Science Flashcards
Common bile duct
Tube that conveys bile from the gallbladder to the duodenum
Testable statement investigated in an experiment
Adaptive arm
Part of the immune system that is slower to activate in response to [pathogens but targets specific ones
phase diagram
graph that depicts pressure and temperature necessary for substance to undergo change in state
Tidal Volume
Quantity of air that moves during normal breathing
Detergent in lungs responsible for reducing surface tension to prevent lung collapse
Red blood cells
Negative pressure breathing
Inhalation of air due to a decreased pressure in lungs
Process by which gas undergoes a phase transition into a solid without going through liquid phase first
Tube that carries air from mouth and nasal cavities to lungs
Type of lipid that does not contain fatty acids
particles in nucleus of atom that have positive charge. Number of protons is elements atomic #
Matter that is composed of more than one substance
Cells working together for a common function
Intentional or unintentional skewing of experimental results to favor a particular outcome
Haversian canal
Hollow tube running down the length of osteons that contains blood vessels
Type of white blood cell that releases antibodies in response to disease
Smaller passages formed from branching of the bronchi that carry air to the alveoli
Cell that conducts electrical impulse allowing transmittance of information from 1 part to the other
Product of the liver that emulsifies fats
fingerlike projections that extend into the small intestine
Null hypothesis
Statement that assumes there is no causal relationship between independent variable
T Cell
Adaptive immune system cell, born in bone marrow and matured in thymus
Organ that propels blood through the circulatory system
substance that has been diffused into air as a gas at a temperature below its boiling point
Carbohydrate monomer
Glucose polymer that is part of starch
Tricuspid valve
Valve that separates right atrium and right ventricle
Ovarian follicle
Structure in the ovaries that contains a developing ovum
Process by which substances and gases are exchanged across a membrane
Non – metal
Element on the right side of the periodic table in group 5,6,7
positive feedback
signaling loop which the end product leads to production of more product
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Hormone released by anterior pituitary that triggers ovulation in females
Hormone produced by alpha cells in the pancreas that increases blood glucose
Spongy bone
Less dense tissue located at the ends of bones that contains bone marrow
Clear fluid that absorbs waste products
Type of oxidation reaction
Disease caused by inflammation and narrowing of the airway
urinary system
system of organs that filters blood and eliminates waste products through urine
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Organelle responsible for lipid synthesis and detoxification of cellular waste products and drugs
Protein in erythrocytes that facilitates gas exchange by binding to oxygen and carbon dioxide
Nucleus (of an atom)
Central core of an atom consisting of a proton and neutron
Lymph nodes
Small glands that filter lymph and contain high concentrations of lymphocytes
Description of a reaction that gives off heat
Molecular (polyatomic) ion
Molecule with an unbalanced charge due to loss or gain of electrons
Synovial joints
Most common joints in the body and capable of movement
sac that hangs outside the male body and contains the testes
Voice box
Part of the skull that houses the brain
Process where solid substance transitions into a gas without going through liquid phase
Row of the periodic table
Substance with a defined shape and volume
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Primary genetic material inside human cells that stores genetic information
Property of polar molecules to attract other molecules of the same substance
Boiling point
Temperature at which liquid boils, bubbles up and turns into vapor
Bone cell that builds bone
sebaceous glands
oil glands that secrete sebum, mixture of fats and proteins that prevents the skin/ hair dry out
Contractile component of myofibril, composed of actin and myosin
vagus nerve
cranial nerve that transmits signals from abdominal organs to brain and helps regulate parasympathetic resp.
