cellular waste products and drugs
Protein in erythrocytes that facilitates gas exchange by binding to oxygen and carbon dioxide
Nucleus (of an atom)
Central core of an atom consisting of a proton and neutron
Lymph nodes
Small glands that filter lymph and contain high concentrations of lymphocytes
Description of a reaction that gives off heat
Molecular (polyatomic) ion
Molecule with an unbalanced charge due to loss or gain of electrons
Synovial joints
Most common joints in the body and capable of movement
sac that hangs outside the male body and contains the testes
Voice box
Part of the skull that houses the brain
Process where solid substance transitions into a gas without going through liquid phase
Row of the periodic table
Substance with a defined shape and volume
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Primary genetic material inside human cells that stores genetic information
Property of polar molecules to attract other molecules of the same substance
Boiling point
Temperature at which liquid boils, bubbles up and turns into vapor
Bone cell that builds bone
sebaceous glands
oil glands that secrete sebum, mixture of fats and proteins that prevents the skin/ hair dry out
Contractile component of myofibril, composed of actin and myosin
vagus nerve
cranial nerve that transmits signals from abdominal organs to brain and helps regulate parasympathetic resp.
Chemical properties
Characteristics of substances that effect how a substance interacts with other matter
Portion of the alimentary canal between the pharynx and the stomach
Triple point
Point at which temperature and pressure allow substance to be a solid, liquid, gas
Natural killer (NK) cell
Attacks and kills cells that contain intracellular pathogens or display abnormal surface antigens
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
Macromolecule that translates DNA into form that can be read to create proteins
seminal vesicles
glands that secrete fructose containing liquid to nourish sperm
Degenerative joint disease characterized by loss of cartilage in a joint
Oxidation reaction
Chemical reaction in which a reactant combines with oxygen
Anatomical planes
Divisions of the body into distinct halves. 3 main planes are coronal, sagittal and transverse
Gastrointestinal system
System of organs that converts food into nutrients that body can use
Intensive properties
Physical properties that are independent of the amount of matter being measured
Positively charged ion
Surfactant insufficiency
Genetic disorder caused by mutation in 1 of surfactant proteins that makes breathing difficult
Latent heat of vaporization
Heat required for substance to transition from liquid to a gas
Cell body of a neuron
Anal sphincter
Ring shaped muscle that tightens to control the excretion of solid waste from digestive tract
Opening that connects the vagina and uterus
Junction between axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another
Enzyme that degrades bacterial cell walls and cause them to lyse. Saliva, tears and mucus
Digestive system
System of organs that breaks down foods into nutrients the body can use
Specific heat capacity
Amount of energy needed to change the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree Celsius
pleural fluid
lubricate pleural membranes
Particles orbiting the nucleus of an atom that have a negative electronic charge
Protein in cells that recognizes a specific signaling molecule
Corpus callosum
Band of nerve fibers that connects the right and left hemispheres of the cerebrum
Polysaccharide composed of glucose polymers and found in structural material of plants
hormone released by anterior pituitary that acts on mammary gland of females induce milk production
Having 2 different alleles for a trait
Skeletal muscle
System of bones and other tissues that protects organs, creates blood cells, provides framework of muscles
Lymphatic system
Network of capillaries that drains toxins and wastes away from body tissue into the blood
Incomplete dominance
Form of inheritance in which both heterozygous alleles are expressed
Decrease in blood pH
Granulocytes responsible for killing parasites
Building blocks of macromolecules
Independent variable
Parameter that is thought to affect the dependent variable and is changed between groups
Renal tubule
Part of the nephron where blood components are reabsorbed into bloodstream
Artery that carries blood pumped from the left ventricle of the heart into systemic circulation
Substance that enhances a chemical reaction but remains unchanged upon completion of the reaction
Ionic bond
Bond created by the transfer of electrons
Blood vessels, smallest in body that receive blood from arterioles and return to venules
Pyloric sphincter
A ring shaped muscle that tightens to separate the stomach from the small intestine
Ability to produce same results from independent experiments
Process that leads to swelling produces fevers and recruits immune cells
One substance that is dissolved in another
Particles in the nucleus of an atom that have no electrical charge
influx of positive charge inside a nerve cell that triggers an action potential
Electronic balance
Device used to make very precise measurements of weight
plasma membrane
semipermeable lipid bilayer that surrounds a cell and controls movement of solutes in/ out cell
Bodys immune system, ability to remember a pathogen that has been previously encountered
Reproductive system
System of organs that produce gametes and facilitate fertilization
