sarsour review Flashcards
____ and ____ are the main energy sources
carbohydrates and fats
last energy resort
amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1°C
basal metabolic rate
energy involved in normal body functions (e.g. cardiac function, maintaining ion pumps, etc.) and primarily depends on body weight
24 x body weight in kg …………….. (kcal/day)
1 kg = 2.2 lbs
average daily intake level required to meet the needs of 97-98% of people in a particular category
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA)
average daily intake level of a nutrient that will meet the needs of half of the people in a particular category
estimated average requirement (EAR)
recommended average daily intake level for a nutrient
*used when te RDA is not yet established*
adequate intake (AI)
highest average daily intake level that is not likely to have adverse effects on the health of most people
tolerable upper intake level (UL)
average dietary energy intake (kcal) to maintain energy balance
*based on age, gender, weight, height, level of physical activity*
estimated energy requirement (EER)
portion of the energy intake that should come from each macronutrient
acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR)
morbidly obeses
weight (kg) / height (m^2)
18.5 - 24.9
25 - 29.9
30 - 39.9
> 40
- ____ malnutrition
- is the most common form of ____ malnutrition in nutritional emergencies, and can lead to death
- characterized by severe wasting of ____ and ____ which the body breaks down to make energy
- wasting can affect both ____ and ____
- protein-calorie
- acut
- fat and muscle
- children and adults
- in ____ patients
- causes predominant loss of ____ and might be life threatening
- characterized by ____ and muscle protein breakdown that occurs earlier than in common protein malnutrition due to increased muscle ____ and reduced muscle protein ____
- characterized by increased activity of ____ ____ such as TNF-a, IFN-gamma, and IL-6. they stimulate the NF-kB pathway which leads to protein degradation through ubiquitin pathway
- there is ____ resistance related to increased glucocorticoid secretion
- cancer
- muscle
- anorexia, catabolism, synthesis
- proinflammatory cytokines
- insulin
what is a fad
no basis in qualities of actual object/thing
appeals to emotion over reason
promoted for reasons other than health
characteristics of fad diets
quick weight loss
specific food category or type
reviews from famous people
advertises as “cure for all”
not scientific