Chemical properties
Characteristics of substances that effect how a substance interacts with other matter
Portion of the alimentary canal between the pharynx and the stomach
Triple point
Point at which temperature and pressure allow substance to be a solid, liquid, gas
Natural killer (NK) cell
Attacks and kills cells that contain intracellular pathogens or display abnormal surface antigens
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
Macromolecule that translates DNA into form that can be read to create proteins
seminal vesicles
glands that secrete fructose containing liquid to nourish sperm
Degenerative joint disease characterized by loss of cartilage in a joint
Oxidation reaction
Chemical reaction in which a reactant combines with oxygen
Anatomical planes
Divisions of the body into distinct halves. 3 main planes are coronal, sagittal and transverse
Gastrointestinal system
System of organs that converts food into nutrients that body can use
Intensive properties
Physical properties that are independent of the amount of matter being measured
Positively charged ion
Surfactant insufficiency
Genetic disorder caused by mutation in 1 of surfactant proteins that makes breathing difficult
Latent heat of vaporization
Heat required for substance to transition from liquid to a gas
Cell body of a neuron
Anal sphincter
Ring shaped muscle that tightens to control the excretion of solid waste from digestive tract
Opening that connects the vagina and uterus
Junction between axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another
Enzyme that degrades bacterial cell walls and cause them to lyse. Saliva, tears and mucus
Digestive system
System of organs that breaks down foods into nutrients the body can use
Specific heat capacity
Amount of energy needed to change the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree Celsius
pleural fluid
lubricate pleural membranes
Particles orbiting the nucleus of an atom that have a negative electronic charge
Protein in cells that recognizes a specific signaling molecule
Corpus callosum
Band of nerve fibers that connects the right and left hemispheres of the cerebrum
Polysaccharide composed of glucose polymers and found in structural material of plants
hormone released by anterior pituitary that acts on mammary gland of females induce milk production
Having 2 different alleles for a trait
Skeletal muscle
System of bones and other tissues that protects organs, creates blood cells, provides framework of muscles
Lymphatic system
Network of capillaries that drains toxins and wastes away from body tissue into the blood
Incomplete dominance
Form of inheritance in which both heterozygous alleles are expressed
Decrease in blood pH
Granulocytes responsible for killing parasites
Building blocks of macromolecules
Independent variable
Parameter that is thought to affect the dependent variable and is changed between groups
Renal tubule
Part of the nephron where blood components are reabsorbed into bloodstream
Artery that carries blood pumped from the left ventricle of the heart into systemic circulation
Substance that enhances a chemical reaction but remains unchanged upon completion of the reaction
Ionic bond
Bond created by the transfer of electrons
Blood vessels, smallest in body that receive blood from arterioles and return to venules
Pyloric sphincter
A ring shaped muscle that tightens to separate the stomach from the small intestine
Ability to produce same results from independent experiments
Process that leads to swelling produces fevers and recruits immune cells
One substance that is dissolved in another
Particles in the nucleus of an atom that have no electrical charge
influx of positive charge inside a nerve cell that triggers an action potential
Electronic balance
Device used to make very precise measurements of weight
plasma membrane
semipermeable lipid bilayer that surrounds a cell and controls movement of solutes in/ out cell
Bodys immune system, ability to remember a pathogen that has been previously encountered
Reproductive system
System of organs that produce gametes and facilitate fertilization
ventilation rate
rate of inhalation and exhalation per minute
Aqueous mixture of proteins and other biological molecules surrounds the organelles in a cell
Polysaccharide composed of glucose polymers and stored as energy in plants
polypeptide chain
multiple amino acids linked by peptide bonds and proteins primary structure
Glandular lymphoid organ in which T cells mature
Increase in blood pressure
Process by which ova are produced by meiotic division
Designation of group of orbitals that has a maximum capacity for electrons
Endocrine system
System of organs that produce and releases hormones that control many bodily functions
Congestive heart failure
Condition in which the heart can no longer pump blood effectively
Inferior vena cava
Vein that carries deoxygenated blood to the heart. largest vein in the body
short bones
bones that provide stability and some movement and are wider than they are flat
Basic unit of a muscle cell that extends the length of the muscle
Vessels that carry blood under relatively high pressure from the heart
Chemical messengers that carry the nerve impulse across a synapse
Atrioventricular valves
Valves that separate the atria and ventricle in the heart
Highly vascularized lining of the uterus