ventilation rate
rate of inhalation and exhalation per minute
Aqueous mixture of proteins and other biological molecules surrounds the organelles in a cell
Polysaccharide composed of glucose polymers and stored as energy in plants
polypeptide chain
multiple amino acids linked by peptide bonds and proteins primary structure
Glandular lymphoid organ in which T cells mature
Increase in blood pressure
Process by which ova are produced by meiotic division
Designation of group of orbitals that has a maximum capacity for electrons
Endocrine system
System of organs that produce and releases hormones that control many bodily functions
Congestive heart failure
Condition in which the heart can no longer pump blood effectively
Inferior vena cava
Vein that carries deoxygenated blood to the heart. largest vein in the body
short bones
bones that provide stability and some movement and are wider than they are flat
Basic unit of a muscle cell that extends the length of the muscle
Vessels that carry blood under relatively high pressure from the heart
Chemical messengers that carry the nerve impulse across a synapse
Atrioventricular valves
Valves that separate the atria and ventricle in the heart
Highly vascularized lining of the uterus
Foreign infectious agent
Ends of a long bone
Dependent variable
Parameter that is thought to be affected by the independent variable and is measured in an experiment
Process of vapor or gas converting into a liquid
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Hormone released by anterior pituitary that acts on thyroid to stimulate hormone release
Macromolecule containing hydrocarbon chains
Complement system
System composed of multiple proteins in the blood that can be recruited by antibodies cause lysis
Chambers of the heart that receive blood returning to the heart
Synovial fluid
Lubricating fluid found in synovial joints
Optic nerve
Cranial nerve that transmits visual stimuli from the eye to the brain
Spaces in the lamellae where bone cells reside
Measuring wheel
Device consisting of a single wheel attached to handle and meant to be pushed along to measure
Having to alleles of the same time
electron subshells that share the same principle energy level
Pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
Common proteins and carbohydrates found on surface of pathogens that are not specific to 1 protein
Total lung capacity
Maximum volume of air that can reside in the lungs
Fat tissue
Peripheral nerve damage that leads to muscle weakness and even paralysis
Thin filament protein of muscle tissue
Muscle fatigue
Result of exerting a muscle strenuously over a long period
Substructure within the nucleus where ribosomes are assembled
Process of cell division in which the original cell divides twice and 4 resulting cells
Afferent arteriole
Blood vessel that enters the glomerulus
Organic molecule
Molecule containing carbon that is found in living things
Chewed food
Nucleus (of a cell)
Site of DNA storage, as well as DNA replication and RNA transcription within cell
Part of the nerve cell that carries messages away from the cell body
Particular type of diffusion in which an imbalance is corrected by means of migration of the solvent
Axial skeleton
Part of the skeletal system that provides the general framework of the body Ex: (Skull)
physical properties
characteristics of substances that can be observed or measured and unrelated to chemical change
Control group
Group that is identical to the experimental group in that the independent variable is not changed
Double displacement reaction
Chemical reaction in which 2 elements or molecular ions switch places
White blood cells, part of the bodies immune system
Description of the potential path of an electron
Designed procedure used to test a hypothesis
Contents of the stomach as they exit that organ
Corpus luteum
Structure that develops from the ruptured follicle and secretes progesterone
Large intestine
Small intestine
Part of alimentary canal below stomach where digestion is completed and nutrient absorption
Punnett Square
Graphical tool used to calculate the probabilities of inheritance
Presence of blood in the urine, damage to the urinary tract or kidney
liquid component of blood in which other components are suspended
Shrinkage of myofibrils resulting from disuse of a muscle
Experimental group
Scientific study for which the independent variable is changed
pulmonary veins
veins that return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
Passive immunity
Introduction of antibodies from an external source (breastfeeding)
Sequence of three nucleotides that together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA molecule
Disease caused by either a lack of insulin production or dysregulation of blood glucose
Hormone produced by beta cells in pancreas that induces glucose storage
Metabolic waste product excreted in urine
Thick filament protein of muscle tissue
Alimentary canal
Pathway in body which food travels while being digested and absorbed
Salivary glands
Glands that release enzymes to initiate digestive process in mouth
Muscle strain
Overstretching or tearing of a muscle
pulmonary circuit
part of the circulatory system that carries blood to and from the lungs
vessels that receive blood from the capillaries and merge to form veins
Status achieved when all of the systems in the body are in balance
Deepest layer of skin which contains blood vessels and fat tissues
Dehydration synthesis
Removal of water to create a covalent bond. Creates polymers
