san andreas fault case study Flashcards
what case study
2019 ridgecrest earthquake sequence, california
when did the earthquakes occur
first- july 4
second- july 5 2019
magnitude of earthquakes
first- 6.4
second- 7.1
deaths and injuries
no deaths, 40 injured
california eq preparedness plans
-california has stringent earthquake resistant building codes
-local community had access to resources and training through programmes organisations e.g. American Red Cross
swiss cheese model
-the ShakeAlert system didnt go off due to proximity to epicentre and 6.4 mag didnt trigger alert
-old buildings constructed before seismic standard were vulnerable
-remote location challanged coordination of resources (near base of mountain ranges)
-san adreas fault
-base of mountain ranges
how many buildings destroyed
-appox 200 homes severely damaged or destroyed in ridgecrest