Foreign infectious agent
Ends of a long bone
Dependent variable
Parameter that is thought to be affected by the independent variable and is measured in an experiment
Process of vapor or gas converting into a liquid
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Hormone released by anterior pituitary that acts on thyroid to stimulate hormone release
Macromolecule containing hydrocarbon chains
Complement system
System composed of multiple proteins in the blood that can be recruited by antibodies cause lysis
Chambers of the heart that receive blood returning to the heart
Synovial fluid
Lubricating fluid found in synovial joints
Optic nerve
Cranial nerve that transmits visual stimuli from the eye to the brain
Spaces in the lamellae where bone cells reside
Measuring wheel
Device consisting of a single wheel attached to handle and meant to be pushed along to measure
Having to alleles of the same time
electron subshells that share the same principle energy level
Pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
Common proteins and carbohydrates found on surface of pathogens that are not specific to 1 protein
Total lung capacity
Maximum volume of air that can reside in the lungs
Fat tissue
Peripheral nerve damage that leads to muscle weakness and even paralysis
Thin filament protein of muscle tissue
Muscle fatigue
Result of exerting a muscle strenuously over a long period
Substructure within the nucleus where ribosomes are assembled
Process of cell division in which the original cell divides twice and 4 resulting cells
Afferent arteriole
Blood vessel that enters the glomerulus
Organic molecule
Molecule containing carbon that is found in living things
Chewed food
Nucleus (of a cell)
Site of DNA storage, as well as DNA replication and RNA transcription within cell
Part of the nerve cell that carries messages away from the cell body
Particular type of diffusion in which an imbalance is corrected by means of migration of the solvent
Axial skeleton
Part of the skeletal system that provides the general framework of the body Ex: (Skull)
physical properties
characteristics of substances that can be observed or measured and unrelated to chemical change
Control group
Group that is identical to the experimental group in that the independent variable is not changed
Double displacement reaction
Chemical reaction in which 2 elements or molecular ions switch places
White blood cells, part of the bodies immune system
Description of the potential path of an electron
Designed procedure used to test a hypothesis
Contents of the stomach as they exit that organ
Corpus luteum
Structure that develops from the ruptured follicle and secretes progesterone
Large intestine
Small intestine
Part of alimentary canal below stomach where digestion is completed and nutrient absorption
Punnett Square
Graphical tool used to calculate the probabilities of inheritance
Presence of blood in the urine, damage to the urinary tract or kidney
liquid component of blood in which other components are suspended
Shrinkage of myofibrils resulting from disuse of a muscle
Experimental group
Scientific study for which the independent variable is changed
pulmonary veins
veins that return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
Passive immunity
Introduction of antibodies from an external source (breastfeeding)
Sequence of three nucleotides that together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA molecule
Disease caused by either a lack of insulin production or dysregulation of blood glucose
Hormone produced by beta cells in pancreas that induces glucose storage
Metabolic waste product excreted in urine
Thick filament protein of muscle tissue
Alimentary canal
Pathway in body which food travels while being digested and absorbed
Salivary glands
Glands that release enzymes to initiate digestive process in mouth
Muscle strain
Overstretching or tearing of a muscle
pulmonary circuit
part of the circulatory system that carries blood to and from the lungs
vessels that receive blood from the capillaries and merge to form veins
Status achieved when all of the systems in the body are in balance
Deepest layer of skin which contains blood vessels and fat tissues
Dehydration synthesis
Removal of water to create a covalent bond. Creates polymers
Mitral valve
Valve that separates left atrium from left ventricle
Connective tissue
Tissue that connects and supports different structures of the body
Group of tissues working together to perform a common function
Hormone released by the testes that induces spermatogenesis in males
Anterior pituitary
Endocrine gland that releases hormones that control other glands or act directly on a target
Structure in which male gametes are produced
Organelle that is responsible for breakdown of cellular waste products
Electron configuration
Description of the shells and subshells of all the electrons of an atom
Fibrous joints
Joints held together only by ligaments and not movable
Bulbourethral glands
Glands that secrete viscous fluid that lubricates male reproductive tract
description of lipid in which every carbon molecule is bound to 2 hydrogens
Organ that coordinates the nervous system
Peptide hormone
Signaling molecule composed of amino acids that binds to surface receptors initiating signaling cascade
Microbial protein
The skin