Mitral valve
Valve that separates left atrium from left ventricle
Connective tissue
Tissue that connects and supports different structures of the body
Group of tissues working together to perform a common function
Hormone released by the testes that induces spermatogenesis in males
Anterior pituitary
Endocrine gland that releases hormones that control other glands or act directly on a target
Structure in which male gametes are produced
Organelle that is responsible for breakdown of cellular waste products
Electron configuration
Description of the shells and subshells of all the electrons of an atom
Fibrous joints
Joints held together only by ligaments and not movable
Bulbourethral glands
Glands that secrete viscous fluid that lubricates male reproductive tract
description of lipid in which every carbon molecule is bound to 2 hydrogens
Organ that coordinates the nervous system
Peptide hormone
Signaling molecule composed of amino acids that binds to surface receptors initiating signaling cascade
Microbial protein
The skin
substances that are the outputs of chemical reactions
Hormone released by posterior pituitary that stimulate uterine contractions to initiate labor
Gastric juice
Liquid in stomach containing hydrochloric acid and enzymes
introduction of harmless organisms into body to spur the formation of memory cells and produce immunity
Process during which the endometrium is shed
Type of lipid that contains 3 fatty acid chains bound to a glycerol molecule
Thyroid disease caused by overproduction of thyroid hormones that may result in weight loss
Controlled variables
Parameters that are held constant in an experiment that the effect of the independent can be observed
Pouch at the junction of the small and large intestines
posterior pituitary
endocrine gland that releases hormones that act directly on a target
Autoimmune disease
Disease in which the adaptive immune system targets healthy body cells (Type 1 diabetes)
Granulocytes responsible for phagocytosing bacteria and mediating inflammatory responses
vital capacity
sum of the tidal, inspiratory reserve and expiratory reserve volumes of air in the lungs
B cell
Adaptive immune system cell that develops into a plasma cell and secretes 1 specific antibody
Diffusion rate
Speed of movement down a concentration gradient
Energy needed to increase temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 decree Celsius
self tolerant
description of the fact that a healthy adaptive immune system doesn’t respond to normal cellular antigens
Synthesis (direct combination) reaction
Chemical reaction in which more than 1 reactant component combines to form product
Decoding of mRNA by ribosome to produce specific amino acid chain
passage between cervix and external genitalia in females
Hormone released by the ovaries that induces the thickening of the endometrium
Process by which sperm are produced through meiotic division
Globular protein
Water soluble protein (Hemoglobin)
Addition of water to break a covalent bond releasing energy in a polymer
Muscular system
System of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle that permits movement and circulate blood
Efferent (motor) neurons
Neurons that carry sensory information from the central nervous system toward the muscles of the bo.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Autoimmune disease which immune cells attack cartilage in joints
Ovum (ova)
Female gamete or egg
Substance that are the inputs to chemical reactions
Intensive property that equals mass per unit volume
Hormone released by the adrenal cortex that induces sodium reabsorption in distal conv. Tubule
Closed circulatory system
Double loop path of the blood throughout the human body
Integumentary system
System of organs comprised of skin, hair, nails and accessory glands
Part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movement
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Genetic disorder that results in bones that are easily broken
Muscular tissue
Tissue that provides movement 3 types: skeletal, cardiac, smooth
measure of acidity or alkalinity
Chemical and mechanical breakdown of foods into smaller compounds that can be used by the body
Bowmans Capsule
Part of the nephron that surrounds the glomerulus
Granulocytes responsible for releasing histamine and mediating allergic reactions
Cell that digests dying cells, in spleen found most commonly
Nonpathogenic microbes that compete for resources with pathogenic organisms
Process of cell division that result in 2 identical daughter cells from a single parent
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Disease caused by human immunodeficienct virus (HIV)
Damage to muscle tissue due to inadequate blood flow
carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart
Division of the autonomic nervous system that returns the body to a resting state
Melting point
Temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid
Treelike extensions of the neurons cell body that receive electrochemical stimulation from other neurons
Substance composed of molecules containing atoms of different elements
1 of 2 or more variations of a single gene
type of lipid that contains 2 fatty acids bound to a hydrophilic phosphate group
Cardiac muscle
Muscle tissue located in the heart and under involuntary contraction
Antimicrobial peptides
Broad – spectrum antimicrobials secreted to kill many bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens to prevent inf.
Process by which solid substance liquefies due to introduction of heat
Positively charged or negatively charged atom or combination of atoms
scientific method
stepwise process used by researchers to design and execute experiment
Cytoxic T cell
An antigen – specific killer T cell that circulates in the blood and lymph systems
Chronic high blood pressure
sciatic nerve
spinal nerve that enervate the leg
General descriptive term for elements on left side of periodic table, malleable and ductile
Dissolving in water
Covalent bond
Bond created by the sharing of electrons
Allele that expressed in phenotype of offspring only if the offspring has 2 copies of that trait
Extensive properties
Physical properties that depend upon the amount of matter being measured
Originating where the trachea splits, passages that carry air to the left and right lungs
Atomic number
Number of protons in the nucleus of an element
Compact bone
Denser tissue that comprises the shaft of long bones, supporting the body and storing calcium
Changing only one variable in an experiment, control is constant
Flat bones
Bones that provide protection to internal organs
Male gamete
Rough Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Organelle that is studded with ribosomes and is responsible for translation of proteins in/out of cell
Graduated cylinder
Narrow vessel used to quickly measure liquid volume
Chemical equation
Symbolic representation of the reactants and products in a chemical reaction
Membrane bound compartment in a cell the performs a specific function
Negatively charged ion
Phase of cardiac cycle in which muscular contraction propels blood
vas deferens
channel that connects the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
Enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by insufficient iodine intake
Narrowing of the arteries due to plaque buildup
First step of gene expression, segment of DNA is copied into mRNA
Protein that catalyzes chemical reaction in the body by lowering activation energy
Immune system
Protects the body from foreign pathogens
Process by which a liquid changes into a gas due to an increase in temperature and or pressure
Atomic mass unit
Unit used to delineate the mass of an element
Terminal part of the small intestine and location of b12 absorption
Fatty acid
Hydrocarbon chain that ends in a carboxyl group
hormone released by posterior pituitary in response to high blood osmolarity. Increase water abs.
Periodic table
Table of all elements ordered in specific rows and columns
Property of having excess (H+) ions
Hormone released by the adrenal medulla that induces the fight or flight response
Division of the autonomic nervous system that manages the “fight or flight” response
Bone cell that breaks down bone
Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
plasma cell
mature B cell that secretes a pathogen specific antibody
Property of polar molecules to attract other substancevs
Critical point
Point on a phase diagram at which gas and liquid phases of a substance have the same density
Form of inheritance in which both alleles are independently expressed
Body temperature elevated above normal
Circulatory system
System of organs responsible for moving blood throughout the body to enable nutrient delivery and waste r.
Random error
Uncertainty introduced into a experiment due to imprecision in measurement
Smallest component of an element that retains the properties of that element
Site in the testes where sperm mature and are stored
Outermost layer of skin which serves as a barrier to infections from environment/ reg. heat loss
Apocrine glands
Sweat glands that are not active until puberty and are found in armpits, nipples, groin( N.A.G)
Organelle that organizes all of the microtubules in a cell
Metric system
Decimal measuring system based on the meter, liter, and gram as units of length, volume and weight or mass
Cluster of porus capillaries through which blood components are filtered into the nephron
Passing of traits or characteristics from parents to offspring through the inheritance of genes
Adrenal glands
Endocrine glands located above the kidneys that secrete hormones. Reg. blood pressure and fluid balance
Ejaculatory Duct
Site where secretions from different glands are mixed with sperm to produce sperm
Nervous system
Transmits and coordinates signals between different parts of body, allowing body to sense ext./int.
fluid made by the kidneys that is expelled from body. Contains water and urea
Nervous tissue
Tissue provides structure for brain, spinal cord, nerves and transmits electrical impulse
Bone cell that senses mechanical stress and regulates osteoblasts and osteoclasts
Peptide bond
Bond linking amino groups in proteins formed by removing water from the carboxyl and amino groups
Concentric rings of the mineralized matrix that makes up the osteon
Amino acid
Protein monomer consisting of an amino group, carboxyl group, hydrogen, and side chain
Multiple sclerosis
Demyelinating disorder that results in uncoordinated muscle movement
Neuromuscular junction
Synapse between a motor neuron and muscle fiber
Functional unit of bone
Master regulatory gland of the endocrine system
Esophageal sphincter
Ring shaped muscle that tightens to separate the stomach and esophagus
Aqueous solution
Substance dissolved in water
Process by which a substance in a liquid transitions into a solid due to removal of heat
Substance that is dissolved in another substance
Mechanical digestion
The physical breaking down of food into smaller pieces
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Released by anterior pituitary that triggers ovaries to produce estrogen and testes to produce testosterone
Polysaccharide composed of glucose and stored as a form of energy
Description of a reaction that consumes heat
Fibrous protein
Non water soluble protein (keratin and collagen)
Organelle with double membrane structure responsible for production of ATP
Hyaline cartilage
Strong flexible tissue that covers articulating surfaces of bones to cushion them at joints
Genetic makeup of an individual, including both dominant and recessive alleles
Glucose polymer that is part of starch
Epiphyseal plate
Site of new bone growth
Capacity of a material to be manipulated into different shapes
Hair follicles
Columns in the skin that have a large concentration of keratin producing cells
Wavelike contraction of muscles that move’s material along digestive tract
Body temperature that is below normal
Forms exoskeleton of arthropods
These attach bone to bone at joints
Process that releases an ovum from the ovarian follicle
Fibrous connective tissue that joins muscle to bone
Hormone released by the thyroid gland that decreases blood calcium
Negative feedback
Signaling loop in which end product leads to the production of less product. Most common feedback
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids that make up living organisms
Renal corpuscle
Blood filtering portion of the nephron comprised of the glomerulus and Bowmans capsule
Hydrocarbon chain
Long strand of hydrogen and carbon atoms in a lipid
polar molecules
molecules that have slight asymmetrical positive and negative charges
each of a pair of tough membranes surrounding the lungs
Dihybrid cross
Mating between 2 individuals with different alleles of each of 2 genes
Hormone released by the pineal gland to regulate sleep
SI System
Units of measure Meter, liter, gram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela
Hormones released by anterior pituitary that inhibit the perception of pain
Bone marrow
Site of red blood cells and lymphocyte production
Innate immune system cells containing reactive oxygen compounds and cytokines
Chemical messenger that signals to nearby cells the presence of a foreign pathogen, activates defensive meas.
Action potentials
Rapid polarization of a nerve cell that generates a nerve impulse
Part of the brain that coordinates movement and balance
Latent heat of fusion
Heat required for a substance to transition from a solid to a liquid at a constant temperature
Short segment of DNA that codes for a single protein or trait
Expiratory reserve volume
Quantity of air that can be additionally exhaled following normal exhalation
Microscopic protrusions in the membrane of the intestine that increase surface area for absorp.
Polymer that results when 2 monosaccharaides undergo dehydration synthesis
First part of the small intestine
Condition of having too few platelets that can cause excessive bleeding
Direct hormones
Hormones that function directly on a target to initiate a response
Protein and phospholipid coating that insulates nerve fibers and increase speed at which electrical impulse tran
Efferent arteriole
Blood vessel that exits the glomerulus
Large strands of DNA in the nucleus that each contain several genes
Disease of bone characterized by loss of bone mineral density
Flap of cartilage in the pharynx that prevents food from entering the trachea
Chemical digestion
Breaking down of food at the molecular level by means of enzymes or acid
Active site
Part of an enzyme suited to bond with a substrate
Innate arm
Part of the immune system that responds quickly to pathogens but does not form memory cells
Microscopic channels connecting the lacunae
Hollow organ below esophagus where mechanical and chemical digestion occur
Breakdown of the alveoli leading to increased difficulty breathing
Autonomic nervous system
Part of the nervous system that sends and receives signals from smooth and cardiac muscle
Signaling molecule that travels through blood to enact a change when bound to receptor
Substance in which another substance is dissolved
Relationship between 2 events or states such that one brings about the other
Triple beam balance
Device used to make precise measurements of weight
Physical matter that has uniform properties
Type of matter w/ a defined volume but not defined shape able to flow and change shape depending on surf.
Organs that filter blood to remove excess waste and water from the body
dividing point between trachea and esophagus, where the throat sense the presence of food/ swallowing
Motor unit
Group of muscle fibers enervated by a single motor neuron
Sudoriferous glands
Sweat glands
Monohybrid cross
Mating between 2 individuals with different allels of 1 gene
Golgi apparatus
Organelle that is responsible for the sorting and packing of cellular proteins
Cilia (of the cell)
Membranous protrusions used for cellular movement or to increase surface area
Description of a cell containing 2 complete sets of chromosomes one from each parent
Parathyroid hormone
Hormone that released by the parathyroid gland that increases blood calcium levels
Male reproductive organ
Pure type of matter that cannot be separated into different types of matter by ordinary chemical means
Cilia (respiratory tract)
Hair like follicles that move mucus and other particles up and out of the lungs
Type of cell that has a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Form in which nucleotides function as a source of energy
Active immunity
Production of antibodies by plasma cells
Systemic circuit
Part of the circulatory system that carries oxygenated blood away from left ventricle, returns deoxygenated
Monomer for nucleic acids
Fascicle (muscle)
Bundle of muscle fibers that is surrounded by connective tissue
Fallopian tubes
Tubes that connect ovaries to the uterus. Site of fertilization
Central nervous system
Part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord
Intermolecular forces
Forces that cause particles to be attracted to one another or repulsed
Octet rule
Principle that most atoms will seek to have eight valence electrons
Neutral atom
Atom that has the same number of protons and electrons
Lactic acid
Substance produced by muscular contractions and changes muscle tissue pH,
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
Hormone released by anterior pituitary acts on adrenal glands to stimulate hormone release
Growth hormone
Hormone released by the anterior pituitary that induces growth of the organism
Spinal nerves
Nerves that transmit sensory and motor signals between spinal cord and body
Steroid hormone
Signaling molecule derived from cholesterol, initiates host cell transcription and protein transl.
Urinary bladder
Hollow muscular organ that stores urine prior to its being expelled from body
Reproductive cell
Inspiratory reserve volume
Quantity of air that can be additionally inhaled following normal inhalation
Middle part of the small intestine where most nutrient absorption occurs
Latent heat
Heat required for a substance to undergo a phase transition at constant temperature
Genitourinary system
System of organs responsible for removing toxins and waste, maintaining water balance, BP, pH
Decomposition reaction
Chemical reaction in which a molecule is broken down into its component parts
chambers of the heart that collect and expel blood from the heart
Cellular structure composed of RNA and protein that translates messenger RNA into proteins
Alkalinity (basicity)
Property of having excess (OH-) ions
Cranial nerves
Nerves that reach the interior of the brain with each set of cranial nerves having a specific function
T (transverse) tubules
Tunnel like extensions of the muscle membrane found in skeletal/ cardiac muscle allows conduction/ impulse
Epithelial tissue
Covers the body and produces secretions
Brain stem
Part of the nervous system that connects the cerebrum to the spinal cord and controls involuntary bod.
Description of an allele that hides the expression of the recessive allele in phenotype of the offspring
Macromolecule that is a sugar or starch containing carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen
Sickle cell trait
Genetic blood condition that causes irregularly shaped red blood cells
Terminal end of the alimentary canal and the site of solid waste excretion
Duct through which urine is expelled and in males semen flows to exit the body
Luteal phase
Phase in menstrual cycle that starts following ovulation which produces progesterone to prep ovum
Protein that bonds to viral antigen
Nucleic acid
Macromolecule that supplies genetic material
Part of the brain that regulates involuntary functions such as breathing, swallowing, heart
Cylindrical shaft of a long bone
Tropic hormones
Hormones that function on targets to stimulate hormone release
Disease of the joints caused by the breakdown of cartilage
Renal arteries
Vessels that carry blood from heart to kidneys
Smooth muscle
Type of muscle tissue located in hollow organs and blood vessels and responsible for inv. Muscle contract.
cell fragments that mitigate bleeding by forming blood clots
Single displacement reaction
Chemical reaction where 1 element or molecular ion is replaced by a different element or ion
Condition characterized by low levels of hemoglobin in the blood
Long bones
Bones that support weight of body and enable movement. Hollow filled with marrow and longer> wide
Small sacs in the lungs that are the site of gas exchange, facilitated by walls only 1 cell layer thick
Phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart muscle relaxes
visible characteristics of an individual determined by genotype
Branches of the arteries
Functional unit of kidney and site of blood filtration
Cardiac cycle
Period between the start of one heartbeat and the beginning of the next
State (of matter)
Distinct form assumed by matter Solid, liquid, gas
long chain of carbohydrate monomers
Acetylcholine (AC h)
Neurotransmitter that triggers contraction of skeletal muscle
Spinal cord
Cylindrical column of nerves that runs through the center of the spine
Middle layer of skin which contains nerve endings, capillaries, glands, hair follicles, and other structures
Fibrous sheath that surrounds and protects a bone
Simple diffusion
Movement of membrane permeable solutes down a concentration gradient
Final portion of large intestine
Thyroid disease caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormones resulting in weight gain and fatigue
Substance with weak intermolecular forces that does not have definite shape or volume
Cystic fibrosis
Genetic disorder by thick mucus, difficulty breathing, and chronic lung infections
engulf and destroy a pathogen
hormone released by corpus luteum that maintains the endometrium
structure that facilitate gas and nutrient exchange between mother and developing fetus
Eccrine glands
Primary sweat glands of the body
multiple monomers joined together
Thyroid hormones
Released by thyroid that regulate metabolism
Respiratory system
System of organs that oxygenate blood and release carbon dioxide
macromolecule composed of amino acids
Movement of a substance such as nutrients from the intestine into the bloodstream
Activation energy
Energy required for a chemical reaction to occur
Helper T cell
Cell that activates other adaptive immune cells
Ducts by which urine passes from kidney to bladder
Hepatic portal vein
Vein that carries blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Virus responsible for AIDS
Intramolecular forces
Bonds that hold a molecule together
seminiferous tubules
site in testes where sperm are produced
valence electrons
electrons in outermost orbital of an atom
Cartilaginous joints
Meeting of bones at a connection made of cartilage that is partly movable
Peripheral nervous system
Nerves outside brain and spinal cord, somatic and autonomic nervous systems
Not dissolving in water. Characteristic of hydrocarbon chains
Noble gas
Element in the group farthest to the right on the periodic table. Do not react with other elements
Solid with a high degree of molecular order
Describing lipid in which some carbon molecules are bound to 1 hydrogen and double bonded to adjacent carb.
Residual volume
Quantity of air remaining in the lungs at all times to prevent lung collapse
Afferent (sensory) neurons
Neurons that carry sensory information from the body toward the central nervous system
Irregular bones
Bones that vary in shape and structure
Description of a cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes
prostate gland
secretes alkaline fluid to enable sperm to survive in acidic reproductive tract of females
Follicular phase
Phase in the menstrual cycle in which the ovarian follicle matures
Column in the periodic table
Blood pressure
Pressure of blood in the circulatory system consisting of 2 measurements Systolic and diastolic
Directional terminology
Terms used to describe location of different parts of the body
Appendicular skeleton
Movable parts of the skeleton
Somatic nervous system
Part of the nervous system that sends and receives signals from skeletal muscle
Group of 2 or more atoms bonded together
Dendritic cell
Phagocytic cell that kills extracellular pathogens
Organ system
Group of organs working together to perform a specific function